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(enable to continue)

  • 1 go

    1. intransitive verb,
    pres. he goes, p.t. went, pres. p. going, p.p. gone
    1) gehen; [Fahrzeug:] fahren; [Flugzeug:] fliegen; [Vierfüßer:] laufen; [Reptil:] kriechen; (on horseback etc.) reiten; (on skis, roller skates) laufen; (in wheelchair, pram, lift) fahren

    go by bicycle/car/bus/train or rail/boat or sea or ship — mit dem [Fahr]rad/Auto/Bus/Zug/Schiff fahren

    go by plane or air — fliegen

    go on foot — zu Fuß gehen; laufen (ugs.)

    as one goes [along] — (fig.) nach und nach

    do something as one goes [along] — (lit.) etwas beim Gehen od. unterwegs tun

    go on a journey — eine Reise machen; verreisen

    go first-class/at 50 m.p.h. — erster Klasse reisen od. fahren/80 Stundenkilometer fahren

    have far to goweit zu gehen od. zu fahren haben; es weit haben

    the doll/dog goes everywhere with her — sie hat immer ihre Puppe/ihren Hund dabei

    who goes there?(sentry's challenge) wer da?

    there you go(coll., giving something) bitte!; da! (ugs.)

    2) (proceed as regards purpose, activity, destination, or route) [Bus, Zug, Lift, Schiff:] fahren; (use means of transportation) fahren; (fly) fliegen; (proceed on outward journey) weg-, abfahren; (travel regularly) [Verkehrsmittel:] verkehren (from... to zwischen + Dat.... und)

    his hand went to his pocketer griff nach seiner Tasche

    go to the toilet/cinema/moon/a museum/a funeral — auf die Toilette/ins Kino gehen/zum Mond fliegen/ins Museum/zu einer Beerdigung gehen

    go to the doctor['s] — etc. zum Arzt usw. gehen

    go [out] to China — nach China gehen

    go [over] to America — nach Amerika [hinüber]fliegen/-fahren

    go [off] to London — nach London [ab]fahren/[ab]fliegen

    go this/that way — hier/da entlanggehen/-fahren

    go out of one's way — einen Umweg machen; (fig.) keine Mühe scheuen

    go towards something/somebody — auf etwas/jemanden zugehen

    don't go on the grassgeh nicht auf den Rasen

    go by something/somebody — [Festzug usw.:] an etwas/jemandem vorbeiziehen; [Bus usw.:] an etwas/jemandem vorbeifahren

    go in and out [of something] — [in etwas (Dat.)] ein- und ausgehen

    go into somethingin etwas (Akk.) [hinein]gehen

    go chasing after something/somebody — hinter etwas/jemandem herrennen (ugs.)

    go and do something — [gehen und] etwas tun

    I'll go and get my coatich hole jetzt meinen Mantel

    go and see whether... — nachsehen [gehen], ob...

    go on a pilgrimageetc. eine Pilgerfahrt usw. machen

    go on TV/the radio — im Fernsehen/Radio auftreten

    I'll go! — ich geh schon!; (answer phone) ich geh ran od. nehme ab; (answer door) ich mache auf

    you go! (to the phone) geh du mal ran!

    3) (start) losgehen; (in vehicle) losfahren

    let's go!(coll.) fangen wir an!

    here goes!(coll.) dann mal los!

    whose turn is it to go?(in game) wer ist an der Reihe?

    go first (in game) anfangen

    from the word go(fig. coll.) [schon] von Anfang an

    a shiver went up or down my spine — ein Schauer lief mir über den Rücken od. den Rücken hinunter

    go to(be given to) [Preis, Sieg, Gelder, Job:] gehen an (+ Akk.); [Titel, Krone, Besitz:] übergehen auf (+ Akk.); [Ehre, Verdienst:] zuteil werden (Dat.)

    go towards(be of benefit to) zugute kommen (+ Dat.)

    go according to(be determined by) sich richten nach

    5) (make specific motion, do something specific)

    go round[Rad:] sich drehen

    there he etc. goes again — (coll.) da, schon wieder!

    here we go again(coll.) jetzt geht das wieder los!

    6) (act, work, function effectively) gehen; [Mechanismus, Maschine:] laufen

    get the car to godas Auto ankriegen (ugs.) od. starten

    at midnight we were still goingum Mitternacht waren wir immer noch dabei od. im Gange

    keep going(in movement) weitergehen/-fahren; (in activity) weitermachen; (not fail) sich aufrecht halten

    keep somebody going(enable to continue) jemanden aufrecht halten

    make something go, get/set something going — etwas in Gang bringen


    go to(attend)

    go to church/school — in die Kirche/die Schule gehen

    go to a comprehensive school — eine Gesamtschule besuchen; auf eine Gesamtschule gehen

    8) (have recourse)

    go to the relevant authority/UN — sich an die zuständige Behörde/UN wenden

    where do we go from here?(fig.) und was nun? (ugs.)

    9) (depart) gehen; [Bus, Zug:] [ab]fahren; [Post:] rausgehen (ugs.)

    I must be going nowich muss allmählich gehen

    time to go! — wir müssen/ihr müsst usw. gehen!

    to go(Amer.) [Speisen, Getränke:] zum Mitnehmen

    10) (euphem.): (die) sterben
    11) (fail) [Gedächtnis, Kräfte:] nachlassen; (cease to function) kaputtgehen; [Maschine, Computer usw.:] ausfallen; [Sicherung:] durchbrennen; (break) brechen; [Seil usw.:] reißen; (collapse) einstürzen; (fray badly) ausfransen
    12) (disappear) verschwinden; [Geruch, Rauch:] sich verziehen; [Geld, Zeit:] draufgehen (ugs.) (in, on für); (be relinquished) aufgegeben werden; [Tradition:] abgeschafft werden; (be dismissed) [Arbeitskräfte:] entlassen werden

    my coat/the stain has gone — mein Mantel/der Fleck ist weg

    where has my hat gone?wo ist mein Hut [geblieben]?

    13) (elapse) [Zeit:] vergehen; [Interview usw.:] vorüber-, vorbeigehen

    to go(still remaining)

    have something [still] to go — [noch] etwas übrig haben

    one week etc. to go to... — noch eine Woche usw. bis...

    there's only another mile to go — [es ist] nur noch eine Meile

    one down, two to go — einer ist bereits erledigt, bleiben noch zwei übrig (salopp)

    15) (be sold) weggehen (ugs.); verkauft werden

    it went for £1 — es ging für 1 Pfund weg

    16) (run) [Grenze, Straße usw.:] verlaufen, gehen; (afford access, lead) gehen; führen; (extend) reichen; (fig.) gehen

    as or so far as he/it goes — soweit

    17) (turn out, progress) [Ereignis, Projekt, Interview, Abend:] verlaufen

    go against somebody/something — [Wahl, Kampf:] zu jemandes/einer Sache Ungunsten ausgehen; [Entscheidung, Urteil:] zu jemandes/einer Sache Ungunsten ausfallen

    how did your holiday/party go? — wie war Ihr Urlaub/Ihre Party?

    how is the book going? — was macht [denn] das Buch?

    things have been going well/badly/smoothly — etc. in der letzten Zeit läuft alles gut/schief/glatt usw.

    how are things going?, how is it going? — wie steht's od. (ugs.) läuft's?

    18) (be, have form or nature, be in temporary state) sein; [Sprichwort, Gedicht, Titel:] lauten

    this is how things go, that's the way it goes — so ist es nun mal

    go hungry — hungern; hungrig bleiben

    go without food/water — es ohne Essen/Wasser aushalten

    go in fear of one's life — in beständiger Angst um sein Leben leben; see also academic.ru/31520/go_against">go against

    19) (become) werden

    the constituency/York went Tory — der Wahlkreis/York ging an die Tories

    20) (have usual place) kommen; (belong) gehören

    where does the box go?wo kommt od. gehört die Kiste hin?

    where do you want this chair to go?wo soll od. kommt der Stuhl hin?

    21) (fit) passen

    go in[to] something — in etwas (Akk.) gehen od. [hinein]passen

    go through something — durch etwas [hindurch]gehen od. [hindurch]passen

    22) (harmonize, match) passen ( with zu)
    23) (serve, contribute) dienen

    the qualities that go to make a leader — die Eigenschaften, die einen Führer ausmachen

    it just goes to show that... — daran zeigt sich, dass...

    24) (make sound of specified kind) machen; (emit sound) [Turmuhr, Gong:] schlagen; [Glocke:] läuten

    There goes the bell. School is over — Es klingelt. Die Schule ist aus

    the fire alarm went at 3 a. m. — der Feueralarm ging um 3 Uhr morgens los

    25) as intensifier (coll.)

    don't go making or go and make him angry — verärgere ihn bloß nicht

    I gave him a £10 note and, of course, he had to go and lose it — (iron.) ich gab ihm einen 10-Pfund-Schein, und er musste ihn natürlich prompt verlieren

    now you've been and gone and done it!(coll.) du hast ja was Schönes angerichtet! (ugs. iron.)

    go tell him I'm ready(coll./Amer.) geh und sag ihm, dass ich fertig bin

    26) (coll.): (be acceptable or permitted) erlaubt sein; gehen (ugs.)

    everything/anything goes — es ist alles erlaubt

    it/that goes without saying — es/das ist doch selbstverständlich

    what he etc. says, goes — was er usw. sagt, gilt. See also going; gone

    2. transitive verb, forms as
    1) (Cards) spielen
    2) (coll.)

    go ites toll treiben; (work hard) rangehen

    go it! — los!; weiter!

    3. noun
    , pl. goes (coll.)
    1) (attempt, try) Versuch, der; (chance) Gelegenheit, die

    have a goes versuchen od. probieren

    have a go at doing something — versuchen, etwas zu tun

    let me have/can I have a go? — lass mich [auch ein]mal/kann ich [auch ein]mal? (ugs.)

    it's my goich bin an der Reihe od. dran

    in two/three goes — bei zwei/drei Versuchen


    have a go at somebody(scold) sich (Dat.) jemanden vornehmen od. vorknöpfen (ugs.); (attack) über jemanden herfallen

    3) (period of activity)

    he downed his beer in one goer trank sein Bier in einem Zug aus

    4) (energy) Schwung, der

    be full of govoller Schwung od. Elan sein

    5) (vigorous activity)
    6) (success)

    it's no goda ist nichts zu machen

    4. adjective
    Phrasal Verbs:
    * * *
    [ɡəu] 1. 3rd person singular present tense - goes; verb
    1) (to walk, travel, move etc: He is going across the field; Go straight ahead; When did he go out?) gehen
    2) (to be sent, passed on etc: Complaints have to go through the proper channels.) gehen
    3) (to be given, sold etc: The prize goes to John Smith; The table went for $100.) abgehen
    4) (to lead to: Where does this road go?) führen
    5) (to visit, to attend: He goes to school every day; I decided not to go to the movie.) gehen
    6) (to be destroyed etc: This wall will have to go.) verschwinden
    7) (to proceed, be done: The meeting went very well.) ablaufen
    8) (to move away: I think it is time you were going.) gehen
    9) (to disappear: My purse has gone!)
    10) (to do (some action or activity): I'm going for a walk; I'm going hiking next week-end.) im Begriff stehen, zu...
    11) (to fail etc: I think the clutch on this car has gone.) versagen
    12) (to be working etc: I don't think that clock is going.) gehen
    13) (to become: These apples have gone bad.) werden
    14) (to be: Many people in the world regularly go hungry.) sich befinden
    15) (to be put: Spoons go in that drawer.) gehören
    16) (to pass: Time goes quickly when you are enjoying yourself.) vorbeigehen
    17) (to be used: All her pocket-money goes on sweets.) draufgehen
    18) (to be acceptable etc: Anything goes in this office.) gehen
    19) (to make a particular noise: Dogs go woof, not miaow.) ertönen, machen
    20) (to have a particular tune etc: How does that song go?) gehen
    21) (to become successful etc: She always makes a party go.) erfolgreich
    2. noun
    1) (an attempt: I'm not sure how to do it, but I'll have a go.) der Versuch
    2) (energy: She's full of go.) der Schwung
    3. adjective
    1) (successful: That shop is still a going concern.) gutgehend
    2) (in existence at present: the going rate for typing manuscripts.) bestehend
    4. noun
    (permission: We'll start as soon as we get the go-ahead.) grünes Licht
    - go-getter
    - going-over
    - goings-on
    - no-go
    - all go
    - be going on for
    - be going on
    - be going strong
    - from the word go
    - get going
    - give the go-by
    - go about
    - go after
    - go against
    - go along
    - go along with
    - go around
    - go around with
    - go at
    - go back
    - go back on
    - go by
    - go down
    - go far
    - go for
    - go in
    - go in for
    - go into
    - go off
    - go on
    - go on at
    - go out
    - go over
    - go round
    - go slow
    - go steady
    - go through
    - go through with
    - go too far
    - go towards
    - go up
    - go up in smoke/flames
    - go with
    - go without
    - keep going
    - make a go of something
    - make a go
    - on the go
    * * *
    [gəʊ, AM goʊ]
    <goes, went, gone>
    1. (proceed) gehen; vehicle, train fahren; plane fliegen
    don't \go any closer — that animal is dangerous geh' nicht näher randas Tier ist gefährlich
    the bus \goes from Vaihingen to Sillenbuch der Bus verkehrt zwischen Vaihingen und Sillenbuch
    a shiver went down my spine mir fuhr ein Schauer über den Rücken
    you \go first! geh du zuerst!
    you \go next du bist als Nächste(r) dran!
    hey, I \go now he, jetzt bin ich dran! fam
    the doll \goes everywhere with him die Puppe nimmt er überallhin mit
    drive to the end of the road, \go left, and... fahren Sie die Straße bis zum Ende entlang, biegen Sie dann links ab und...
    \go south till you get to the coast halte dich südlich, bis du zur Küste kommst
    we have a long way to \go wir haben noch einen weiten Weg vor uns
    we've completed all of our goalswhere do we \go from here? wir haben all unsere Ziele erreicht — wie geht es jetzt weiter?
    the train hooted as it went into the tunnel der Zug pfiff, als er in den Tunnel einfuhr
    who \goes there? wer da?; (to dog)
    \go fetch it! hol'!
    to \go towards sb/sth auf jdn/etw zugehen
    to \go home nach Hause gehen
    to \go to hospital/a party/prison/the toilet ins Krankenhaus/auf eine Party/ins Gefängnis/auf die Toilette gehen
    to \go across to the pub rüber in die Kneipe gehen fam
    to \go to sea zur See gehen fam
    to \go across the street über die Straße gehen
    to \go aboard/ashore an Bord/Land gehen
    to \go below nach unten gehen
    to \go below deck unter Deck gehen
    to \go downhill ( also fig) bergab gehen
    to have it far to \go es weit haben
    to \go offstage [von der Bühne] abgehen
    to \go round sich akk drehen
    2. (in order to get)
    could you \go into the kitchen and get me something to drink, please? könntest du bitte in die Küche gehen und mir was zu trinken holen?
    would you \go and get me some things from the supermarket? würdest du mir ein paar Sachen vom Supermarkt mitbringen?
    I just want to \go and have a look at that antique shop over there ich möchte nur schnell einen Blick in das Antiquitätengeschäft da drüben werfen
    would you wait for me while I \go and fetch my coat? wartest du kurz auf mich, während ich meinen Mantel hole?
    I'll just \go and put my shoes on ich ziehe mir nur schnell die Schuhe on
    \go and wash your hands geh und wasch deine Hände
    she's gone to meet Brian at the station sie ist Brian vom Bahnhof abholen gegangen
    to \go and get some fresh air frische Luft schnappen gehen
    to \go to see sb jdn aufsuchen
    3. (travel) reisen
    have you ever gone to Africa before? warst du schon einmal in Afrika?
    to \go by bike/car/coach/train mit dem Fahrrad/Auto/Bus/Zug fahren
    to \go on a cruise eine Kreuzfahrt machen
    to \go on [a] holiday in Urlaub gehen
    to \go to Italy nach Italien fahren
    last year I went to Spain letztes Jahr war ich in Spanien
    to \go on a journey verreisen, eine Reise machen
    to \go by plane fliegen
    to \go on a trip eine Reise machen
    to \go abroad ins Ausland gehen
    4. (disappear) stain, keys verschwinden
    where have my keys gone? wo sind meine Schlüssel hin?
    ah, my tummy ache is gone! ah, meine Bauchschmerzen sind weg!
    I really don't know where all my money \goes ich weiß auch nicht, wo mein ganzes Geld hinverschwindet!
    half of my salary \goes on rent die Hälfte meines Gehaltes geht für die Miete drauf
    gone are the days when... vorbei sind die Zeiten, wo...
    here \goes my free weekend... das war's dann mit meinem freien Wochenende...
    all his money \goes on his car er steckt sein ganzes Geld in sein Auto
    there \goes another one! und wieder eine/einer weniger!
    hundreds of jobs will \go das wird Hunderte von Arbeitsplätzen kosten
    the president will have to \go der Präsident wird seinen Hut nehmen müssen
    that cat will have to \go die Katze muss verschwinden!
    all hope has gone jegliche Hoffnung ist geschwunden
    to \go adrift NAUT abtreiben, wegtreiben; ( fig) gestohlen werden
    one of my books has gone adrift from my desk eines meiner Bücher ist von meinem Schreibtisch verschwunden
    to \go missing BRIT, AUS verschwinden
    5. (leave) gehen
    we have to \go now [or it's time to \go] wir müssen jetzt gehen
    I must be \going ich muss jetzt allmählich gehen
    has she gone yet? ist sie noch da?
    the bus has gone der Bus ist schon weg; ( old)
    be gone! hinweg mit dir veraltet
    to let sth/sb \go, to let \go of sth/sb etw/jdn loslassen
    6. (do)
    to \go biking/jogging/shopping/swimming etc. Rad fahren/joggen/einkaufen/schwimmen etc. gehen
    to \go looking for sb/sth jdn/etw suchen gehen
    if you \go telling all my secrets,... wenn du hergehst und alle meine Geheimnisse ausplauderst,...
    don't you dare \go crying to your mum about this untersteh dich, deswegen heulend zu deiner Mama zu laufen
    to \go to church/a concert in die Kirche/ins Konzert gehen
    to \go to the cinema [or AM a movie] [or BRIT ( fam) the pictures] ins Kino gehen
    to \go to the doctor zum Arzt gehen
    to \go to kindergarten/school/university in den Kindergarten/in die Schule/auf die Universität gehen
    to \go on a pilgrimage auf Pilgerfahrt gehen
    I'll \go (phone) ich geh' ran; (door) ich mach' auf
    to \go as sth witch, pirate als etw gehen
    what shall I \go in? als was soll ich gehen?
    10. + adj (become) werden
    the line has gone dead die Leitung ist tot
    the milk's gone sour die Milch ist sauer
    the tyre has gone flat der Reifen ist platt
    my mind suddenly went blank ich hatte plötzlich wie ein Brett vorm Kopf sl
    I always \go red when I'm embarrassed ich werde immer rot, wenn mir etwas peinlich ist
    he described the new regulations as bureaucracy gone mad er bezeichnete die neuen Bestimmungen als Ausgeburt einer wild gewordenen Bürokratie
    I went cold mir wurde kalt
    she's gone Communist sie ist jetzt Kommunistin
    he's gone all environmental er macht jetzt voll auf Öko fam
    to \go bad food schlecht werden
    to \go bald/grey kahl/grau werden
    to \go bankrupt bankrottgehen
    to \go haywire (out of control) außer Kontrolle geraten; (malfunction) verrücktspielen fam
    to \go public an die Öffentlichkeit treten; STOCKEX an die Börse gehen
    to \go to sleep einschlafen
    11. + adj (be) sein
    to \go hungry hungern
    to \go thirsty dursten, durstig sein ÖSTERR
    to \go unmentioned/unnoticed/unsolved unerwähnt/unbemerkt/ungelöst bleiben
    12. (turn out) gehen
    how did your party \go? und, wie war deine Party?
    how's your thesis \going? was macht deine Doktorarbeit?
    how are things \going? und, wie läuft's? fam
    if everything \goes well... wenn alles gutgeht...
    things have gone well es ist gut gelaufen
    the way things \go wie das halt so geht
    the way things are \going at the moment... so wie es im Moment aussieht...
    to \go like a bomb ein Bombenerfolg sein fam
    to \go according to plan nach Plan laufen
    to \go from bad to worse vom Regen in die Traufe kommen
    to \go against/for sb election zu jds Ungunsten/Gunsten ausgehen
    to \go wrong schiefgehen, schieflaufen fam
    13. (pass) vergehen, verstreichen
    time seems to \go faster as you get older die Zeit scheint schneller zu vergehen, wenn man älter wird
    only two days to \go... nur noch zwei Tage...
    one week to \go till Christmas noch eine Woche bis Weihnachten
    in days gone by in längst vergangenen Zeiten
    two exams down, one to \go zwei Prüfungen sind schon geschafft, jetzt noch eine, dann ist es geschafft!
    I've three years to \go before I can retire mir fehlen noch drei Jahre bis zur Rente!
    14. (begin) anfangen
    ready to \go? bist du bereit?
    one, two, three, \go! eins, zwei, drei, los!
    we really must get \going with these proposals wir müssen uns jetzt echt an diese Konzepte setzen
    let's \go! los!
    here \goes! jetzt geht's los!
    15. (fail) kaputtgehen; hearing, health, memory nachlassen; rope reißen
    our computer is \going unser Computer gibt seinen Geist auf hum fam
    my jeans is gone at the knees meine Jeans ist an den Knien durchgescheuert
    her mind is \going sie baut geistig ganz schön ab! fam
    16. (die) sterben
    she went peacefully in her sleep sie starb friedlich im Schlaf
    17. (belong) hingehören
    I'll put it away if you tell me where it \goes ich räum's weg, wenn du mir sagst, wo es hingehört
    the silverware \goes in the drawer over there das Silber kommt in die Schublade da drüben
    those tools \go in the garage diese Werkzeuge gehören in die Garage
    that is to \go into my account das kommt auf mein Konto
    where do you want that to \go? wo soll das hin?
    that \goes under a different chapter das gehört in ein anderes Kapitel
    to \go to sb prize, house an jdn gehen; property auf jdn übergehen geh
    Manchester went to Labour Manchester ging an Labour
    19. (lead) road führen
    where does this trail \go? wohin führt dieser Pfad?
    20. (extend) gehen
    the meadow \goes all the way down to the road die Weide erstreckt sich bis hinunter zur Straße
    your idea is good enough, as far as it \goes... deine Idee ist so weit ganz gut,...
    the numbers on the paper \go from 1 to 10 die Nummern auf dem Blatt gehen von 1 bis 10
    21. (in auction) gehen
    I'll \go as high as £200 ich gehe bis zu 200 Pfund
    22. (function) watch gehen; machine laufen
    our business has been \going for twenty years unser Geschäft läuft seit zwanzig Jahren
    I'm not saying anything as long as the tape recorder is \going ich sage gar nichts, solange das Tonbandgerät läuft
    to \go slow ECON einen Bummelstreik machen; watch nachgehen
    to get sth \going [or to \go] [or to make sth \go] etw in Gang bringen
    to get a party \going eine Party in Fahrt bringen
    to get [or set] sb \going jdn in Fahrt bringen
    to keep \going person weitermachen; car weiterfahren
    come on! keep \going! ja, weiter! fam
    to keep sth \going etw in Gang halten; factory in Betrieb halten
    to keep a conversation \going eine Unterhaltung am Laufen halten
    to keep a fire \going ein Feuer am Brennen halten
    that thought kept me \going dieser Gedanke ließ mich durchhalten
    here's some food to keep you \going hier hast du erst mal was zu essen
    23. (have recourse) gehen
    to \go to court over sth wegen einer S. gen vor Gericht gehen
    to \go to the police zur Polizei gehen
    to \go to war in den Krieg ziehen
    24. (match, be in accordance)
    to \go [with sth] [zu etw dat] passen
    these two colours don't \go diese beiden Farben beißen sich
    to \go against logic unlogisch sein
    to \go against one's principles gegen jds Prinzipien verstoßen
    25. (fit)
    five \goes into ten two times [or five into ten \goes twice] fünf geht zweimal in zehn
    do you think all these things will \go into our little suitcase? glaubst du, das ganze Zeug wird in unseren kleinen Koffer passen? fam
    26. (be sold) weggehen fam
    \going, \going, gone! zum Ersten, zum Zweiten, [und] zum Dritten!
    pocketbooks are \going for $10 for the next two days in den nächsten zwei Tagen sind die Taschenbücher für 10 Dollar zu haben
    to \go to sb an jdn gehen
    to \go like hot cakes weggehen wie warme Semmeln fam
    to be \going cheap billig zu haben sein
    27. (serve, contribute)
    to \go [to sth] [zu etw dat] beitragen
    the money will \go to the victims of the earthquake das Geld ist für die Erdbebenopfer bestimmt
    this will \go towards your holiday das [Geld] ist für deinen Urlaub bestimmt
    your daughter's attitude only \goes to prove how much... die Einstellung deiner Tochter zeigt einmal mehr, wie sehr...
    28. (move) machen
    when I \go like this, my hand hurts wenn ich so mache, tut meine Hand weh
    \go like this with your hand to show that... mach so mit deiner Hand, um zu zeigen, dass...
    29. (sound) machen
    I think I heard the doorbell \go just now ich glaube, es hat gerade geklingelt
    there \goes the bell es klingelt
    ducks \go ‘quack’ Enten machen ‚quack‘
    with sirens \going ambulance mit heulender Sirene
    30. (accepted)
    anything \goes alles ist erlaubt
    that \goes for all of you das gilt für euch alle!
    31. (be told, sung) gehen; title, theory lauten
    I can never remember how that song \goes ich weiß nie, wie dieses Lied geht
    the story \goes that... es heißt, dass...
    the rumour \goes that... es geht das Gerücht, dass...
    as hospitals/things \go verglichen mit anderen Krankenhäusern/Dingen
    as things \go today it wasn't that expensive für heutige Verhältnisse war es gar nicht so teuer
    I really have to \go ich muss ganz dringend mal! fam
    I've gone and lost my earring ich habe meinen Ohrring verloren
    you've really gone and done it now! jetzt hast du aber was Schönes angerichtet! iron; (pej!)
    \go to hell! geh [o scher dich] zum Teufel! fam
    35. AM (in restaurant)
    do you want that pizza here or to \go? möchten Sie die Pizza hier essen oder mitnehmen?; AM
    I'd like a cheeseburger to \go, please ich hätte gerne einen Cheeseburger zum Mitnehmen
    36. (available)
    is there any beer \going? gibt es Bier?
    I'll have whatever is \going ich nehme das, was gerade da ist
    37. ( fam: treat)
    to \go easy on sb jdn schonend behandeln, jdn glimpflich davonkommen lassen
    to \go all out to do sth alles daransetzen, etw zu tun
    to \go Dutch getrennt zahlen
    easy come, easy \go ( prov) wie gewonnen, so zerronnen prov
    \go [and] get stuffed! ( fam) du kannst mich mal! fam
    to \go halves on sth sich dat etw je zur Hälfte teilen
    here we \go again ( fam) jetzt geht das wieder los! fam
    \go [and] take a running jump! mach bloß, dass du abhaust [o ÖSTERR verschwindest]! fam
    there you \go bitte schön!; (told you so) sag ich's doch! fam
    there he \goes again ( fam) jetzt fängt er schon wieder damit an! fam
    don't \go there ( fam) lass dich nicht darauf ein
    that \goes without saying das versteht sich von selbst
    to be \going to do sth etw tun werden
    we are \going to have a party tomorrow wir geben morgen eine Party
    he was \going to phone me this morning er wollte mich heute Morgen anrufen
    isn't she \going to accept the job after all? nimmt sie den Job nun doch nicht an?
    <goes, went, gone>
    to \go sth a route, a highway etw nehmen
    2. ( fam: say)
    to \go sth:
    she \goes to me: I never want to see you again! sie sagt zu mir: ich will dich nie wieder sehen!
    to \go sth etw reizen
    to \go nap die höchste Zahl von Stichen ansagen
    to not \go much on sth sich dat nicht viel aus etw dat machen
    to \go sth:
    my mind went a complete blank ich hatte voll ein Brett vorm Kopf! fam
    to \go it alone etw im Alleingang tun
    to \go it ( fam) es toll treiben fam; (move quickly) ein tolles Tempo drauf haben; (work hard) sich akk reinknien
    to \go a long way lange [vor]halten
    sb will \go a long way jd wird es weit bringen
    to \go nap alles auf eine Karte setzen
    to \go it some es laufenlassen fam
    IV. NOUN
    <pl -es>
    I'll have a \go at driving if you're tired ich kann dich mit dem Fahren ablösen, wenn du müde bist fam
    you've had your \go already! du warst schon dran!
    hey, it's Ken's \go now he, jetzt ist Ken dran
    can I have a \go? darf ich mal?
    to miss one \go einmal aussetzen; (not voluntarily) einmal übersprungen werden
    2. (attempt) Versuch m
    have a \go! versuch' es doch einfach mal! fam
    at one \go auf einen Schlag; (drink) in einem Zug fam
    all in one \go alle[s] auf einmal
    at the first \go auf Anhieb
    to give sth a \go etw versuchen
    to have a \go at sb (criticize) jdn runtermachen fam; (attack) über jdn herfallen
    his boss had a \go at him about his appearance sein Chef hat sich ihn wegen seines Äußeren vorgeknöpft fam
    members of the public are strongly advised not to have a \go at this man die Öffentlichkeit wird eindringlich davor gewarnt, etwas gegen diesen Mann zu unternehmen
    to have a \go at doing sth versuchen, etw zu tun
    to have several \goes at sth für etw akk mehrere Anläufe nehmen
    3. no pl (energy) Antrieb m, Elan m
    to be full of \go voller Elan sein
    4. esp BRIT ( fam: dose) Anfall m
    she had such a bad \go of the flu that she took a week off from work sie hatte so eine schlimme Grippe, dass sie eine Woche in Krankenstand ging
    it's all \go here hier ist immer was los fam
    it's all \go and no relaxing on those bus tours auf diesen Busfahrten wird nur gehetzt und man kommt nie zum Ausruhen fam
    I've got two projects on the \go at the moment ich habe momentan zwei Projekte gleichzeitig laufen
    to be on the \go [ständig] auf Trab sein
    I've been on the \go all day long ich war den ganzen Tag auf Achse fam
    to keep sb on the \go jdn auf Trab halten fam
    to be all the \go BRIT ( dated fam) der letzte Schrei sein
    to make a \go of sth mit etw dat Erfolg haben
    she's making a \go of her new antique shop ihr neues Antiquitätengeschäft ist ein voller Erfolg fam
    that was a near \go das war knapp
    it's no \go da ist nichts zu machen
    to be touch and \go auf der Kippe stehen fam
    from the word \go von Anfang an
    pred [start]klar, in Ordnung
    all systems [are] \go alles klar
    all systems \go, take-off in t minus 10 alle Systeme zeigen grün, Start in t minus 10
    * * *
    go1 [ɡəʊ]
    A pl goes [ɡəʊz] s
    1. Gehen n:
    a) (ständig) in Bewegung oder auf Achse
    b) obs im Verfall begriffen, im Dahinschwinden;
    from the word go umg von Anfang an
    2. Gang m, (Ver)Lauf m
    3. umg Schwung m, Schmiss m umg:
    he is full of go er hat Schwung, er ist voller Leben
    4. umg Mode f:
    it is all the go now es ist jetzt große Mode
    5. umg Erfolg m:
    make a go of sth etwas zu einem Erfolg machen;
    a) kein Erfolg,
    b) aussichts-, zwecklos;
    it’s no go es geht nicht, nichts zu machen
    6. umg Abmachung f:
    it’s a go! abgemacht!
    7. umg Versuch m:
    have a go at sth etwas probieren oder versuchen;
    let me have a go lass mich mal (probieren)!;
    have a go at sb jemandem was zu hören geben umg;
    at one go auf einen Schlag, auf Anhieb;
    in one go auf einen Sitz;
    at the first go gleich beim ersten Versuch;
    it’s your go du bist an der Reihe oder dran
    8. umg ( besonders unangenehme) Sache, Geschichte f:
    what a go! ’ne schöne Geschichte oder Bescherung!, so was Dummes!;
    it was a near go das ging gerade noch (einmal) gut
    9. umg
    a) Portion f (einer Speise)
    b) Glas n:
    his third go of brandy sein dritter Kognak
    10. Anfall m (einer Krankheit):
    my second go of influenza meine zweite Grippe
    B adj TECH umg funktionstüchtig
    C v/i prät went [went], pperf gone [ɡɒn; US ɡɔːn], 3. sg präs goes [ɡəʊz]
    1. gehen, fahren, reisen ( alle:
    to nach), sich (fort)bewegen:
    go on foot zu Fuß gehen;
    go by plane ( oder air) mit dem Flugzeug reisen, fliegen;
    go to Paris nach Paris reisen oder gehen;
    go to the country Br (das Parlament auflösen und) Neuwahlen ausschreiben; horseback A, train A 1
    2. (fort)gehen, abfahren, abreisen (to nach):
    people were coming and going Leute kamen und gingen;
    who goes there? MIL wer da?;
    I must be going ich muss gehen oder weg oder fort; let1 Bes Redew
    3. verkehren, fahren (Fahrzeuge)
    4. anfangen, loslegen, -gehen:
    go! SPORT los!;
    go to it! mach dich dran!, ran! (beide umg);
    here you go again! jetzt fängst du schon wieder an!;
    just go and try versuchs doch mal!;
    here goes! umg dann mal los!, ran (an den Speck)!
    5. gehen, führen (to nach):
    6. sich erstrecken, reichen, gehen (to bis):
    the belt does not go round her waist der Gürtel geht oder reicht nicht um ihre Taille;
    as far as it goes bis zu einem gewissen Grade;
    it goes a long way es reicht lange (aus)
    7. fig gehen:
    let it go at that lass es dabei bewenden; all Bes Redew, anywhere 1, court A 10, expense Bes Redew, far Bes Redew, heart Bes Redew, nowhere A 2
    8. MATH (into) gehen (in akk), enthalten sein (in dat):
    9. gehen, passen ( beide:
    into, in in akk), fallen (to auf akk):
    it does not go into my pocket es geht oder passt nicht in meine Tasche;
    12 inches go to the foot 12 Zoll gehen auf oder bilden einen Fuß
    10. gehören (in, into in akk; on auf akk):
    the books go on the shelf die Bücher gehören in oder kommen auf das Regal;
    where does this go? wohin kommt das?
    11. (to) gehen (an akk) (Preis etc), zufallen (dat) (Erbe):
    the money is going to a good cause das Geld fließt einem guten Zweck zu oder kommt einem guten Zweck zugute!
    12. TECH gehen, laufen, funktionieren (alle auch fig):
    keep (set) sth going etwas in Gang halten (bringen);
    make things go die Sache in Schwung bringen; get B 14, C 4, keep B 2
    13. werden, in einen (bestimmten) Zustand übergehen oder verfallen:
    your coffee will go cold dein Kaffee wird kalt;
    go blind erblinden;
    go Conservative zu den Konservativen übergehen; bad1 A 13, hot A 3, mad A 1
    14. (gewöhnlich) (in einem Zustand) sein, sich ständig befinden:
    go armed bewaffnet sein;
    go in rags ständig in Lumpen herumlaufen;
    go hungry hungern;
    going sixteen im 16. Lebensjahr; fear A 1, unheeded
    15. a) meist go with child schwanger sein
    b) go with young ZOOL trächtig sein
    16. (with) gehen (mit), sich halten oder anschließen (an akk): tide1 A 3
    17. sich halten (by, on, upon an akk), gehen, handeln, sich richten, urteilen (on, upon nach):
    have nothing to go upon keine Anhaltspunkte haben;
    going by her clothes ihrer Kleidung nach (zu urteilen)
    18. umgehen, kursieren, im Umlauf sein (Gerüchte etc):
    the story goes that … es heißt oder man erzählt sich, dass …
    19. gelten ( for für):
    what he says goes umg was er sagt, gilt;
    that goes for all of you das gilt für euch alle;
    it goes without saying es versteht sich von selbst, (es ist) selbstverständlich
    20. gehen, laufen, bekannt sein:
    it goes by ( oder under) the name of … es läuft unter dem Namen …;
    my dog goes by the name of Rover mein Hund hört auf den Namen Rover
    21. as hotels go im Vergleich zu anderen Hotels;
    he’s a meek man, as men go er ist ein vergleichsweise sanftmütiger Mann
    22. vergehen, -streichen:
    how time goes! wie (doch) die Zeit vergeht!;
    one minute to go noch eine Minute;
    with five minutes to go SPORT fünf Minuten vor Spielende
    23. WIRTSCH weggehen, abgesetzt oder verkauft werden ( beide:
    at, for für):
    “everything must go” „Totalausverkauf“;
    go for nothing umsonst sein (Mühe etc); cake A 1
    24. (on, in) aufgehen (in dat), ausgegeben werden (für):
    all his money goes on drink er gibt sein ganzes Geld für Alkohol aus
    25. dazu beitragen oder dienen ( to do zu tun), dienen (to zu), verwendet werden (to, toward[s] für, zu):
    it goes to show dies zeigt, daran erkennt man;
    this only goes to show you the truth dies dient nur dazu, Ihnen die Wahrheit zu zeigen
    26. verlaufen, sich entwickeln oder gestalten:
    how does the play go? wie geht oder welchen Erfolg hat das Stück?;
    things have gone badly with me es ist mir schlecht ergangen
    27. ausgehen, -fallen:
    the decision went against him die Entscheidung fiel zu seinen Ungunsten aus;
    it went well es ging gut (aus)
    28. Erfolg haben:
    go big umg ein Riesenerfolg sein
    29. (with) gehen, sich vertragen, harmonieren (mit), passen (zu):
    30. ertönen, erklingen, läuten (Glocke), schlagen (Uhr):
    the clock went five die Uhr schlug fünf;
    the doorbell went es klingelte oder läutete
    31. mit einem Knall etc losgehen:
    bang went the gun die Kanone machte bumm
    32. lauten (Worte etc):
    I forget how the words go mir fällt der Text im Moment nicht ein;
    this is how the tune goes so geht die Melodie;
    this song goes to the tune of … dieses Lied geht nach der Melodie von …
    33. gehen, verschwinden, abgeschafft werden:
    he must go er muss weg;
    these laws must go die Gesetze müssen verschwinden
    34. (dahin)schwinden:
    my eyesight is going meine Augen werden immer schlechter
    35. zum Erliegen kommen, zusammenbrechen (Handel etc)
    36. kaputtgehen (Sohlen etc)
    37. sterben
    38. (im ppr mit inf) zum Ausdruck einer Zukunft, besonders
    it is going to rain es gibt Regen, es wird (bald oder gleich) regnen;
    he is going to read it er wird oder will es (bald) lesen;
    she is going to have a baby sie bekommt ein Kind;
    what was going to be done? was sollte nun geschehen?
    39. (mit nachfolgendem ger) meist gehen:
    go swimming schwimmen gehen;
    you must not go telling him du darfst es ihm ja nicht sagen;
    he goes frightening people er erschreckt immer die Leute
    40. (daran)gehen, sich aufmachen oder anschicken:
    he went to find him er ging ihn suchen;
    she went to see him sie besuchte ihn;
    go fetch! bring es!, hol es!;
    he went and sold it umg er hat es tatsächlich verkauft; er war so dumm, es zu verkaufen
    41. “pizzas to go” (Schild) US „Pizzas zum Mitnehmen“
    42. erlaubt sein:
    everything goes in this place hier ist alles erlaubt
    43. besonders US umg wiegen:
    I went 90 kilos last year letztes Jahr hatte ich 90 Kilo
    D v/t
    1. einen Weg, eine Strecke etc gehen
    2. einen Betrag wetten, setzen (on auf akk)
    3. Kartenspiel: ansagen
    4. US umg eine Einladung oder Wette annehmen von:
    I’ll go you! ich nehme an!, gemacht!
    5. go it umg
    a) sich reinknien, (mächtig) rangehen,
    b) es toll treiben, auf den Putz hauen,
    c) handeln:
    go it alone einen Alleingang machen;
    go it! ran!, (immer) feste! umg
    go2 [ɡəʊ] Go n (japanisches Brettspiel)
    * * *
    1. intransitive verb,
    pres. he goes, p.t. went, pres. p. going, p.p. gone
    1) gehen; [Fahrzeug:] fahren; [Flugzeug:] fliegen; [Vierfüßer:] laufen; [Reptil:] kriechen; (on horseback etc.) reiten; (on skis, roller skates) laufen; (in wheelchair, pram, lift) fahren

    go by bicycle/car/bus/train or rail/boat or sea or ship — mit dem [Fahr]rad/Auto/Bus/Zug/Schiff fahren

    go by plane or air — fliegen

    go on foot — zu Fuß gehen; laufen (ugs.)

    as one goes [along] — (fig.) nach und nach

    do something as one goes [along] — (lit.) etwas beim Gehen od. unterwegs tun

    go on a journey — eine Reise machen; verreisen

    go first-class/at 50 m.p.h. — erster Klasse reisen od. fahren/80 Stundenkilometer fahren

    have far to goweit zu gehen od. zu fahren haben; es weit haben

    the doll/dog goes everywhere with her — sie hat immer ihre Puppe/ihren Hund dabei

    there you go(coll., giving something) bitte!; da! (ugs.)

    2) (proceed as regards purpose, activity, destination, or route) [Bus, Zug, Lift, Schiff:] fahren; (use means of transportation) fahren; (fly) fliegen; (proceed on outward journey) weg-, abfahren; (travel regularly) [Verkehrsmittel:] verkehren (from... to zwischen + Dat.... und)

    go to the toilet/cinema/moon/a museum/a funeral — auf die Toilette/ins Kino gehen/zum Mond fliegen/ins Museum/zu einer Beerdigung gehen

    go to the doctor['s] — etc. zum Arzt usw. gehen

    go [out] to China — nach China gehen

    go [over] to America — nach Amerika [hinüber]fliegen/-fahren

    go [off] to London — nach London [ab]fahren/[ab]fliegen

    go this/that way — hier/da entlanggehen/-fahren

    go out of one's way — einen Umweg machen; (fig.) keine Mühe scheuen

    go towards something/somebody — auf etwas/jemanden zugehen

    go by something/somebody — [Festzug usw.:] an etwas/jemandem vorbeiziehen; [Bus usw.:] an etwas/jemandem vorbeifahren

    go in and out [of something] — [in etwas (Dat.)] ein- und ausgehen

    go into somethingin etwas (Akk.) [hinein]gehen

    go chasing after something/somebody — hinter etwas/jemandem herrennen (ugs.)

    go and do something — [gehen und] etwas tun

    go and see whether... — nachsehen [gehen], ob...

    go on a pilgrimageetc. eine Pilgerfahrt usw. machen

    go on TV/the radio — im Fernsehen/Radio auftreten

    I'll go! — ich geh schon!; (answer phone) ich geh ran od. nehme ab; (answer door) ich mache auf

    you go! (to the phone) geh du mal ran!

    3) (start) losgehen; (in vehicle) losfahren

    let's go!(coll.) fangen wir an!

    here goes!(coll.) dann mal los!

    whose turn is it to go? (in game) wer ist an der Reihe?

    go first (in game) anfangen

    from the word go(fig. coll.) [schon] von Anfang an

    4) (pass, circulate, be transmitted) gehen

    a shiver went up or down my spine — ein Schauer lief mir über den Rücken od. den Rücken hinunter

    go to (be given to) [Preis, Sieg, Gelder, Job:] gehen an (+ Akk.); [Titel, Krone, Besitz:] übergehen auf (+ Akk.); [Ehre, Verdienst:] zuteil werden (Dat.)

    go towards (be of benefit to) zugute kommen (+ Dat.)

    go according to (be determined by) sich richten nach

    5) (make specific motion, do something specific)

    go round[Rad:] sich drehen

    there he etc. goes again — (coll.) da, schon wieder!

    here we go again(coll.) jetzt geht das wieder los!

    6) (act, work, function effectively) gehen; [Mechanismus, Maschine:] laufen

    get the car to godas Auto ankriegen (ugs.) od. starten

    keep going (in movement) weitergehen/-fahren; (in activity) weitermachen; (not fail) sich aufrecht halten

    keep somebody going (enable to continue) jemanden aufrecht halten

    make something go, get/set something going — etwas in Gang bringen


    go to(attend)

    go to church/school — in die Kirche/die Schule gehen

    go to a comprehensive school — eine Gesamtschule besuchen; auf eine Gesamtschule gehen

    go to the relevant authority/UN — sich an die zuständige Behörde/UN wenden

    where do we go from here?(fig.) und was nun? (ugs.)

    9) (depart) gehen; [Bus, Zug:] [ab]fahren; [Post:] rausgehen (ugs.)

    time to go! — wir müssen/ihr müsst usw. gehen!

    to go(Amer.) [Speisen, Getränke:] zum Mitnehmen

    10) (euphem.): (die) sterben
    11) (fail) [Gedächtnis, Kräfte:] nachlassen; (cease to function) kaputtgehen; [Maschine, Computer usw.:] ausfallen; [Sicherung:] durchbrennen; (break) brechen; [Seil usw.:] reißen; (collapse) einstürzen; (fray badly) ausfransen
    12) (disappear) verschwinden; [Geruch, Rauch:] sich verziehen; [Geld, Zeit:] draufgehen (ugs.) (in, on für); (be relinquished) aufgegeben werden; [Tradition:] abgeschafft werden; (be dismissed) [Arbeitskräfte:] entlassen werden

    my coat/the stain has gone — mein Mantel/der Fleck ist weg

    where has my hat gone? — wo ist mein Hut [geblieben]?

    13) (elapse) [Zeit:] vergehen; [Interview usw.:] vorüber-, vorbeigehen

    to go(still remaining)

    have something [still] to go — [noch] etwas übrig haben

    one week etc. to go to... — noch eine Woche usw. bis...

    there's only another mile to go — [es ist] nur noch eine Meile

    one down, two to go — einer ist bereits erledigt, bleiben noch zwei übrig (salopp)

    15) (be sold) weggehen (ugs.); verkauft werden

    it went for £1 — es ging für 1 Pfund weg

    16) (run) [Grenze, Straße usw.:] verlaufen, gehen; (afford access, lead) gehen; führen; (extend) reichen; (fig.) gehen

    as or so far as he/it goes — soweit

    17) (turn out, progress) [Ereignis, Projekt, Interview, Abend:] verlaufen

    go against somebody/something — [Wahl, Kampf:] zu jemandes/einer Sache Ungunsten ausgehen; [Entscheidung, Urteil:] zu jemandes/einer Sache Ungunsten ausfallen

    how did your holiday/party go? — wie war Ihr Urlaub/Ihre Party?

    how is the book going? — was macht [denn] das Buch?

    things have been going well/badly/smoothly — etc. in der letzten Zeit läuft alles gut/schief/glatt usw.

    how are things going?, how is it going? — wie steht's od. (ugs.) läuft's?

    18) (be, have form or nature, be in temporary state) sein; [Sprichwort, Gedicht, Titel:] lauten

    this is how things go, that's the way it goes — so ist es nun mal

    go hungry — hungern; hungrig bleiben

    go without food/water — es ohne Essen/Wasser aushalten

    go in fear of one's life — in beständiger Angst um sein Leben leben; see also go against

    19) (become) werden

    the constituency/York went Tory — der Wahlkreis/York ging an die Tories

    20) (have usual place) kommen; (belong) gehören

    where does the box go?wo kommt od. gehört die Kiste hin?

    where do you want this chair to go?wo soll od. kommt der Stuhl hin?

    21) (fit) passen

    go in[to] something — in etwas (Akk.) gehen od. [hinein]passen

    go through something — durch etwas [hindurch]gehen od. [hindurch]passen

    22) (harmonize, match) passen ( with zu)
    23) (serve, contribute) dienen

    the qualities that go to make a leader — die Eigenschaften, die einen Führer ausmachen

    it just goes to show that... — daran zeigt sich, dass...

    24) (make sound of specified kind) machen; (emit sound) [Turmuhr, Gong:] schlagen; [Glocke:] läuten

    There goes the bell. School is over — Es klingelt. Die Schule ist aus

    the fire alarm went at 3 a. m. — der Feueralarm ging um 3 Uhr morgens los

    25) as intensifier (coll.)

    don't go making or go and make him angry — verärgere ihn bloß nicht

    I gave him a £10 note and, of course, he had to go and lose it — (iron.) ich gab ihm einen 10-Pfund-Schein, und er musste ihn natürlich prompt verlieren

    now you've been and gone and done it!(coll.) du hast ja was Schönes angerichtet! (ugs. iron.)

    go tell him I'm ready(coll./Amer.) geh und sag ihm, dass ich fertig bin

    26) (coll.): (be acceptable or permitted) erlaubt sein; gehen (ugs.)

    everything/anything goes — es ist alles erlaubt

    it/that goes without saying — es/das ist doch selbstverständlich

    what he etc. says, goes — was er usw. sagt, gilt. See also going; gone

    2. transitive verb, forms as
    1) (Cards) spielen
    2) (coll.)

    go it — es toll treiben; (work hard) rangehen

    go it! — los!; weiter!

    3. noun
    , pl. goes (coll.)
    1) (attempt, try) Versuch, der; (chance) Gelegenheit, die

    have a goes versuchen od. probieren

    have a go at doing something — versuchen, etwas zu tun

    let me have/can I have a go? — lass mich [auch ein]mal/kann ich [auch ein]mal? (ugs.)

    in two/three goes — bei zwei/drei Versuchen


    have a go at somebody (scold) sich (Dat.) jemanden vornehmen od. vorknöpfen (ugs.); (attack) über jemanden herfallen

    4) (energy) Schwung, der

    be full of govoller Schwung od. Elan sein

    4. adjective
    Phrasal Verbs:
    * * *
    (deer-) stalking expr.
    auf die Pirsch gehen ausdr. v.
    (§ p.,p.p.: went, gone)
    = funktionieren v.
    führen v.
    gehen v.
    (§ p.,pp.: ging, ist gegangen)

    English-german dictionary > go

  • 2 ampliar

    1 to expand.
    2 to enlarge, to blow up (photography).
    La máquina amplió la fotografía The machine enlarged the photograph.
    3 to further, to continue (estudios).
    4 to increase, to augment, to amplify, to enlarge.
    Su estrategia amplía las posibilidades His strategy increases the...
    * * *
    Conjugation model [ DESVIAR], like link=desviar desviar
    1 to enlarge, extend
    2 ARQUITECTURA to build an extension onto
    3 (fotografía) to enlarge
    4 (capital) to increase
    5 (estudios) to further
    6 (tema, idea) to develop, expand on
    * * *
    1) to expand, extend
    * * *
    1. VT
    1) [en tamaño] to extend

    queremos ampliar el salón — we want to extend the living room, we want to make the living room bigger

    2) [en número] to increase

    no ampliarán la plantillathey are not going to increase o expand the headcount o the payroll

    3) [+ prórroga, período] to extend

    han ampliado el plazo de matrícula — they have put back the closing date for enrolment, they have extended the period for enrolment

    4) (Fot) to enlarge
    5) (Com) [+ empresa, compañía] to expand, grow; [+ capital] to increase

    deseamos ampliar el campo de acción de la empresawe want to extend o expand o broaden the company's area of business

    6) [+ sonido] to amplify
    7) [+ idea, explicación] to elaborate on
    8) [+ poderes] to extend, widen
    * * *
    verbo transitivo
    a) <local/carretera> to extend; < negocio> to expand
    b) <capital/plantilla> to increase
    c) <conocimientos/vocabulario> to increase; < explicación> to expand (on); < campo de acción> to widen, broaden
    d) <plazo/período> to extend
    e) < fotografía> to enlarge, blow up
    * * *
    = augment, broaden, elaborate on, expand, extend, magnify, widen, add to, amplify, aggrandise [aggrandize, -USA].
    Ex. These sources which form the basis of the intellectual selection of terms may be augmented by the machine selection of terms.
    Ex. The program's purpose is to enable U.S. librarians and publishers to enrich and broaden their career experience through a short period of overseas service.
    Ex. The documents cited may support and provide precedent for, illustrate or elaborate on what the author has to say.
    Ex. As the quantity of knowledge expands the need to organise it becomes more pressing.
    Ex. The term author is normally extended to include writers, illustrator, performers, producers, translators, and others with some intellectual or artistic responsibility for a work.
    Ex. More libraries should make use of the Tieman tv-loop which enables the partially-sighted to magnify pages of printed text.
    Ex. The quality of machine indexing can be enhanced by widening the indexing field.
    Ex. In addition, Britain has one of the most extensive bodies of legislation in the world, which is added to daily and encrusted with myriad rules and regulations.
    Ex. The director amplified: 'The personal touch would probably take some sting out of the layoff, but if I did it this way I could avoid involved discussions'.
    Ex. He established Samarkand as his imperial capital in the 1360s and set about aggrandising it with plunder from his conquests.
    * ampliar el alcance de = extend + the reach of.
    * ampliar el conocimiento = widen + knowledge, broaden + knowledge, deepen + understanding.
    * ampliar el horario de apertura = extend + hours.
    * ampliar el horizonte = broaden + perspective, widen + the scope.
    * ampliar el interés = broaden + interest.
    * ampliar la cobertura = broaden + coverage, broaden + the scope.
    * ampliar la experiencia = extend + experience, broaden + experience.
    * ampliar las fronteras de = push + the frontiers of, push + the boundaries of.
    * ampliar las fronteras del conocimiento = push back + the frontiers of knowledge.
    * ampliar los horizontes = broaden + horizons, extend + horizons, enlarge + horizons, widen + horizons, expand + Posesivo + horizons, expand + views.
    * ampliar los recursos = broaden + resources.
    * ampliar + Posesivo + educación = extend + Posesivo + education.
    * ampliar una búsqueda = broaden + search, expand + Posesivo + search.
    * ampliar una fotografía = enlarge + picture.
    * * *
    verbo transitivo
    a) <local/carretera> to extend; < negocio> to expand
    b) <capital/plantilla> to increase
    c) <conocimientos/vocabulario> to increase; < explicación> to expand (on); < campo de acción> to widen, broaden
    d) <plazo/período> to extend
    e) < fotografía> to enlarge, blow up
    * * *
    = augment, broaden, elaborate on, expand, extend, magnify, widen, add to, amplify, aggrandise [aggrandize, -USA].

    Ex: These sources which form the basis of the intellectual selection of terms may be augmented by the machine selection of terms.

    Ex: The program's purpose is to enable U.S. librarians and publishers to enrich and broaden their career experience through a short period of overseas service.
    Ex: The documents cited may support and provide precedent for, illustrate or elaborate on what the author has to say.
    Ex: As the quantity of knowledge expands the need to organise it becomes more pressing.
    Ex: The term author is normally extended to include writers, illustrator, performers, producers, translators, and others with some intellectual or artistic responsibility for a work.
    Ex: More libraries should make use of the Tieman tv-loop which enables the partially-sighted to magnify pages of printed text.
    Ex: The quality of machine indexing can be enhanced by widening the indexing field.
    Ex: In addition, Britain has one of the most extensive bodies of legislation in the world, which is added to daily and encrusted with myriad rules and regulations.
    Ex: The director amplified: 'The personal touch would probably take some sting out of the layoff, but if I did it this way I could avoid involved discussions'.
    Ex: He established Samarkand as his imperial capital in the 1360s and set about aggrandising it with plunder from his conquests.
    * ampliar el alcance de = extend + the reach of.
    * ampliar el conocimiento = widen + knowledge, broaden + knowledge, deepen + understanding.
    * ampliar el horario de apertura = extend + hours.
    * ampliar el horizonte = broaden + perspective, widen + the scope.
    * ampliar el interés = broaden + interest.
    * ampliar la cobertura = broaden + coverage, broaden + the scope.
    * ampliar la experiencia = extend + experience, broaden + experience.
    * ampliar las fronteras de = push + the frontiers of, push + the boundaries of.
    * ampliar las fronteras del conocimiento = push back + the frontiers of knowledge.
    * ampliar los horizontes = broaden + horizons, extend + horizons, enlarge + horizons, widen + horizons, expand + Posesivo + horizons, expand + views.
    * ampliar los recursos = broaden + resources.
    * ampliar + Posesivo + educación = extend + Posesivo + education.
    * ampliar una búsqueda = broaden + search, expand + Posesivo + search.
    * ampliar una fotografía = enlarge + picture.

    * * *
    1 ‹local/carretera› to extend; ‹negocio› to expand
    2 ‹capital/plantilla› to increase
    3 ‹conocimientos/vocabulario› to increase, improve; ‹explicación› to expand (on); ‹campo de acción› to widen, broaden, extend
    una versión ampliada y corregida an expanded and corrected version
    para ampliar sus estudios to further her studies
    quiere ampliar sus horizontes he wants to broaden his horizons
    4 ‹plazo/período› to extend
    5 ‹fotografía› to enlarge, blow up
    * * *


    ampliar ( conjugate ampliar) verbo transitivo
    a)local/carretera to extend;

    negocio to expand
    b)capital/personal to increase

    c)conocimientos/vocabulario to increase;

    explicación to expand (on);
    campo de acción to widen, broaden;

    d)plazo/período to extend

    ampliar verbo transitivo
    1 (hacer más largo un plazo) to extend
    2 (hacer más grande un edificio) to enlarge
    3 (extender un negocio) to expand
    4 (una fotografía) to enlarge, to blow up
    5 (el campo de acción) to widen: los sindicatos proponen ampliar las sanciones a los defraudadores, the unions propose greater penalties for those committing fraud
    ' ampliar' also found in these entries:
    - extender
    - refacción
    - blow up
    - enlarge
    - expand
    - expand on
    - extend
    - magnify
    - widen
    - add
    - blow
    - broaden
    - develop
    - push
    * * *
    1. [negocio] to expand;
    han ampliado el servicio a todo el país they have extended the service to cover the whole country;
    van a ampliar el catálogo de productos they are going to expand o extend their product range;
    ampliarán la plantilla del banco they are going to take on additional staff at the bank, they are going to increase staff numbers at the bank;
    no quieren ampliar más la Unión Europea they don't want to enlarge the European Union any further
    2. [local, vivienda] to extend;
    [aeropuerto] to expand;
    queremos ampliar el salón we want to make the living-room bigger
    3. Econ [capital] to increase
    4. [plazo] to extend
    5. [fotografía] to enlarge, to blow up;
    [fotocopia] to enlarge
    6. [estudios] to further, to continue;
    [conocimientos] to increase, to expand
    * * *
    1 plantilla increase; negocio expand; plazo, edificio extend;
    ampliar estudios continue one’s education;
    ampliar sus horizontes broaden one’s horizons
    2 FOT enlarge, blow up
    * * *
    ampliar {85} vt
    1) : to expand, to extend
    2) : to widen
    3) : to enlarge (photographs)
    4) : to elaborate on, to develop (ideas)
    * * *
    1. (edificio, plazo) to extend
    2. (negocio, mercado) to expand
    3. (número, cantidad) to increase
    4. (una foto) to enlarge

    Spanish-English dictionary > ampliar

  • 3 establecer relaciones

    to build relationships.
    * * *
    (v.) = build + relationships, develop + relationships, develop + relations, build + relations, structure + relationships
    Ex. The library association hope to build relationships with newcomers to the profession that will continue throughout their careers.
    Ex. The relationships developed inside and outside the classroom are perhaps the best pedagogy.
    Ex. Libraries must develop good relations with vendors.
    Ex. This approach not only builds good relations for the library, but also allows more input of ideas.
    Ex. Reconceptualizing the role librarians and publishers play may enable us, in the digital environment, to structure relationships that allow both to accomplish their important goals = El replanteamiento de la función que los bibliotecarios y editores desempeñan pueden permitirnos, dentro de este entorno digital, establecer relaciones que nos ayuden a conseguir nuestros objetivos.
    * * *
    (v.) = build + relationships, develop + relationships, develop + relations, build + relations, structure + relationships

    Ex: The library association hope to build relationships with newcomers to the profession that will continue throughout their careers.

    Ex: The relationships developed inside and outside the classroom are perhaps the best pedagogy.
    Ex: Libraries must develop good relations with vendors.
    Ex: This approach not only builds good relations for the library, but also allows more input of ideas.
    Ex: Reconceptualizing the role librarians and publishers play may enable us, in the digital environment, to structure relationships that allow both to accomplish their important goals = El replanteamiento de la función que los bibliotecarios y editores desempeñan pueden permitirnos, dentro de este entorno digital, establecer relaciones que nos ayuden a conseguir nuestros objetivos.

    Spanish-English dictionary > establecer relaciones

  • 4 get

    get [get]
    recevoir1A (a), 1A (d), 1A (g), 1A (i), 1B (b) avoir1A (a), 1A (b) toucher1A (a), 1A (b), 1B (b) trouver1A (b), 1A (h) obtenir1A (b), 1A (h) tenir1A (c) offrir1A (e) acheter1A (f) prendre1A (f), 1A (k), 1A (l) gagner1A (i) chercher1A (j) attraper1A (k), 1A (l), 1B (a) réserver1A (m) répondre1A (n) faire faire1C (b)-(d) préparer1D (a) entendre1D (b) comprendre1D (d) atteindre1E (a) devenir2A (a) se faire2A (b) commencer à2A (c), 2B (c) aller2B (a) réussir à2B (e)
    ( British pt & pp got [gɒt], cont getting [getɪŋ], American pt got [gɒt], pp gotten [gɒtən], cont getting [getɪŋ])
    (a) (receive → gift, letter, phone call) recevoir, avoir; (→ benefits, pension) recevoir, toucher; (→ medical treatment) suivre;
    I got a bike for my birthday on m'a donné ou j'ai eu ou j'ai reçu un vélo pour mon anniversaire;
    I get 'The Times' at home je reçois le 'Times' à la maison;
    this part of the country doesn't get much rain cette région ne reçoit pas beaucoup de pluie, il ne pleut pas beaucoup dans cette région;
    the living room gets a lot of sun le salon est très ensoleillé;
    I rang but I got no answer (at door) j'ai sonné mais je n'ai pas obtenu ou eu de réponse; (on phone) j'ai appelé sans obtenir de réponse;
    many students get grants beaucoup d'étudiants ont une bourse;
    he got five years for smuggling il a écopé de ou il a pris cinq ans (de prison) pour contrebande;
    he got a bullet in his shoulder il a reçu une balle dans l'épaule;
    familiar you're really going to get it! qu'est-ce que tu vas prendre ou écoper!;
    familiar I'll see that you get yours! je vais te régler ton compte!
    (b) (obtain → gen) avoir, trouver, obtenir; (→ through effort) se procurer, obtenir; (→ licence, loan, permission) obtenir; (→ diploma, grades) avoir, obtenir;
    where did you get that book? où avez-vous trouvé ce livre?;
    they got him a job ils lui ont trouvé du travail;
    I got the job! ils m'ont embauché!;
    can you get them the report? pouvez-vous leur procurer le rapport?;
    I got the idea from a book j'ai trouvé l'idée dans un livre;
    I got a glimpse of her face j'ai pu apercevoir son visage;
    you get a fine view from here il y a une vue magnifique d'ici;
    I've got six more to get (in collection) il m'en manque six;
    the town gets its water from the reservoir la ville reçoit son eau du réservoir;
    we get our wine directly from the vineyard en vin ou pour le vin, nous nous fournissons directement chez le producteur;
    they stopped in town to get some lunch (had lunch there) ils se sont arrêtés en ville pour déjeuner; (bought something to eat) ils se sont arrêtés en ville pour acheter de quoi déjeuner;
    I'm going out to get a breath of fresh air je sors prendre l'air;
    I'm going to get something to drink/eat (fetch) je vais chercher quelque chose à boire/manger; (consume) je vais boire/manger quelque chose;
    can I get a coffee? je pourrais avoir un café, s'il vous plaît?;
    get yourself a good lawyer trouvez-vous un bon avocat;
    get advice from your doctor demandez conseil à votre médecin;
    I need all the advice I can get j'ai besoin de tous les conseils qu'on peut me donner;
    to get (oneself) a wife/husband se trouver une femme/un mari;
    to get sb to oneself avoir qn pour soi tout seul;
    to get a divorce obtenir le divorce;
    get plenty of exercise faites beaucoup d'exercice;
    get plenty of sleep dormez beaucoup;
    try and get a few days off work essayez de prendre quelques jours de congé;
    I'll do it if I get the time/a moment je le ferai si j'ai le temps/si je trouve un moment;
    I got a lot from or out of my trip to China mon voyage en Chine m'a beaucoup apporté;
    she got very little from her lessons elle a très peu appris de ses leçons;
    he didn't get a chance to introduce himself il n'a pas eu l'occasion de se présenter
    (c) (inherit → characteristic) tenir;
    she gets her shyness from her father elle tient sa timidité de son père
    they got a lot of money for their flat la vente de leur appartement leur a rapporté beaucoup d'argent;
    they got a good price for the painting le tableau s'est vendu à un bon prix;
    what did you get for your car? combien est-ce que tu as vendu ta voiture?;
    he got nothing for his trouble il s'est donné de la peine pour rien;
    you don't get something for nothing on n'a rien pour rien
    (e) (offer as gift) offrir, donner;
    what did she get him for Christmas? qu'est-ce qu'elle lui a offert ou donné pour Noël?;
    I don't know what to get Jill for her birthday je ne sais pas quoi acheter à Jill pour son anniversaire
    (f) (buy) acheter, prendre;
    get your father a magazine when you go out achète une revue à ton père quand tu sortiras;
    get the paper too prends ou achète le journal aussi;
    we got the house cheap on a eu la maison (à) bon marché
    (g) (learn → information, news) recevoir, apprendre;
    we turned on the radio to get the news nous avons allumé la radio pour écouter les informations;
    she just got news or word of the accident elle vient juste d'apprendre la nouvelle de l'accident;
    he broke down when he got the news en apprenant la nouvelle il a fondu en larmes
    (h) (reach by calculation or experimentation → answer, solution) trouver; (→ result) obtenir;
    multiply 5 by 2 and you get 10 multipliez 5 par 2 et vous obtenez 10
    (i) (earn, win → salary) recevoir, gagner, toucher; (→ prize) gagner; (→ reputation) se faire;
    plumbers get £20 an hour un plombier gagne ou touche 20 livres de l'heure;
    he got a good name or a reputation as an architect il s'est fait une réputation dans le milieu de l'architecture;
    someone's trying to get your attention (calling) quelqu'un vous appelle; (waving) quelqu'un vous fait signe
    (j) (bring, fetch) (aller) chercher;
    he went and got a book from the library il est allé chercher un livre à la bibliothèque;
    go and get a doctor allez chercher un médecin;
    get me my coat va me chercher ou apporte-moi mon manteau;
    we had to get a doctor nous avons dû faire venir un médecin;
    he went to get a taxi il est parti chercher un taxi;
    what can I get you to drink? qu'est-ce que je vous sers à boire?;
    can I get you anything? (to somebody ill etc) est-ce que vous avez besoin de quelque chose?;
    they sent him to get help ils l'ont envoyé chercher de l'aide
    (k) (catch → ball) attraper; (→ bus, train) prendre, attraper;
    did you get your train? est-ce que tu as eu ton train?
    (l) (capture) attraper, prendre; (seize) prendre, saisir;
    the Mounties always get their man la police montée attrape toujours son homme (au Canada);
    he got me by the arm il m'a attrapé par le bras;
    the dog got him by the leg le chien l'a attrapé à la jambe;
    (I've) got you! je te tiens!
    (m) (book, reserve) réserver, retenir;
    we're trying to get a flight to Budapest nous essayons de réserver un vol pour Budapest
    (n) (answer → door, telephone) répondre;
    the doorbell's ringing - I'll get it! quelqu'un sonne à la porte - j'y vais!;
    will you get the phone? peux-tu répondre au téléphone?
    he got a chill il a pris ou attrapé froid;
    I get a headache when I drink red wine le vin rouge me donne mal à la tête;
    familiar to get it bad for sb avoir qn dans la peau
    (b) (experience, feel → shock) recevoir, ressentir, avoir; (→ fun, pain, surprise) avoir;
    I got the feeling something horrible would happen j'ai eu l'impression ou le pressentiment que quelque chose d'horrible allait arriver;
    I get the impression he doesn't like me j'ai l'impression que je ne lui plais pas;
    to get a thrill out of sth/doing sth prendre plaisir à qch/faire qch;
    familiar to get religion devenir croyant
    you get some odd people on these tours il y a de drôles de gens dans ces voyages organisés;
    you get a lot of people marrying young here il y a beaucoup de gens qui se marient jeunes par ici;
    we don't get many accidents here nous n'avons pas beaucoup d'accidents par ici
    (a) (with adj or past participle) (cause to be) she managed to get the window closed/open elle a réussi à fermer/ouvrir la fenêtre;
    I got the car started j'ai démarré la voiture;
    don't get your feet wet! ne te mouille pas les pieds!;
    get the suitcases ready préparez les bagages;
    the children are getting themselves ready for school les enfants se préparent pour (aller à) l'école;
    I finally got her on her own or alone j'ai fini par réussir à la voir en tête à tête;
    we managed to get him in a good mood nous avons réussi à le mettre de bonne humeur;
    they've got me so I don't know whether I'm coming or going c'en est à un tel point que je ne sais plus où j'en suis;
    to get people interested (in sth) intéresser les gens (à qch);
    let me get this clear que ce soit bien clair;
    to get things under control prendre les choses en main;
    he likes his bath as hot as he can get it il aime que son bain soit aussi chaud que possible;
    the flat is as clean as I'm going to get it j'ai nettoyé l'appartement le mieux que j'ai pu;
    he got himself nominated president il s'est fait nommer président;
    don't get yourself all worked up ne t'en fais pas
    (b) (with infinitive) (cause to do or carry out) we couldn't get her to leave on n'a pas pu la faire partir;
    get him to move the car demande-lui de déplacer la voiture;
    I got it to work, I got it working j'ai réussi à le faire marcher;
    we have to get the government to tighten up on pollution control il faut que l'on obtienne du gouvernement qu'il renforce les lois contre la pollution;
    he got the other members to agree il a réussi à obtenir l'accord des autres membres;
    I can always get someone else to do it je peux toujours le faire faire par quelqu'un d'autre;
    I got her to talk about life in China je lui ai demandé de parler de la vie en Chine;
    they can't get the landlord to fix the roof ils n'arrivent pas à obtenir du propriétaire qu'il fasse réparer le toit;
    how do you get jasmine to grow indoors? comment peut-on faire pousser du jasmin à l'intérieur?
    (c) (with past participle) (cause to be done or carried out) to get sth done/repaired faire faire/réparer qch;
    to get one's hair cut se faire couper les cheveux;
    I didn't get anything done today je n'ai rien fait aujourd'hui;
    it's impossible to get anything done around here (by oneself) il est impossible de faire quoi que ce soit ici; (by someone else) il est impossible d'obtenir quoi que ce soit ici
    (d) (cause to come, go, move)
    how are you going to get this package to them? comment allez-vous leur faire parvenir ce paquet?;
    they eventually got all the boxes downstairs/upstairs ils ont fini par descendre/monter toutes leurs boîtes;
    I managed to get the old man downstairs/upstairs j'ai réussi à faire descendre/monter le vieil homme;
    I managed to get him away from the others j'ai réussi à l'éloigner des autres;
    get him away from me débarrassez-moi de lui;
    can you get me home? pouvez-vous me raccompagner?;
    they got her to the airport on time ils l'ont amenée à l'aéroport à l'heure;
    his friends managed to get him home ses amis ont réussi à le ramener (à la maison);
    how are we going to get the bike home? comment est-ce qu'on va ramener le vélo à la maison?;
    I got a message to them je leur ai fait parvenir un message;
    he can't get the children to bed il n'arrive pas à mettre les enfants au lit;
    I can't get my boots off/on je n'arrive pas à enlever/mettre mes bottes;
    we couldn't get the bed through the door nous n'avons pas pu faire passer le lit par la porte;
    figurative where has all this got us? où est-ce que tout ça nous a menés?;
    this is getting us nowhere ça ne nous mène nulle part, ça ne nous mène à rien;
    that won't get you very far! ça ne te servira pas à grand-chose!, tu ne seras pas beaucoup plus avancé!
    (a) (prepare → meal, drink) préparer;
    he's in the kitchen getting dinner il est à la cuisine en train de préparer le dîner;
    who's going to get the children breakfast? qui va préparer le petit déjeuner pour les enfants?;
    she got herself some breakfast elle s'est préparé un petit déjeuner
    (b) (hear correctly) entendre, saisir;
    I didn't get his name je n'ai pas saisi son nom
    I got her father on the phone j'ai parlé à son père ou j'ai eu son père au téléphone;
    I couldn't get her at the office je n'ai pas pu l'avoir au bureau;
    did you get the number you wanted? avez-vous obtenu le numéro que vous vouliez?;
    get me extension 3500 passez-moi ou donnez-moi le poste 3500
    (d) familiar (understand) comprendre, saisir ;
    I don't get it, I don't get the point je ne comprends ou ne saisis pas, je n'y suis pas du tout;
    I don't get you or your meaning je ne comprends pas ce que vous voulez dire;
    if you get my meaning si tu vois ce que je veux dire ;
    don't get me wrong comprenez-moi bien;
    I think he's got the message now je crois qu'il a compris maintenant;
    I don't get the joke je ne vois pas ce qui est (si) drôle ;
    get it?, get me?, get my drift? tu saisis?, tu piges?;
    (I've) got it! ça y est!, j'y suis! ;
    oh, I get you! ah! j'ai pigé!
    (e) (take note of) remarquer;
    did you get his address? lui avez-vous demandé son adresse?
    get him! who does he think he is? vise un peu ce mec, mais pour qui il se prend?;
    get (a load of) that! vise un peu ça!
    (g) familiar (listen to) écouter ;
    get a load of this! écoute un peu ça!;
    get him! écoute-le, celui-là!;
    (a) familiar (hit) atteindre ; (hit and kill) tuer ;
    she got him in the face with a pie elle lui a jeté une tarte à la crème à la figure;
    the bullet got him in the back il a pris la balle ou la balle l'a atteint dans le dos;
    a car got him il a été tué par une voiture
    (b) familiar (harm, punish)
    everyone's out to get me tout le monde est après moi
    (c) familiar (take vengeance on) se venger de ;
    we'll get you for this! on te revaudra ça!;
    I'll get him for that! je lui revaudrai ça!
    the pain gets me in the back j'ai des douleurs dans le dos
    that song really gets me cette chanson me fait vraiment quelque chose
    (f) familiar (baffle, puzzle)
    you've got me there alors là, aucune idée
    (g) familiar (irritate) énerver, agacer ;
    it really gets me when you're late qu'est-ce que ça peut m'énerver quand tu es en retard!
    (h) American (learn) apprendre;
    to get sth by heart apprendre qch par cœur
    (i) archaic (beget) engendrer;
    to get sb with child faire un enfant à qn
    (j) Radio & Television (signal, station) capter, recevoir
    he got his in Vietnam il est mort au Viêt Nam
    (a) (become) devenir;
    I'm getting hungry/thirsty je commence à avoir faim/soif;
    get dressed! habille-toi!;
    to get fat grossir;
    to get married se marier;
    to get divorced divorcer;
    don't get lost! ne vous perdez pas!;
    how did that vase get broken? comment se fait-il que ce vase soit cassé?;
    he got so he didn't want to go out any more il en est arrivé à ne plus vouloir sortir;
    to get old vieillir;
    it's getting late il se fait tard;
    this is getting boring ça devient ennuyeux;
    to get used to sth/doing sth s'habituer à qch/à faire qch;
    familiar will you get with it! mais réveille-toi un peu!
    to get elected se faire élire, être élu;
    suppose he gets killed et s'il se fait tuer?;
    to get drowned se noyer;
    we got paid last week on a été payés la semaine dernière;
    I'm always getting invited to parties on m'invite toujours à des soirées
    (c) (with present participle) (start) commencer à, se mettre à;
    let's get going or moving! (let's leave) allons-y!; (let's hurry) dépêchons(-nous)!, grouillons-nous!; (let's start to work) au travail!;
    I'll get going on that right away je m'y mets tout de suite;
    I can't seem to get going today je n'arrive pas à m'activer aujourd'hui;
    she got talking to the neighbours elle s'est mise à discuter avec les voisins;
    we got talking about racism nous en sommes venus à parler de racisme;
    he got to thinking about it il s'est mis à réfléchir à la question
    (a) (go) aller, se rendre; (arrive) arriver;
    when did you get home? quand es-tu rentré?;
    it's nice to get home ça fait du bien de rentrer chez soi;
    how do you get to the museum? comment est-ce qu'on fait pour aller au musée?;
    how did you get in here? comment êtes-vous entré?;
    they should get here today ils devraient arriver ici aujourd'hui;
    how did you get here? comment es-tu venu?;
    how did that bicycle get here? comment se fait-il que ce vélo se trouve ici?;
    I took the train from Madrid to get there j'ai pris le train de Madrid pour y aller;
    she's successful now but it took her a while to get there elle a une bonne situation maintenant, mais ça ne s'est pas fait du jour au lendemain;
    he got as far as buying the tickets il est allé jusqu'à acheter les billets;
    I'd hoped things wouldn't get this far j'avais espéré qu'on n'en arriverait pas là;
    are you getting anywhere with that report? il avance, ce rapport?;
    now you're getting somewhere! enfin tu avances!;
    I'm not getting anywhere or I'm getting nowhere with this project je fais du surplace avec ce projet;
    we're not getting anywhere with this meeting cette réunion est une perte de temps;
    she won't get anywhere or she'll get nowhere if she's rude to people elle n'arrivera à rien en étant grossière avec les gens;
    where's your sister got to? où est passée ta sœur?;
    where did my keys get to? où sont passées mes clés?
    he got along the ledge as best he could il a avancé le long du rebord du mieux qu'il pouvait;
    she got behind a tree elle s'est mise derrière un arbre;
    to get into bed se coucher;
    get in or into the car! monte dans la voiture!;
    get over here! viens ici!;
    we couldn't get past the truck nous ne pouvions pas passer le camion
    (c) (with infinitive) (start) commencer à, se mettre à;
    each city is getting to look like another toutes les grandes villes commencent à se ressembler;
    to get to know sb apprendre à connaître qn;
    we got to like her husband nous nous sommes mis à apprécier ou à aimer son mari;
    you'll get to like it in the end ça finira par te plaire;
    his father got to hear of the rumours son père a fini par entendre les rumeurs;
    he's getting to be known il commence à être connu, il se fait connaître;
    they got to talking about the past ils en sont venus ou ils se sont mis à parler du passé
    (d) (become) devenir;
    it's getting to be impossible to find a flat ça devient impossible de trouver un appartement;
    she may get to be president one day elle pourrait devenir ou être président un jour;
    they got to be friends ils sont devenus amis
    (e) (manage) réussir à;
    we never got to see that film nous n'avons jamais réussi à ou nous ne sommes jamais arrivés à voir ce film;
    I didn't get to speak to him in person je n'ai pas pu lui parler en personne
    he never gets to stay up late on ne le laisse jamais se coucher tard ;
    I never get to drive on ne me laisse jamais conduire
    (g) familiar (leave) se tirer;
    get! fous le camp!, tire-toi!
    3 noun
    familiar (in tennis) beau retour m
    (a) (be up and about, move around) se déplacer;
    how do you get about town? comment vous déplacez-vous en ville?;
    she gets about on crutches/in a wheelchair elle se déplace avec des béquilles/en chaise roulante;
    I don't get about much these days je ne me déplace pas beaucoup ces temps-ci
    (b) (travel) voyager;
    I get about quite a bit in my job je suis assez souvent en déplacement pour mon travail
    she certainly gets about elle connaît beaucoup de monde
    (d) (story, rumour) se répandre, circuler;
    the news or it got about that they were splitting up la nouvelle de leur séparation s'est répandue
    (a) (succeed in crossing) traverser, passer;
    the river was flooded but we managed to get across la rivière était en crue mais nous avons réussi à traverser
    our message is not getting across notre message ne passe pas
    (a) (over water, street → person) faire traverser;
    we couldn't get the supplies across (across the river) nous ne pouvions pas faire passer les vivres de l'autre côté;
    it was easy to get the people across (across the border) il était facile de faire passer les gens
    (b) (communicate) communiquer;
    I can't seem to get the idea across to them je n'arrive pas à leur faire comprendre ça;
    he managed to get his point across il a réussi à faire passer son message
    (succeed) réussir, arriver;
    to get ahead in life or in the world réussir dans la vie;
    if you want to get ahead at the office, you have to work si tu veux de l'avancement au bureau, il faut que tu travailles
    (a) (fare, manage) aller;
    how are you getting along? comment vas-tu?, comment ça va?;
    she's getting along well in her new job elle se débrouille bien dans son nouveau travail;
    we can get along without him nous pouvons nous passer de lui ou nous débrouiller sans lui
    (b) (advance, progress) avancer, progresser;
    the patient is getting along nicely le patient est en bonne voie ou fait des progrès
    (c) (be on good terms) s'entendre;
    we get along fine nous nous entendons très bien, nous faisons bon ménage;
    she doesn't get along with my mother elle ne s'entend pas avec ma mère;
    she's easy to get along with elle est facile à vivre
    (d) (move away) s'en aller, partir; (go) aller, se rendre;
    it's time for me to be getting along, it's time I was getting along il est temps que je parte;
    I must be getting along to the office il faut que j'aille au bureau;
    British get along with you! (leave) va-t'en!, fiche le camp!; familiar (I don't believe you) à d'autres!
    (obstacle, problem) contourner; (law, rule) tourner;
    there's no getting around it, we'll have to tell her il n'y a pas d'autre moyen, il va falloir que nous le lui disions;
    she won't get around to reading it before tomorrow elle n'arrivera pas à (trouver le temps de) le lire avant demain;
    he finally got around to fixing the radiator il a fini par ou il est finalement arrivé à réparer le radiateur;
    it was some time before I got around to writing to her j'ai mis pas mal de temps avant de lui écrire
    (a) (reach → object, shelf) atteindre; (→ place) parvenir à, atteindre;
    I've put the pills where the children can't get at them j'ai mis les pilules là où les enfants ne peuvent pas les prendre;
    familiar just let me get at him! si jamais il me tombe sous la main!
    (b) (discover) trouver;
    to get at the truth découvrir la vérité
    (c) (mean, intend) entendre;
    I see what you're getting at je vois où vous voulez en venir;
    just what are you getting at? qu'est-ce que vous entendez par là?, où voulez-vous en venir?;
    what I'm getting at is why did she leave now? ce que je veux dire, c'est pourquoi est-elle partie maintenant?
    (d) familiar (criticize) s'en prendre à, s'attaquer à ;
    you're always getting at me tu t'en prends toujours à moi
    (e) familiar (bribe, influence) acheter, suborner ;
    the witnesses had been got at les témoins avaient été achetés
    (a) (leave) s'en aller, partir;
    she has to get away from home/her parents il faut qu'elle parte de chez elle/s'éloigne de ses parents;
    I was in a meeting and couldn't get away j'étais en réunion et je ne pouvais pas m'échapper ou m'en aller;
    will you be able to get away at Christmas? allez-vous pouvoir partir (en vacances) à Noël?;
    to get away from the daily grind échapper au train-train quotidien;
    get away from it all, come to Florida! quittez tout, venez en Floride!;
    she's gone off for a couple of weeks to get away from it all elle est partie quelques semaines loin de tout
    (b) (move away) s'éloigner;
    get away from that door! éloignez-vous ou écartez-vous de cette porte!;
    get away from me! fichez-moi le camp!
    (c) (escape) s'échapper, se sauver;
    the murderer got away l'assassin s'est échappé;
    the thief got away with all the jewels le voleur est parti ou s'est sauvé avec tous les bijoux;
    there's no getting away from or you can't get away from the fact that the other solution would have been cheaper on ne peut pas nier (le fait) que l'autre solution aurait coûté moins cher;
    you can't get away from it, there's no getting away from it c'est comme ça, on n'y peut rien
    get away (with you)! à d'autres!
    (remove → person) emmener;
    get that child away from the road! éloignez cet enfant de la route!;
    get me away from here! fais-moi sortir d'ici!;
    get your dog away from my garden! faites sortir votre chien de mon jardin!;
    they managed to get him away from the TV ils ont fini par l'arracher de devant la télévision;
    to get sth away from sb prendre qch à qn
    he got away with cheating on his taxes personne ne s'est aperçu qu'il avait fraudé le fisc;
    I can't believe you got away with it! je n'arrive pas à croire que personne ne t'ait rien dit!;
    he got away with a small fine il s'en est tiré avec une petite amende;
    that child gets away with murder on laisse tout faire à ce gamin;
    her skirt is really tiny but she gets away with it sa jupe est vraiment très courte mais elle peut se le permettre
    get back! éloignez-vous!, reculez!
    (b) (return) revenir, retourner;
    I can't wait to get back home je suis impatient de rentrer (à la maison);
    get back in bed! va te recoucher!, retourne au lit!;
    I got back in the car/on the bus je suis remonté dans la voiture/dans le bus;
    to get back to sleep se rendormir;
    to get back to work (after break) se remettre au travail; (after holiday, illness) reprendre le travail;
    things eventually got back to normal les choses ont peu à peu repris leur cours (normal);
    getting or to get back to the point pour en revenir au sujet qui nous préoccupe;
    let's get back to your basic reasons for leaving revenons aux raisons pour lesquelles vous voulez partir;
    I'll get back to you on that (call back) je vous rappelle pour vous dire ce qu'il en est; (discuss again) nous reparlerons de cela plus tard
    do you think the Democrats will get back in? croyez-vous que le parti démocrate reviendra au pouvoir?
    (a) (recover → something lost or lent) récupérer; (→ force, strength) reprendre, récupérer; (→ health, motivation) retrouver;
    he got his job back il a été repris;
    I got back nearly all the money I invested j'ai récupéré presque tout l'argent que j'avais investi;
    you'll have to get your money back from the shop il faut que vous vous fassiez rembourser par le magasin
    (b) (return) rendre;
    we have to get this book back to her il faut que nous lui rendions ce livre
    (c) (return to original place) remettre, replacer;
    I can't get it back in the box je n'arrive pas à le remettre ou le faire rentrer dans le carton;
    I want to get these suitcases back down to the cellar je veux redescendre ces valises à la cave;
    he managed to get the children back to bed il a réussi à remettre les enfants au lit
    to get one's own back (on sb) se venger (de qn)
    se venger de;
    he only said it to get back at him il n'a dit ça que pour se venger de lui
    (gen) rester à l'arrière, se laisser distancer; Sport se laisser distancer; figurative prendre du retard;
    he got behind with his work il a pris du retard dans son travail;
    we mustn't get behind with the rent il ne faut pas qu'on soit en retard pour le loyer
    (support, sympathize with) appuyer
    get by
    (a) (pass) passer;
    let me get by laissez-moi passer
    (b) (be acceptable) passer, être acceptable;
    their work just about gets by leur travail est tout juste passable ou acceptable
    (c) (manage, survive) se débrouiller, s'en sortir;
    how do you get by on that salary? comment tu te débrouilles ou tu t'en sors avec un salaire comme ça?;
    they get by as best they can ils se débrouillent ou s'en sortent tant bien que mal;
    we can get by without him nous pouvons nous passer de lui ou nous débrouiller sans lui
    can you get by the washing machine? est-ce que vous avez assez de place pour passer à côté de la machine à laver?
    (b) (escape attention of → censor, editor) échapper à;
    her film got by the censors son film a échappé à l'attention de la censure
    get down off that chair! descends de cette chaise!;
    may I get down (from the table)? (leave the table) puis-je sortir de table?;
    they got down on their knees ils se sont mis à genoux;
    get down! (hide) couchez-vous!; (to dog) bas les pattes!
    (a) (bring, fetch down → book from shelf etc) descendre
    (b) (reduce → temperature, inflation etc) faire baisser;
    to get one's weight down perdre du poids
    (c) (write down) noter;
    I didn't manage to get down what she said je n'ai pas réussi à noter ce qu'elle a dit
    (d) (depress) déprimer, démoraliser;
    work is really getting me down at the moment le travail me déprime vraiment en ce moment;
    this rainy weather gets him down cette pluie lui fiche le cafard;
    don't let it get you down ne te laisse pas abattre
    (e) (swallow) avaler, faire descendre
    se mettre à;
    I have to get down to balancing the books il faut que je me mette à faire les comptes;
    it's not so difficult once you get down to it ce n'est pas si difficile une fois qu'on s'y met;
    he got down to working on it this morning il s'y est mis ou s'y est attelé ce matin;
    it's hard getting down to work after the weekend c'est difficile de reprendre le travail après le week-end;
    we eventually got down to details nous avons fini par en arriver aux détails;
    when you get down to it, there's very little difference between them en fin de compte, il y a très peu de différence entre eux
    get in
    the thief got in through the window le cambrioleur est entré par la fenêtre;
    a car pulled up and she got in une voiture s'est arrêtée et elle est montée dedans;
    water had got in everywhere l'eau avait pénétré partout
    (b) (return home) rentrer;
    we got in about 4 a.m. nous sommes rentrés vers 4 heures du matin
    (c) (arrive) arriver;
    what time does your plane get in? à quelle heure ton avion arrive-t-il?
    (d) (be admitted → to club) se faire admettre; (→ to school, university) entrer, être admis ou reçu;
    he applied to Oxford but he didn't get in il voulait entrer à Oxford mais il n'a pas pu
    (e) (be elected → person) être élu; (→ party) accéder au pouvoir
    (f) familiar (become involved) participer ;
    she got in at the beginning elle est arrivée au début
    (g) (interject) glisser;
    "what about me?" she managed to get in "et moi?" réussit-elle à glisser
    I hope to get in a bit of reading on holiday j'espère pouvoir lire ou que je trouverai le temps de lire pendant mes vacances;
    she got in some last-minute revision before the exam elle a réussi à faire des révisions de dernière minute avant l'examen
    (b) (insert) faire pénétrer;
    I couldn't get a word in je n'ai pas pu placer un mot, je n'ai pas pu en placer une
    (c) (collect, gather → crops) rentrer, engranger; (→ debts) recouvrer; (→ taxes) percevoir
    I must get in some more coal je dois faire une provision de charbon;
    to get in supplies s'approvisionner
    (e) (call in → doctor, plumber) faire venir; (→ dog, cat) faire rentrer;
    shouldn't Elaine be in on this meeting? - of course, could you get her in? on n'a pas besoin d'Elaine pour cette réunion? - si, bien sûr, tu peux lui demander de venir?
    (f) (hand in, submit) rendre, remettre;
    did you get your application in on time? as-tu remis ton dossier de candidature à temps?
    (g) (cause to be admitted → to club, university) faire admettre ou accepter; (cause to be elected) faire élire
    (h) (plant → seeds) planter, semer; (→ bulbs, plants) planter
    (i) British familiar (pay for, stand) payer, offrir ;
    he got the next round in il a payé la tournée suivante
    (building) entrer dans; (vehicle) monter dans;
    he had just got in the door when the phone rang il venait juste d'arriver ou d'entrer quand le téléphone a sonné
    to get in on a deal prendre part à un marché;
    to get in on the fun se mettre de la partie
    faire participer à;
    he got me in on the deal il m'a intéressé à l'affaire
    (a) (building) entrer dans; (vehicle) monter dans
    (b) (arrive in) arriver à;
    we get into Madrid at 3 o'clock nous arrivons à Madrid à 3 heures;
    the train got into the station le train est entré en gare
    (c) (put on → dress, shirt, shoes) mettre; (→ trousers, stockings) enfiler, mettre; (→ coat) endosser;
    she got into her clothes elle a mis ses vêtements ou s'est habillée;
    can you still get into your jeans? est-ce que tu rentres encore dans ton jean?
    (d) (be admitted to → club, school, university) entrer dans;
    he'd like to get into the club il voudrait devenir membre du club;
    her daughter got into medical school sa fille a été admise dans ou est entrée dans une école de médecine;
    to get into office être élu
    he wants to get into politics il veut se lancer dans la politique;
    they got into a conversation about South Africa ils se sont mis à parler de l'Afrique du Sud;
    we got into a fight over who had to do the dishes nous nous sommes disputés pour savoir qui devait faire la vaisselle;
    this is not the moment to get into that ce n'est pas le moment de parler de ça
    (f) familiar (take up) s'intéresser à ;
    he got into Eastern religions il a commencé à s'intéresser aux religions orientales;
    it's a hard book to get into c'est un livre dans lequel il est difficile de rentrer
    he soon got into her way of doing things il s'est vite fait ou s'est vite mis à sa façon de faire les choses
    to get into debt s'endetter;
    he got into a real mess il s'est mis dans un vrai pétrin;
    the children were always getting into mischief les enfants passaient leur temps à faire des bêtises;
    I got into a real state about the test j'étais dans tous mes états à cause du test;
    she got into trouble with the teacher elle a eu des ennuis avec le professeur
    what's got into you? qu'est-ce qui te prend?, quelle mouche te pique?;
    I wonder what got into him to make him act like that je me demande ce qui l'a poussé à réagir comme ça
    to get sth into sth (faire) (r)entrer qch dans qch;
    to get the key into the lock mettre ou introduire la clef dans la serrure;
    to get an article into a paper faire accepter un article par un journal;
    to get an idea into one's head se mettre une idée en tête;
    familiar when will you get it into your thick head that I don't want to go? quand est-ce que tu vas enfin comprendre que je ne veux pas y aller?
    (b) (cause to be admitted to → club) faire entrer à; (→ school, university) faire entrer dans;
    he got his friend into the club il a permis à son ami de devenir membre du club;
    the president got his son into Harvard le président a fait entrer ou accepter ou admettre son fils à Harvard
    she got herself into a terrible state elle s'est mis dans tous ses états;
    he got them into a lot of trouble il leur a attiré de gros ennuis
    (d) (involve in) impliquer dans, entraîner dans;
    you're the one who got us into this c'est toi qui nous as embarqués dans cette histoire
    (e) familiar (make interested in) faire découvrir ; (accustom to) habituer à, faire prendre l'habitude de ;
    he got me into jazz il m'a initié au jazz
    (a) (ingratiate oneself with) s'insinuer dans ou s'attirer les bonnes grâces de, se faire bien voir de;
    they tried to get in with the new director ils ont essayé de se faire bien voir du nouveau directeur
    (b) (associate with → person, group etc) fréquenter;
    he has got in with a new gang il n'est pas plus avec la même bande;
    she got in with the wrong crowd at school elle avait de mauvaises fréquentations à l'école
    get off
    (a) (leave bus, train etc) descendre;
    get off at the next stop descendez au prochain arrêt;
    familiar I told him where to get off! je l'ai envoyé sur les roses!, je l'ai envoyé promener!;
    familiar where do you get off telling me what to do? qu'est-ce qui te prend de me dicter ce que je dois faire?
    (b) (depart → person) s'en aller, partir; (→ car) démarrer; (→ plane) décoller; (→ letter, parcel) partir;
    I have to be getting off to work il faut que j'aille au travail;
    figurative the project got off to a bad/good start le projet a pris un mauvais/bon départ
    (c) (leave work) finir, s'en aller; (take time off) se libérer;
    what time do you get off? à quelle heure finissez-vous?;
    can you get off early tomorrow? peux-tu quitter le travail de bonne heure demain?
    (d) (escape punishment) s'en sortir, s'en tirer, en être quitte;
    she didn't think she'd get off so lightly elle n'espérait pas s'en tirer à si bon compte;
    the students got off with a fine/warning les étudiants en ont été quittes pour une amende/un avertissement
    hey! get off! that's MY book! hé! laisse ça! c'est mon livre ou c'est à moi ce livre!
    (f) (go to sleep) s'endormir
    (a) (leave → bus, train, plane etc) descendre de
    (b) (descend from → bike, wall, chair etc) descendre de;
    he got off his horse il est descendu de cheval;
    if only the boss would get off my back si seulement le patron me fichait la paix
    (c) (depart from) partir de, décamper de;
    get off my property fichez le camp de chez moi;
    get off the grass! ne marche pas sur la pelouse!;
    we got off the road to let the ambulance pass nous sommes sortis de la route pour laisser passer l'ambulance
    get off me! laisse-moi tranquille!, lâche-moi!
    (e) (escape from) se libérer de; (avoid) échapper à;
    she managed to get off work elle a réussi à se libérer;
    how did you get off doing the housework? comment as-tu fait pour échapper au ménage?
    (a) (cause to leave, climb down) faire descendre;
    get the cat off the table fais descendre le chat de (sur) la table;
    the conductor got the passengers off the train le conducteur a fait descendre les passagers du train;
    figurative try to get her mind off her troubles essaie de lui changer les idées
    (b) (send) envoyer, faire partir;
    I want to get this letter off je veux expédier cette lettre ou mettre cette lettre à la poste;
    she got the boys off to school elle a expédié ou envoyé les garçons à l'école;
    we got him off on the morning train nous l'avons mis au train du matin
    (c) (remove → clothing, lid) enlever, ôter; (→ stains) faire partir ou disparaître, enlever;
    I can't get this ink off my hands je n'arrive pas à faire partir cette encre de mes mains;
    get your hands off that cake! ne touche pas à ce gâteau!;
    get your hands off me! ne me touche pas!;
    get your feet off the table! enlève tes pieds de sur la table!;
    figurative he'd like to get that house off his hands il aimerait bien se débarrasser de cette maison
    (d) (free from punishment) tirer d'affaire; (in court) faire acquitter;
    he'll need a good lawyer to get him off il lui faudra un bon avocat pour se tirer d'affaire;
    to get sb off doing sth dispenser qn de faire qch
    (e) (put to sleep) endormir;
    I've just managed to get the baby off (to sleep) je viens de réussir à endormir le bébé
    to get a day/week off prendre un jour/une semaine de congé;
    can you get tomorrow afternoon/next week off? est-ce que tu peux prendre un congé demain après-midi/la semaine prochaine?
    to get sth off sb obtenir qch de qn;
    I got that story off the woman next door je tiens cette histoire de la voisine;
    I got this cold off the woman next door la voisine m'a passé son rhume
    he gets off on pornographic films il prend son pied en regardant des films pornos;
    is that what you get off on? c'est comme ça que tu prends ton pied?;
    figurative he gets off on teasing people il adore taquiner les gens ;
    I really get off on hip-hop! j'adore le hip-hop!
    he gets off on heroin il se défonce à l'héroïne
    to get off with sb faire une touche avec qn
    get on
    (a) (on bus, plane, train) monter; (on ship) monter à bord
    (b) (fare, manage)
    how's your husband getting on? comment va votre mari?;
    how did he get on at the interview? comment s'est passé son entretien?, comment ça a marché pour son entretien?;
    you'll get on far better if you think about it first tout ira mieux si tu réfléchis avant
    (c) (make progress) avancer, progresser;
    Jennifer is getting on very well in maths Jennifer se débrouille très bien en maths;
    how's your work getting on? ça avance, ton travail?
    (d) (succeed) réussir, arriver;
    to get on in life or in the world faire son chemin ou réussir dans la vie;
    some say that in order to get on, you often have to compromise il y a des gens qui disent que pour réussir (dans la vie), il faut souvent faire des compromis
    (e) (continue) continuer;
    we must be getting on il faut que nous partions;
    do you think we can get on with the meeting now? croyez-vous que nous puissions poursuivre notre réunion maintenant?;
    get on with your work! allez! au travail!;
    they got on with the job ils se sont remis au travail
    (f) (be on good terms) s'entendre;
    my mother and I get on well je m'entends bien avec ma mère;
    they don't get on ils ne s'entendent pas;
    she's never got on with him elle ne s'est jamais entendue avec lui;
    to be difficult/easy to get on with être difficile/facile à vivre
    (g) (grow late → time)
    time's getting on il se fait tard;
    it was getting on in the evening, the evening was getting on la soirée tirait à sa fin
    (h) (grow old → person) se faire vieux (vieille);
    she's getting on (in years) elle commence à se faire vieille
    get on with it! (continue speaking) continuez!; (continue working) allez! au travail!; (hurry up) mais dépêchez-vous enfin!;
    familiar get on with you! (I don't believe you) à d'autres!
    (bus, train) monter dans; (plane) monter dans, monter à bord de; (ship) monter à bord de; (bed, horse, table, bike) monter sur;
    he got on his bike il est monté sur ou il a enfourché son vélo;
    get on your feet levez-vous, mettez-vous debout;
    how did these papers get on my desk? comment est-ce que ces papiers se sont retrouvés ou sont arrivés sur mon bureau?;
    figurative it took the patient a while to get (back) on his feet le patient a mis longtemps à se remettre
    (a) (help onto → bus, train) faire monter dans; (→ bed, bike, horse, table) faire monter sur;
    they got him on his feet ils l'ont mis debout;
    figurative the doctor got her on her feet le médecin l'a remise sur pied
    (b) (coat, gloves, shoes) mettre, enfiler; (lid) mettre;
    I can't get these trousers on any more je n'entre plus dans ce pantalon
    to get it on (with sb) (have sex) s'envoyer en l'air (avec qn); (fight) se friter (avec qn);
    to get it on (get started) s'y mettre
    the president is getting on for sixty le président approche de la soixantaine ou a presque soixante ans;
    it's getting on for midnight il est presque minuit, il n'est pas loin de minuit;
    it's getting on for three weeks since we saw her ça va faire bientôt trois semaines que nous ne l'avons pas vue;
    there were getting on for ten thousand demonstrators il n'y avait pas loin ou il y avait près de dix mille manifestants
    to get onto a subject or onto a topic aborder un sujet;
    how did we get onto reincarnation? comment est-ce qu'on en est venus à parler de réincarnation?;
    I'll get right onto it! je vais m'y mettre tout de suite!
    (c) (contact) prendre contact avec, se mettre en rapport avec; (speak to) parler à; (call) téléphoner à, donner un coup de fil à
    (d) familiar (become aware of) découvrir ;
    the plan worked well until the police got onto it le plan marchait bien jusqu'à ce que la police tombe dessus
    (e) (nag, rebuke) harceler;
    his father is always getting onto him to find a job son père est toujours à le harceler pour qu'il trouve du travail
    he got onto the school board il a été élu au conseil d'administration de l'école
    (b) (cause to talk about) faire parler de, amener à parler de;
    we got him onto (the subject of) his activities in the Resistance nous l'avons amené à parler de ses activités dans la Résistance
    get out
    (a) (leave building, room etc) sortir; (leave vehicle) descendre; (leave organization, town) quitter;
    he got out of the car il est sorti de la voiture;
    to get out of bed se lever, sortir de son lit;
    you'd better get out of here tu ferais bien de partir ou sortir;
    get out! sortez!;
    get out of here! (leave) sortez d'ici!; American familiar (I don't believe it) mon œil!;
    to get out while the going is good partir au bon moment
    (b) (go out) sortir;
    they don't get out much ils ne sortent pas beaucoup
    (c) (be released from prison, hospital) sortir
    (d) (information, news) se répandre, s'ébruiter;
    the secret got out le secret a été éventé
    (e) (escape) s'échapper;
    the prisoner got out of his cell le prisonnier s'est échappé de sa cellule;
    he was lucky to get out alive il a eu de la chance de s'en sortir vivant
    theaters were getting out les gens sortaient des théâtres
    (a) (bring out → champagne, furniture, books, car) sortir; (person) (faire) sortir;
    to get a book out from the library emprunter un livre à la bibliothèque
    (b) (produce, publish → book) publier, sortir; (→ list) établir, dresser
    (c) (speak with difficulty) prononcer, sortir;
    I could barely get a word out c'est à peine si je pouvais dire ou prononcer ou sortir un mot;
    familiar to get out from under s'en sortir, s'en tirer
    (d) (free → hostages etc) libérer
    (e) (remove) enlever; (nail etc) arracher; (cork) retirer; (stain) faire disparaître
    (f) Sport (in cricket → batsman) renverser le guichet à
    (a) (leave → building) sortir de; (car, train) descendre de;
    let's get out of here partons d'ici;
    he managed to get out of the country (criminal, refugee) il a réussi à quitter le pays;
    to get out of bed se lever;
    to get out of prison/the army sortir de prison/quitter l'armée;
    to get out of sb's way s'écarter du chemin de qn, faire place à qn;
    very familiar get the hell out of here! fiche(-moi) le camp!
    (b) (avoid) éviter, échapper à; (obligation) se dérober ou se soustraire à;
    how did you get out of doing the dishes? comment as-tu pu échapper à la vaisselle?;
    he tried to get out of helping me il a essayé de se débrouiller pour ne pas devoir m'aider;
    we have to go, there's no getting out of it il faut qu'on y aille, il n'y a rien à faire ou il n'y a pas moyen d'y échapper;
    there's no getting out of it, you were the better candidate il faut le reconnaître ou il n'y a pas à dire, vous étiez le meilleur candidat
    to get out of trouble se tirer d'affaire;
    they managed to get out of the clutches of the mafia ils ont réussi à se tirer des griffes de la mafia;
    how can I get out of this mess? comment puis-je me tirer de ce pétrin?
    to get out of (the habit of) doing sth perdre l'habitude de faire qch
    (a) (take out of) sortir de;
    get the baby out of the house every now and then sors le bébé de temps en temps;
    she got a handkerchief out of her handbag elle a sorti un mouchoir de son sac à main;
    how many books did you get out of the library? combien de livres as-tu emprunté à ou sorti de la bibliothèque?
    the lawyer got his client out of jail l'avocat a fait sortir son client de prison;
    figurative the phone call got her out of having to talk to me le coup de fil lui a évité d'avoir à me parler;
    he'll never get himself out of this one! il ne s'en sortira jamais!;
    my confession got him out of trouble ma confession l'a tiré d'affaire
    (c) (extract → cork) sortir de; (→ nail, splinter) enlever de; (→ stain) faire partir de, enlever de;
    I can't get the cork out of the bottle je n'arrive pas à déboucher la bouteille;
    the police got a confession/the truth out of him la police lui a arraché une confession/la vérité;
    we got the money out of him nous avons réussi à obtenir l'argent de lui;
    I can't get anything out of him je ne peux rien tirer de lui;
    I can't get the idea out of my mind je ne peux pas chasser cette idée de mon esprit
    (d) (gain from) gagner, retirer;
    to get a lot out of sth tirer (un) grand profit de qch;
    I didn't get much out of that class ce cours ne m'a pas apporté grand-chose, je n'ai pas retiré grand-chose de ce cours;
    the job was difficult but she got something out of it la tâche était difficile, mais elle y a trouvé son compte ou en a tiré profit
    (a) (cross → river, street) traverser, franchir; (→ fence, wall) franchir, passer par-dessus
    (b) (recover from → illness) se remettre de, guérir de; (→ accident) se remettre de; (→ loss) se remettre de, se consoler de;
    I'll never get over her je ne l'oublierai jamais;
    he can't get over her death il n'arrive pas à se remettre de sa mort ou disparition;
    we couldn't get over our surprise nous n'arrivions pas à nous remettre de notre surprise;
    I can't get over how much he's grown! qu'est-ce qu'il a grandi, je n'en reviens pas!;
    I can't get over it! je n'en reviens pas!;
    he couldn't get over the fact that she had come back il n'en revenait pas qu'elle soit revenue;
    I can't get over your having refused je n'en reviens pas que vous ayez refusé;
    he'll get over it! il n'en mourra pas!
    (c) (master, overcome → obstacle) surmonter; (→ difficulty) surmonter, venir à bout de;
    they soon got over their shyness ils ont vite oublié ou surmonté leur timidité
    (a) (cause to cross) faire traverser
    (b) (communicate → idea, message) faire passer
    (a) (cross) traverser;
    to get over to France/America aller en France/Amérique;
    we'll try to get over next weekend (to visit) nous essayerons de venir vous voir le week-end prochain
    (b) (idea, message) passer
    (finish with) en finir avec;
    let's get it over with finissons-en;
    I expect you'll be glad to get it over with j'imagine que vous serez soulagé quand ce sera terminé
    (b) (exhibition, museum) faire le tour de; (corner) passer
    (bring, take) I'll get the books round (to you) as soon as I can je t'apporterai les livres dès que je le pourrai
    (b) the doctor said she'd get round as soon as she could le docteur a dit qu'elle viendrait ou passerait dès qu'elle pourrait;
    I didn't manage to get round to each pupil in the class je n'ai pas réussi à m'occuper de chaque élève de la classe
    the road was blocked and no one could get through la route était bloquée et personne ne pouvait passer;
    they managed to get through to the wounded ils ont réussi à parvenir jusqu'aux blessés;
    the letter got through to her la lettre lui est parvenue;
    the message didn't get through le message n'est pas arrivé;
    despite the crowds, I managed to get through malgré la foule, j'ai réussi à passer
    (b) (candidate, student → succeed) réussir; (→ in exam) être reçu, réussir;
    the team got through to the final l'équipe s'est classée pour la finale
    (c) (bill, motion) passer, être adopté ou voté
    (d) (make oneself understood) se faire comprendre;
    I can't seem to get through to her elle et moi ne sommes pas sur la même longueur d'onde
    (e) (contact) contacter; Telecommunications obtenir la communication;
    I can't get through to his office je n'arrive pas à avoir son bureau
    (f) American (finish) finir, terminer;
    call me when you get through appelez-moi quand vous aurez ou avez fini
    (a) (come through → hole, window) passer par; (→ crowd) se frayer un chemin à travers ou dans; (→ military lines) percer, franchir
    (b) (survive → storm, winter) survivre à; (→ difficulty) se sortir de, se tirer de;
    he got through it alive il s'en est sorti (vivant)
    (c) (complete, finish → book) finir, terminer; (→ job, project) achever, venir à bout de;
    I got through an enormous amount of work j'ai abattu beaucoup de travail;
    it took us one week to get through the entire play il nous a fallu une semaine pour venir à bout de la pièce
    (d) (consume, use up) consommer, utiliser;
    we get through a litre of olive oil a week nous utilisons un litre d'huile d'olive par semaine;
    they got through their monthly salary in one week en une semaine ils avaient dépensé tout leur salaire du mois;
    he gets through eight shirts a week il salit huit chemises par semaine;
    we'll never get through all this food nous ne viendrons jamais à bout de toute cette nourriture
    (e) (endure, pass → time) faire passer;
    how will I get through this without you? comment pourrai-je vivre cette épreuve sans toi?;
    they got through the day without a single argument ils ne se sont pas disputés une seule fois de toute la journée;
    the Government may have difficulty getting through another six months le gouvernement aura peut-être du mal à tenir encore six mois
    (f) (exam) réussir, être reçu à
    (g) (of bill, motion) passer;
    the bill got through both Houses le projet de loi a été adopté par les deux Chambres
    (a) (transport, send successfully) faire parvenir;
    they got the food supplies through ils ont réussi à faire parvenir les provisions alimentaires (à destination);
    to get sth through customs (faire) passer qch à la douane;
    you'll never get that desk through tu n'arriveras jamais à faire passer ce bureau
    (b) (transmit → message) faire passer, transmettre, faire parvenir;
    can you get this letter through to my family? pouvez-vous transmettre ou faire parvenir cette lettre à ma famille?
    I finally got it through to him that I wasn't interested j'ai fini par lui faire comprendre que je n'étais pas intéressé;
    familiar when will you get it through your thick head that I don't want to go? quand est-ce que tu vas enfin comprendre que je ne veux pas y aller?
    (d) (bill, motion) faire adopter, faire passer;
    the party got the bill through the Senate le parti a fait voter ou adopter le projet de loi par le Sénat
    it was your essay that got you through (the exam) c'est grâce à ta dissertation que tu as réussi l'examen
    I need four cups of coffee to get me through the day il me faut mes quatre tasses de café par jour
    terminer, finir
    (a) (reach) arriver à;
    where have you got to? (in book, work) où en es-tu?;
    it got to the point where he couldn't walk another step il en est arrivé au point de ne plus pouvoir faire un pas
    (b) (deal with) s'occuper de;
    I'll get to you in a minute je suis à toi ou je m'occupe de toi dans quelques secondes;
    he'll get to it tomorrow il va s'en occuper demain
    that music really gets to me (moves me) cette musique me touche vraiment ; (annoys me) cette musique me tape sur le système;
    don't let it get to you! ne t'énerve pas pour ça!
    they got to the witness (bribed) ils ont acheté le témoin; (killed) ils ont descendu le témoin
    (a) (meet) se réunir, se rassembler;
    can we get together after the meeting? on peut se retrouver après la réunion?
    (b) (reach an agreement) se mettre d'accord;
    the committee got together on the date les membres du comité se sont entendus ou se sont mis d'accord sur la date;
    you'd better get together with him on the proposal vous feriez bien de vous entendre avec lui au sujet de la proposition
    (people) réunir, rassembler; (things) rassembler, ramasser; (thoughts) rassembler;
    to get some money together réunir une somme d'argent;
    let me get my thoughts together laissez-moi rassembler mes idées;
    familiar to get one's act together se secouer;
    familiar she's really got it together (in life) elle sait ce qu'elle fait ; (in job etc) elle domine son sujet ;
    familiar I never thought he would get it together je n'aurais jamais pensé qu'il y arriverait
    get up
    (a) (arise from bed) se lever;
    it was 6 o'clock when we got up il était 6 heures quand nous nous sommes levés;
    I like to get up late on Sundays j'aime faire la grasse matinée le dimanche;
    get up! sors du lit!, debout!, lève-toi!
    (b) (rise to one's feet) se lever, se mettre debout;
    she had to get up from her chair elle a été obligée de se lever de sa chaise;
    to get up from the table se lever ou sortir de table;
    get up off the floor! relève-toi!;
    please don't bother getting up restez assis, je vous prie
    (c) (climb up) monter;
    they got up on the roof ils sont montés sur le toit;
    she got up behind him on the motorcycle elle est montée derrière lui sur la moto
    (d) (of wind) se lever
    get up! allez!
    (stairs) monter; (ladder, tree) monter à; (hill) gravir
    (a) (cause to rise to feet) faire lever; (awaken) réveiller
    (b) (move up) monter;
    how are we going to get this desk up to the fifth floor? comment allons-nous monter ce bureau jusqu'au cinquième étage?;
    to get sb up the stairs (help climb) aider qn à monter l'escalier
    (c) (generate, work up)
    to get up speed gagner de la vitesse;
    to get one's courage up rassembler son courage;
    I can't get up any enthusiasm for the job je n'arrive pas à éprouver d'enthousiasme pour ce travail
    (d) familiar (organize → entertainment, party) organiser, monter ; (→ petition) organiser ; (→ play) monter ; (→ excuse, story) fabriquer, forger
    (e) (dress up) habiller; (in costume) déguiser;
    their children are always so nicely got up leurs enfants sont toujours si bien habillés;
    to get oneself up se mettre sur son trente et un
    (f) familiar (study → subject) bûcher, travailler ; (→ notes, speech) préparer
    to get it up bander
    (a) (do) faire;
    he gets up to all kinds of mischief il fait des tas de bêtises;
    what have you been getting up to lately? qu'est-ce que tu deviens?
    I've got up to chapter 5 j'en suis au chapitre 5;
    where have you got up to? (in book, work) où en êtes-vous?

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  • 5 the

    abandon the takeoff
    прекращать взлет
    abeam the left pilot position
    на левом траверзе
    abeam the right pilot position
    на правом траверзе
    abort the flight
    прерывать полет
    abort the takeoff
    прерывать взлет
    above the glide slope
    выше глиссады
    absorb the shock energy
    поглощать энергию удара
    accelerate the rotor
    раскручивать ротор
    accelerate to the speed
    разгонять до скорости
    adhere to the flight plan
    придерживаться плана полета
    adhere to the track
    придерживаться заданного курса
    adjust the cable
    регулировать трос
    adjust the compass
    устранять девиацию компаса
    adjust the engine
    регулировать двигатель до заданных параметров
    adjust the heading
    корректировать курс
    advice to follow the controller's advance
    выполнять указание диспетчера
    affect the regularity
    влиять на регулярность
    affect the safety
    влиять на безопасность
    align the aircraft
    устанавливать воздушное судно
    align the aircraft with the center line
    устанавливать воздушное судно по оси
    align the aircraft with the runway
    устанавливать воздушное судно по оси ВПП
    alter the heading
    менять курс
    amplify the signal
    усиливать сигнал
    apparent drift of the gyro
    кажущийся уход гироскопа
    apply the brake
    применять тормоз
    approach the beam
    приближаться к лучу
    approve the limitations
    утверждать ограничения
    approve the tariff
    утверждать тариф
    area of coverage of the forecasts
    район обеспечения прогнозами
    arrest the development of the stall
    препятствовать сваливанию
    arrive over the aerodrome
    прибывать в зону аэродрома
    assess the damage
    определять стоимость повреждения
    assess the distance
    оценивать расстояние
    assess the suitability
    оценивать пригодность
    assume the control
    брать управление на себя
    attain the power
    достигать заданной мощности
    attain the speed
    развивать заданную скорость
    at the end of
    в конце цикла
    at the end of segment
    в конце участка
    (полета) at the end of stroke
    в конце хода
    (поршня) at the ground level
    на уровне земли
    at the start of cycle
    в начале цикла
    at the start of segment
    в начале участка
    (полета) avoid the obstacle
    избегать столкновения с препятствием
    backward movement of the stick
    взятие ручки на себя
    balance the aircraft
    балансировать воздушное судно
    balance the control surface
    балансировать поверхность управления
    balance the propeller
    балансировать воздушный винт
    bear on the accident
    иметь отношение к происшествию
    before the turbine
    перед турбиной
    below the glide slope
    ниже глиссады
    below the landing minima
    ниже посадочного минимума
    bend the cotterpin ends
    загибать усики шплинта
    be off the track
    уклоняться от заданного курса
    be on the level on the hour
    занимать эшелон по нулям
    block the brake
    ставить на тормоз
    boundary of the area
    граница зоны
    brake the propeller
    стопорить воздушный винт
    break the journey
    прерывать полет
    bring the aircraft back
    возвращать воздушное судно
    bring the aircraft out
    выводить воздушное судно из крена
    by altering the heading
    путем изменения курса
    cage the gyroscope
    арретировать гироскоп
    calibrate the compass
    списывать девиацию компаса
    calibrate the indicator
    тарировать прибор
    calibrate the system
    тарировать систему
    calibrate the tank
    тарировать бак
    cancel the drift
    парировать снос
    cancel the flight
    отменять полет
    cancel the forecast
    аннулировать сообщенный прогноз
    cancel the signal
    прекращать подачу сигнала
    capture the beam
    захватывать луч
    carry out a circuit of the aerodrome
    выполнять круг полета над аэродромом
    carry out the flight
    выполнять полет
    center the autopilot
    центрировать автопилот
    center the wiper
    центрировать щетку
    change the frequency
    изменять частоту
    change the pitch
    изменять шаг
    change the track
    изменять линию пути
    check the reading
    проверять показания
    chop the power
    внезапно изменять режим
    circle the aerodrome
    летать по кругу над аэродромом
    clean the aircraft
    убирать механизацию крыла воздушного судна
    clean up the crack
    зачищать трещину
    clearance of the aircraft
    разрешение воздушному судну
    clearance over the threshold
    безопасная высота пролета порога
    clear for the left-hand turn
    давать разрешение на левый разворот
    clear the aircraft
    давать разрешение воздушному судну
    clear the obstacle
    устранять препятствие
    clear the point
    пролетать над заданной точкой
    clear the runway
    освобождать ВПП
    climb on the course
    набирать высоту при полете по курсу
    close the buckets
    закрывать створки
    close the circuit
    замыкать цепь
    close the flight
    заканчивать регистрацию на рейс
    come clear of the ground
    отрываться от земли
    commence the flight
    начинать полет
    commence the landing procedure
    начинать посадку
    compare the readings
    сравнивать показания
    compensate the compass
    устранять девиацию компаса
    compensate the error
    списывать девиацию
    compile the accident report
    составлять отчет об авиационном происшествии
    complete the circuit
    complete the flight
    завершать полет
    complete the flight plan
    составлять план полета
    complete the turn
    завершать разворот
    compute the visual range
    вычислять дальность видимости
    conditions beyond the experience
    условия, по сложности превосходящие квалификацию пилота
    conditions on the route
    условия по заданному маршруту
    considering the obstacles
    учет препятствий
    construct the procedure
    разрабатывать схему
    containerize the cargo
    упаковывать груз в контейнере
    continue operating on the fuel reserve
    продолжать полет на аэронавигационном запасе топлива
    continue the flight
    продолжать полет
    continue the takeoff
    продолжать взлет
    contribute towards the safety
    способствовать повышению безопасности
    control the aircraft
    управлять воздушным судном
    control the pitch
    управлять шагом
    convert the frequency
    преобразовывать частоту
    convey the information
    передавать информацию
    correct the trouble
    устранять отказ
    correspond with the operating minima
    соответствовать эксплуатационному минимуму
    counteract the rotor torque
    уравновешивать крутящий момент несущего винта
    coverage of the chart
    картографируемый район
    cover the route
    пробегать по полному маршруту
    crosscheck the readings
    сверять показания
    cross the airway
    пересекать авиатрассу
    data on the performance
    координаты характеристики
    decelerate in the flight
    гасить скорость в полете
    decelerate the aircraft to
    снижать скорость воздушного судна до
    decrease the deviation
    уменьшать величину отклонения от курса
    decrease the pitch
    уменьшать шаг
    decrease the speed
    уменьшать скорость
    de-energize the bus
    обесточивать шину
    define the failure
    определять причины отказа
    deflate the tire
    ослаблять давление в пневматике
    deflect the control surface
    отклонять поверхность управления
    (напр. элерон) delay the turn
    затягивать разворот
    delimit the runway
    обозначать границы ВПП
    delimit the taxiway
    обозначать границы рулежной дорожки
    delineate the runway
    очерчивать границы ВПП
    delineate the taxiway
    обозначать размеры рулежной дорожки
    deliver the baggage
    доставлять багаж
    deliver the clearance
    передавать разрешение
    denote the obstacle
    обозначать препятствие
    denoting the obstacle
    обозначение препятствия
    depart from the rules
    отступать от установленных правил
    departure from the standards
    отклонение от установленных стандартов
    depress the pedal
    нажимать на педаль
    detach the load
    отцеплять груз
    detach the wing
    отстыковывать крыло
    determinate the cause
    устанавливать причину
    determine amount of the error
    определять величину девиации
    determine the delay
    устанавливать время задержки
    determine the extent of damage
    определять степень повреждения
    determine the friction
    определять величину сцепления
    determine the sign of deviation
    определять знак девиации
    detract from the safety
    снижать безопасность
    development of the stall
    процесс сваливания
    deviate from the flight plan
    отклоняться от плана полета
    deviate from the glide slope
    отклоняться от глиссады
    deviate from the heading
    отклоняться от заданного курса
    deviation from the course
    отклонение от заданного курса
    deviation from the level flight
    отклонение от линии горизонтального полета
    discharge the cargo
    снимать груз в контейнере
    disclose the fares
    опубликовывать тарифы
    discontinue the takeoff
    прекращать взлет
    disengage the autopilot
    выключать автопилот
    displace the center-of-gravity
    изменять центровку
    disregard the indicator
    пренебрегать показаниями прибора
    disseminate the forecast
    распространять прогноз
    drain the tank
    сливать из бака
    draw the conclusion
    подготавливать заключение
    drift off the course
    сносить с курса
    drift off the heading
    уходить с заданного курса
    drop the nose
    сваливаться на нос
    duck below the glide path
    резко снижаться относительно глиссады
    ease the aircraft on
    выравнивать воздушное судно
    effect adversely the strength
    нарушать прочность
    (напр. фюзеляжа) elevation of the strip
    превышение летной полосы
    eliminate the cause of
    устранять причину
    eliminate the hazard
    устранять опасную ситуацию
    eliminate the ice formation
    устранять обледенение
    eliminate the source of danger
    устранять источник опасности
    (для воздушного движения) enable the aircraft to
    давать воздушному судну право
    endanger the aircraft
    создавать опасность для воздушного судна
    endange the safety
    угрожать безопасности
    endorse the license
    делать отметку в свидетельстве
    energize the bus
    подавать электропитание на шину
    enforce rules of the air
    обеспечивать соблюдение правил полетов
    engage the autopilot
    включать автопилот
    ensure the adequate provisions
    обеспечивать соответствующие меры предосторожности
    enter the aircraft
    заносить воздушное судно в реестр
    enter the aircraft stand
    заруливать на место стоянки воздушного судна
    enter the airway
    выходить на авиатрассу
    enter the final approach track
    выходить на посадочную прямую
    enter the spin
    входить в штопор
    enter the tariff into force
    утверждать тарифную ставку
    enter the traffic circuit
    входить в круг движения
    enter the turn
    входить в разворот
    entry into the aerodrome zone
    вход в зону аэродрома
    entry into the flare
    входить в этап выравнивания
    erection of the gyro
    восстановление гироскопа
    establish the characteristics
    устанавливать характеристики
    establish the flight conditions
    устанавливать режим полета
    establish the procedure
    устанавливать порядок
    exceeding the stalling angle
    выход на закритический угол атаки
    exceed the stop
    преодолевать упор
    execute the manoeuvre
    выполнять маневр
    execute the turn
    выполнять разворот
    expedite the clearance
    ускорять оформление
    express the altitude
    четко указывать высоту
    extend the agreement
    продлевать срок действия соглашения
    extend the landing gear
    выпускать шасси
    extend the legs
    выпускать шасси
    extreme aft the center-of-gravity
    предельная задняя центровка
    extreme forward the center-of-gravity
    предельная передняя центровка
    eye height over the threshold
    уровень положения глаз над порогом ВПП
    fail into the spin
    срываться в штопор
    fail to follow the procedure
    не выполнять установленную схему
    fail to observe the limitations
    не соблюдать установленные ограничения
    fail to provide the manuals
    не обеспечивать соответствующими инструкциями
    fall into the spin
    срываться в штопор
    feather the propeller
    ставить воздушный винт во флюгерное положение
    file the flight plan
    регистрировать план полета
    first freedom of the air
    первая степень свободы воздуха
    flight inbound the station
    полет в направлении на станцию
    flight outbound the station
    полет в направлении от станции
    flight over the high seas
    полет над открытым морем
    flight under the rules
    полет по установленным правилам
    fly above the weather
    летать над верхней кромкой облаков
    fly at the altitude
    летать на заданной высоте
    fly into the sun
    летать против солнца
    fly into the wind
    летать против ветра
    fly on the autopilot
    летать на автопилоте
    fly on the course
    летать по курсу
    fly on the heading
    летать по курсу
    fly the aircraft
    1. управлять самолетом
    2. пилотировать воздушное судно fly the beam
    лететь по лучу
    fly the circle
    летать по кругу
    fly the glide-slope beam
    летать по глиссадному лучу
    fly the great circle
    летать по ортодромии
    fly the heading
    выполнять полет по курсу
    fly the rhumb line
    летать по локсодромии
    fly under the autopilot
    пилотировать при помощи автопилота
    fly under the supervision of
    летать под контролем
    focus the light
    фокусировать фару
    follow the beam
    выдерживать направление по лучу
    follow the glide slope
    выдерживать глиссаду
    follow up the aircraft
    сопровождать воздушное судно
    forfeit the reservation
    лишать брони
    freedom of the air
    степень свободы воздуха
    fuel the tank
    заправлять бак топливом
    fulfil the conditions
    выполнять условия
    gain the air supremacy
    завоевывать господство в воздухе
    gain the altitude
    набирать заданную высоту
    gain the glide path
    входить в глиссаду
    gain the power
    достигать заданной мощность
    gain the speed
    развивать заданную скорость
    gather the speed
    наращивать скорость
    get into the aerodrome
    приземляться на аэродроме
    get on the course
    выходить на заданный курс
    get the height
    набирать заданную высоту
    give the way
    уступать трассу
    go out of the spin
    выходить из штопора
    govern the application
    регулировать применение
    govern the flight
    управлять ходом полета
    govern the operation
    руководить эксплуатацией
    grade of the pilot licence
    класс пилотского свидетельства
    guard the frequency
    прослушивать частоту
    handle the baggage
    обслуживать багаж
    handle the flight controls
    оперировать органами управления полетом
    have the runway in sight
    четко видеть ВПП
    head the aircraft into wind
    направлять воздушное судно против ветра
    hold on the heading
    выдерживать на заданном курсе
    hold over the aids
    выполнять полет в зоне ожидания
    hold over the beacon
    выполнять полет в режиме ожидания над аэродромом
    hold the aircraft on the heading
    выдерживать воздушное судно на заданном курсе
    hold the brake
    удерживать тормоза
    hold the heading on the compass
    выдерживать курс по компасу
    hold the position
    ожидать на месте
    hold the speed accurately
    точно выдерживать скорость
    hover at the height of
    зависать на высоте
    hovering in the ground effect
    висение в зоне влияния земли
    identify the aerodrome from the air
    опознавать аэродром с воздуха
    identify the aircraft
    опознавать воздушное судно
    identify the center line
    обозначать осевую линию
    impair the operation
    нарушать работу
    impair the safety
    снижать безопасность
    impose the limitations
    налагать ограничения
    in computing the fuel
    при расчете количества топлива
    in conformity with the specifications
    в соответствии с техническими условиями
    increase a camber of the profile
    увеличивать кривизну профиля
    increase the pitch
    увеличивать шаг
    increase the speed
    увеличивать скорость
    indicate the location from the air
    определять местоположение с воздуха
    inherent in the aircraft
    свойственный воздушному судну
    initiate the turn
    входить в разворот
    install in the aircraft
    устанавливать на борту воздушного судна
    install on the aircraft
    монтировать на воздушном судне
    intercept the beam
    выходить на ось луча
    intercept the glide slope
    захватывать луч глиссады
    International Relations Department of the Ministry of Civil Aviation
    Управление внешних сношений Министерства гражданской авиации
    interpretation of the signal
    расшифровка сигнала
    in the case of delay
    в случае задержки
    in the event of a mishap
    в случае происшествия
    in the event of malfunction
    в случая отказа
    introduction of the corrections
    ввод поправок
    issue the certificate
    выдавать сертификат
    jeopardize the flight
    подвергать полет опасности
    judge the safety
    оценивать степень опасности
    keep clear of the aircraft
    держаться на безопасном расстоянии от воздушного судна
    keep out of the way
    не занимать трассу
    keep tab on the fleet
    вести учет парка
    keep the aircraft on
    выдерживать воздушное судно
    keep the altitude
    выдерживать заданную высоту
    keep the ball centered
    держать шарик в центре
    keep the pace
    выдерживать дистанцию
    keep to the minima
    устанавливать минимум
    kick off the drift
    парировать снос
    kill the landing speed
    гасить посадочную скорость
    landing off the aerodrome
    посадка вне аэродрома
    land into the wind
    выполнять посадку против ветра
    land the aircraft
    приземлять воздушное судно
    latch the pitch stop
    устанавливать на упор шага
    (лопасти воздушного винта) latch the propeller flight stop
    ставить воздушный винт на полетный упор
    lateral the center-of-gravity
    поперечная центровка
    lay the route
    прокладывать маршрут
    lead in the aircraft
    заруливать воздушное судно
    lead out the aircraft
    выруливать воздушное судно
    leave the airspace
    покидать данное воздушное пространство
    leave the altitude
    уходить с заданной высоты
    leave the plane
    выходить из самолета
    leave the runway
    освобождать ВПП
    level the aircraft out
    выравнивать воздушное судно
    lie beyond the range
    находиться вне заданного предела
    line up the aircraft
    выруливать воздушное судно на исполнительный старт
    load the gear
    загружать редуктор
    load the generator
    нагружать генератор
    load the structure
    нагружать конструкцию
    lock the landing gear
    ставить шасси на замки
    lock the landing gear down
    ставить шасси на замок выпущенного положения
    lock the landing gear up
    ставить шасси на замок убранного положения
    lock the legs
    устанавливать шасси на замки выпущенного положения
    longitudinal the center-of-gravity
    продольная центровка
    lose the altitude
    терять высоту
    lose the speed
    терять заданную скорость
    loss the control
    терять управление
    lower the landing gear
    выпускать шасси
    lower the legs
    выпускать шасси
    lower the nose wheel
    опускать носовое колесо
    maintain the aircraft at readiness to
    держать воздушное судно готовым
    maintain the altitude
    выдерживать заданную высоту
    maintain the course
    выдерживать заданный курс
    maintain the flight level
    выдерживать заданный эшелон полета
    maintain the flight procedure
    выдерживать установленный порядок полетов
    maintain the flight watch
    выдерживать заданный график полета
    maintain the flying speed
    выдерживать требуемую скорость полета
    maintain the heading
    выдерживать заданный курс
    maintain the parameter
    выдерживать заданный параметр
    make a complaint against the company
    подавать жалобу на компанию
    make the aircraft airborne
    отрывать воздушное судно от земли
    make the course change
    изменять курс
    make the reservation
    забронировать место
    manipulate the flight controls
    оперировать органами управления полетом
    mark the obstacle
    маркировать препятствие
    mean scale of the chart
    средний масштаб карты
    meet the airworthiness standards
    удовлетворять нормам летной годности
    meet the conditions
    выполнять требования
    meet the specifications
    соблюдать технические условия
    misjudge the distance
    неправильно оценивать расстояние
    modify the flight plan
    уточнять план полета
    monitor the flight
    следить за полетом
    monitor the frequency
    контролировать заданную частоту
    moor the aircraft
    швартовать воздушное судно
    mount on the frame
    монтировать на шпангоуте
    move off from the rest
    страгивать с места
    move the blades to higher
    утяжелять воздушный винт
    move the pedal forward
    давать педаль вперед
    name-code of the route
    кодирование названия маршрута
    neglect the indicator
    не учитывать показания прибора
    note the instrument readings
    отмечать показания приборов
    note the time
    засекать время
    observe the conditions
    соблюдать условия
    observe the instruments
    следить за показаниями приборов
    observe the readings
    наблюдать за показаниями
    obtain the correct path
    выходить на заданную траекторию
    obtain the flying speed
    набирать заданную скорость полета
    obtain the forecast
    получать прогноз
    offer the capacity
    предлагать объем загрузки
    off-load the pump
    разгружать насос
    on the base leg
    выполнил третий разворот
    on the beam
    в зоне действия луча
    on the cross-wind leg
    выполнил первый разворот
    on the down-wind leg
    выполнил второй разворот
    on the eastbound leg
    на участке маршрута в восточном направлении
    on the final leg
    выполнил четвертый разворот
    on the left base leg
    подхожу к четвертому с левым разворотом
    on the speed
    на скорости
    on the upwind leg
    вхожу в круг
    open the buckets
    открывать створки
    open the circuit
    размыкать цепь
    open the door inward outward
    открывать люк внутрь наружу
    operate from the aerodrome
    выполнять полеты с аэродрома
    operate under the conditions
    эксплуатировать в заданных условиях
    overcome the obstacle
    преодолевать препятствие
    overcome the spring force
    преодолевать усилие пружины
    overflying the runway
    пролет над ВПП
    overpower the autopilot
    пересиливать автопилот
    overrun the runway
    выкатываться за пределы ВПП
    overshoot capture of the glide slope
    поздний захват глиссадного луча
    over the territory
    над территорией
    over the top
    над верхней границей облаков
    over the wing
    над крылом
    park in the baggage
    сдавать в багаж
    participation in the investigation
    участие в расследовании
    passing over the runway
    пролет над ВПП
    pass the signal
    пропускать сигнал
    past the turbine
    за турбиной
    perform the service bulletin
    выполнять доработку по бюллетеню
    pick up the signal
    фиксировать сигнал
    pick up the speed
    развивать заданную скорость
    pilot on the controls
    пилот, управляющий воздушным судном
    pitch the nose downward
    опускать нос
    place the aircraft
    устанавливать воздушное судно
    place the flaps in
    устанавливать закрылки
    plane of symmetry of the aeroplane
    плоскость симметрии самолета
    plot the aircraft
    засекать воздушное судно
    potential hazard to the safe
    потенциальная угроза безопасности
    power the bus
    включать шину
    present the minimum hazard
    представлять минимальную опасность
    preserve the clearance
    сохранять запас высоты
    pressurize the bearing
    уплотнять опору подачей давления
    produce the signal
    выдавать сигнал
    profitability over the route
    эффективность маршрута
    prolongation of the rating
    продление срока действия квалификационной отметки
    properly identify the aircraft
    точно опознавать воздушное судно
    protect the circuit
    защищать цепь
    prove the system
    испытывать систему
    pull out of the spin
    выводить из штопора
    pull the aircraft out of
    брать штурвал на себя
    pull the control column back
    брать штурвал на себя
    pull the control stick back
    брать ручку управления на себя
    pull up the helicopter
    резко увеличивать подъемную силу вертолета
    puncture the tire
    прокалывать покрышку
    push the aircraft back
    буксировать воздушное судно хвостом вперед
    push the aircraft down
    снижать высоту полета воздушного судна
    push the control column
    отдавать штурвал от себя
    push the control stick
    отдавать ручку управления от себя
    put into the spin
    вводить в штопор
    put on the course
    выходить на заданный курс
    put the aircraft into production
    запускать воздушное судно в производство
    put the aircraft on the course
    выводить воздушное судно на заданный курс
    put the aircraft over
    переводить воздушное судно в горизонтальный полет
    raise the landing gear
    убирать шасси
    reach the altitude
    занимать заданную высоту
    reach the flight level
    занимать заданный эшелон полета
    reach the glide path
    входить в зону глиссады
    reach the speed
    достигать заданных оборотов
    reach the stalling angle
    выходить на критический угол
    read the drift angle
    отсчитывать угол сноса
    read the instruments
    считывать показания приборов
    receive the signal
    принимать сигнал
    record the readings
    регистрировать показания
    recover from the spin
    выходить из штопора
    recover from the turn
    выходить из разворота
    recovery from the manoeuvre
    выход из маневра
    recovery from the stall
    вывод из режима сваливания
    recovery from the turn
    выход из разворота
    rectify the compass
    устранять девиацию компаса
    reduce the hazard
    уменьшать опасность
    reestablish the track
    восстанавливать заданную линию пути
    regain the glide path
    возвращаться на глиссаду
    regain the speed
    восстанавливать скорость
    regain the track
    возвращаться на заданный курс
    register the aircraft
    регистрировать воздушное судно
    release the aircraft
    прекращать контроль воздушного судна
    release the landing gear
    снимать шасси с замков убранного положения
    release the landing gear lock
    снимать шасси с замка
    release the load
    сбрасывать груз
    release the uplock
    открывать замок убранного положения
    relocate the plane's trim
    восстанавливать балансировку самолета
    remedy the defect
    устранять дефект
    remedy the trouble
    устранять отказ
    remove the aircraft
    удалять воздушное судно
    remove the crack
    выбирать трещину
    remove the tangle
    render the certificate
    передавать сертификат
    renew the license
    возобновлять действие свидетельства или лицензии
    renew the rating
    возобновлять действие квалификационной отметки
    replan the flight
    измерять маршрут полета
    report reaching the altitude
    докладывать о занятии заданной высоты
    report reaching the flight level
    докладывать о занятии заданного эшелона полета
    report the heading
    сообщать курс
    reset the gyroscope
    восстанавливать гироскоп
    restart the engine in flight
    запускать двигатель в полете
    restore the system
    восстанавливать работу системы
    restrict the operations
    накладывать ограничения на полеты
    resume the flight
    возобновлять полет
    resume the journey
    возобновлять полет
    retain the lever
    фиксировать рукоятку
    retract the landing gear
    убирать шасси
    return the aircraft to service
    допускать воздушное судно к дальнейшей эксплуатации
    reverse the propeller
    переводить винт на отрицательную тягу
    roll in the aircraft
    вводить воздушное судно в крен
    roll into the turn
    входить в разворот
    roll left on the heading
    выходить на курс с левым разворотом
    roll on the aircraft
    выполнять этап пробега воздушного судна
    roll on the course
    выводить на заданный курс
    roll out of the turn
    выходить из разворота
    roll out on the heading
    выходить на заданный курс
    roll out the aircraft
    выводить воздушное судно из крена
    roll right on the heading
    выходить на курс с правым разворотом
    rotate the aircraft
    отрывать переднюю опору шасси воздушного судна
    rotate the bogie
    запрокидывать тележку
    rules of the air
    правила полетов
    run fluid through the system
    прогонять систему
    run off the runway
    выкатываться за пределы ВПП
    run out the landing gear
    выпускать шасси
    schedule the performances
    задавать характеристики
    seat the brush
    притирать щетку
    second freedom of the air
    вторая степень свободы воздуха
    secure the mishap site
    обеспечивать охрану места происшествия
    select the course
    выбирать курс
    select the flight route
    выбирать маршрут полета
    select the frequency
    выбирать частоту
    select the heading
    задавать курс
    select the mode
    выбирать режим
    select the track angle
    задавать путевой угол
    separate the aircraft
    эшелонировать воздушное судно
    serve out the service life
    вырабатывать срок службы
    set at the desired angle
    устанавливать на требуемый угол
    set the course
    устанавливать курс
    set the flaps at
    устанавливать закрылки
    set the heading
    устанавливать курс
    set the propeller pitch
    устанавливать шаг воздушного винта
    set the throttle lever
    устанавливать сектор газа
    set up the speed
    задавать определенную скорость
    shift the center-of-gravity
    смещать центровку
    shop out the skin
    вырубать обшивку
    simulate the instruments responses
    имитировать показания приборов
    slacken the cable
    ослаблять натяжение троса
    slave the gyroscope
    согласовывать гироскоп
    smooth on the heading
    плавно выводить на заданный курс
    smooth out the crack
    удалять трещину
    smooth out the dent
    выправлять вмятину
    smooth the signal
    сглаживать сигнал
    space the aircraft
    определять зону полета воздушного судна
    spin the gyro rotor
    раскручивать ротор гироскопа
    state instituting the investigation
    государство, назначающее расследование
    (авиационного происшествия) state submitting the report
    государство, представляющее отчет
    (об авиационном происшествии) steady airflow about the wing
    установившееся обтекание крыла воздушным потоком
    steer the aircraft
    управлять воздушным судном
    stop the crack propagation
    предотвращать развитие трещины
    stop the leakage
    устранять течь
    submit the flight plan
    представлять план полета
    substitute the aircraft
    заменять воздушное судно
    supervision approved by the State
    надзор, установленный государством
    supply the signal
    подавать сигнал
    swing the compass
    списывать девиацию компаса
    swing the door open
    открывать створку
    switch to the autopilot
    переходить на управление с помощью автопилота
    switch to the proper tank
    включать подачу топлива из бака с помощью электрического крана
    takeoff into the wind
    взлетать против ветра
    take off power to the shaft
    отбирать мощность на вал
    take over the control
    брать управление на себя
    take the bearing
    брать заданный пеленг
    take the energy from
    отбирать энергию
    take the readings
    считывать показания
    take the taxiway
    занимать рулежную дорожку
    take up the backlash
    устранять люфт
    take up the position
    выходить на заданную высоту
    tap air from the compressor
    отбирать воздух от компрессора
    terminate the agreement
    прекращать действие соглашения
    terminate the control
    прекращать диспетчерское обслуживание
    terminate the flight
    завершать полет
    test in the wind tunnel
    продувать в аэродинамической трубе
    test the system
    испытывать систему
    the aircraft under command
    управляемое воздушное судно
    the route to be flown
    намеченный маршрут полета
    the route to be followed
    установленный маршрут полета
    the runway is clear
    ВПП свободна
    the runway is not clear
    ВПП занята
    the search is terminated
    поиск прекращен
    through on the same flight
    транзитом тем же рейсом
    throughout the service life
    на протяжении всего срока службы
    tighten the turn
    уменьшать радиус разворота
    time in the air
    налет часов
    time the valves
    регулировать газораспределение
    titl of the gyro
    завал гироскопа
    to define the airspace
    определять границы воздушного пространства
    transfer the control
    передавать диспетчерское управление другому пункту
    transit to the climb speed
    переходить к скорости набора высоты
    trim the aircraft
    балансировать воздушное судно
    turn into the wind
    разворачивать против ветра
    turn off the system
    выключать систему
    turn on the system
    включать систему
    turn the proper tank on
    включать подачу топлива из бока с помощью механического крана
    unarm the system
    отключать состояние готовности системы
    uncage the gyroscope
    разарретировать гироскоп
    unfeather the propeller
    выводить воздушный винт из флюгерного положения
    unlatch the landing gear
    снимать шасси с замков
    unlatch the pitch stop
    снимать с упора шага
    (лопасти воздушного винта) unstall the aircraft
    выводить воздушное судно из сваливания на крыло
    unstick the aircraft
    отрывать воздушное судно от земли
    uplift the freight
    принимать груз на борт
    violate the law
    нарушать установленный порядок
    wander off the course
    сбиваться с курса
    warn the aircraft
    предупреждать воздушное судно
    wind the generator
    наматывать обмотку генератора
    with decrease in the altitude
    со снижением высоты
    withdraw from the agreement
    выходить из соглашения
    with increase in the altitude
    с набором высоты
    within the frame of
    в пределах
    within the range
    в заданном диапазоне
    withstand the load
    выдерживать нагрузку
    work on the aircraft
    выполнять работу на воздушном судне
    write down the readings
    фиксировать показания

    English-Russian aviation dictionary > the

  • 6 глава

    (см. также абзац, параграф, книга, обзор) chapter
    Более прямой метод получения величины F рассматривается в главе 9. - A more direct procedure for obtaining F is considered in Chapter 9.
    Большая часть материала, представленного в данной главе, имела дело с... - Much of the material presented in this chapter has dealt with...
    В дальнейших главах излагается методология для... - The following chapters outline the methodology involved in...
    В данной главе мы будем заниматься подобными процессами. - This chapter will be concerned with such processes.
    В данной главе мы будем рассматривать лишь... - In this chapter we shall be concerned only with...
    В данной главе мы заложим теоретические основания для... - In this chapter we lay the theoretical foundations for...
    В данной главе мы предлагаем обсудить... - In this chapter we propose to discuss...
    В данной главе мы представим некоторые избранные материалы... - In the present chapter we shall give a selection of...
    В данной главе мы продолжим наше изучение (проблемы и т. п.)... - In this chapter, we will continue our study of...
    В данной главе мы разовьем теорию... - In this chapter we shall develop the theory of...
    В данной главе мы рассмотрим путь, которым... - In this chapter, we consider the way in which...
    В данной главе мы сформулируем метод для... - In this chapter, we shall formulate the procedure for...
    В данной главе мы уделим некоторое внимание (чвму-л)... - In this chapter we shall devote some attention to...
    В данной главе мы, главным образом, интересуемся... - We are concerned mainly in this chapter with...
    В данной главе позднее станет очевидно, что... - It will become evident later in this chapter that...
    В данной главе рассматривается... - It is the object of the present chapter to...
    В данной главе рассматривается еще один подход... - This chapter is concerned with yet another approach to...
    В предшествующих главах мы видели, что... - We have seen in preceding chapters that...
    В следующей главе мы (еще) вернемся к этому выражению. - We shall return to this expression in the next chapter.
    В следующей главе мы дадим количественное представление... - In the next chapter we give a more quantitative account of...
    В следующей главе мы увидим, что... - We shall see in the next chapter that...
    В следующих четырех главах мы будем рассматривать исключительно... - In the next four chapters we shall be concerned exclusively with...
    В соответствии с методом, намеченным в Главе 1, мы... - In accordance with the method outlined in Chapter 1, we...
    В третьей главе (= В главе 3) мы встретим другое обобщение той же самой основной идеи. - In Chapter 3 we shall meet another generalization of the same basic idea.
    В этой вводной главе мы сделаем обзор... - In this introductory chapter we shall review...
    В этой главе будут описываться два подхода к... - This chapter will describe two approaches to...
    В этой главе мы даем эффективный метод... - In this chapter we give an efficient method for...
    В этой главе мы рассматриваем различные случаи... - In this chapter we consider various cases of...
    В этой главе мы сосредоточимся на (проблеме, вопросе и т. п.)... - In this chapter we concentrate on...
    В этой главе не делалось попыток обсудить очень сложную проблему... -In this chapter no attempt has been made to discuss the very difficult problem of...
    В этой главе основное внимание будет направлено на... - In this chapter we will direct most of the attention toward...
    В этой главе рассматривается... - This chapter is concerned with...
    В этой главе формулируются основные положения... - This chapter provides an outline of...
    Данная глава будет посвящена описанию... - This chapter will be devoted to an exposition of...
    Данная глава начинается с описания... - This chapter begins with a description of...
    Данная глава завершается обсуждением... - The chapter concludes with a discussion of...
    Данная глава, в основном, посвящена объяснению... - This chapter is devoted primarily to explaining...
    Данная методика будет использоваться в последующих главах. - This procedure will be followed in subsequent chapters.
    Заключим данную главу несколькими словами относительно... - We conclude this chapter with a few words on...
    Значительная часть настоящей главы посвящена... - A large proportion of the present chapter is concerned with...
    Из содержания предыдущих глав мы уже знаем, что... - We already know from earlier chapters that...
    Книга состоит из восьми глав. - The book is divided into eight chapters.
    Многие идеи и результаты последней главы могут быть распространены на случай... - Many of the ideas and results of the last chapter can now be extended to the case of...
    Многие идеи, рассматриваемые в данной главе,... - Many of the ideas appearing in this chapter are...
    Мы (еще) вернемся к этой аналогии во второй главе. - We shall return later to this analogy in Chapter 2.
    Мы завершаем данную главу демонстрацией того, что... - We end this section by showing that...
    Мы можем применить некоторые результаты этой главы, чтобы проиллюстрировать... - We may apply some of the results of this chapter to illustrate...
    Мы обсудим этот эффект в другой главе. - We shall discuss this effect in a later chapter.
    Мы откладываем обсуждение этого явления до главы 5. - We defer discussion of this phenomenon until Chapter 5.
    Мы продолжим это (исследование) в главе 4. - We shall go further into this in Chapter 4.
    Мы также уже обсудили эту задачу в главе 2. - We have also discussed this problem in Chapter 2.
    Некоторые дальнейшие замечания могут быть найдены в главе 2. - Some further remarks may be found in Chapter 2.
    Некоторые из этих вопросов будут развиваться в следующей главе. - Some of these points will be developed further in the next chapter.
    Основная часть этой работы была проделана в главе 2. - The bulk of the work was done in Chapter 2.
    Основным вопросом данной главы является... - Our main business in this chapter is to...
    Остальная часть этой главы посвящена... - The rest of the chapter deals with... (
    Первые четыре главы данной книги должны быть доступны... - The first four chapters of this book should be accessible to...
    Всюду в данной главе мы будем предполагать, что... - Throughout this chapter we have assumed that...
    Позднее в этой главе мы узнаем, что... - Later in this chapter we will learn that...
    Пример его (метода) использования уже приведен в Главе 2. - An example of its use has already been given in Chapter 2.
    Рассуждение, приведенное в конце последней главы, показывает, что... - The argument at the end of the last chapter shows that...
    Результаты данной главы позволяют нам... - The results of the present chapter enable us to...
    Строгое обсуждение будет дано в главе 2. - A rigorous discussion will be given in Chapter 2.
    Теперь возвратимся к вопросу, поставленному в начале этой главы. - We now return to the question posed at the beginning of the chapter.
    Целью данной главы является представление... - It is the purpose of this chapter to present...
    Целью данной главы является разработка... - The aim of this chapter is to develop...
    Мы собираемся сделать в этой главе... - What we seek to do in this chapter is to...
    Что такое тензоры объясняется подробно в главе 3. - The subject of tensors is explained at length in Chapter 3.
    Эта глава почти полностью посвящается... - This chapter has been almost wholly concerned with...
    Эта глава представляет один подход к решению... - This chapter presents one approach to the solution of...
    Эта тема будет развиваться в следующей главе. - This subject will be developed in the following chapter.
    Эти данные будут использованы в следующей главе. - This information will be put into use in the next chapter.
    Эти явления обсуждаются в главе 5. - These phenomena are discussed in Chapter 5.
    Это будет темой следующей главы. - This will be the theme of the next chapter.
    Далее это обсуждается в главе 4 в связи с... - This is further discussed in Chapter 4 in conjunction with...
    Это не согласуется с терминологией главы 1. - This is at variance with the terminology of Chapter 1.
    Этот факт был отмечен без доказательства в главе 4. - This fact was noted without proof in Chapter 4.
    Этот эффект будет обсуждаться в главе 2, где будет показано, что... - This effect will be discussed in Chapter 2, where it will be shown that...

    Русско-английский словарь научного общения > глава

  • 7 метод

    method, process, procedure, approach, technique, practice, tool, strategy
    Безо всяких изменений данный метод подходит для... - The method lends itself readily to...
    Более подходящим методом является... - A better technique is to...
    Более прямой метод получения величины F рассматривается в главе 9. - A more direct procedure for obtaining F is considered in Chapter 9.
    Более подходящим методом является определение... - A more satisfactory method is to establish...
    Большинство из этих более продвинутых методов требует... - Most of these more advanced methods require...
    Были предложены несколько методов. - Several techniques have been suggested.
    Было довольно нелегко разработать метод для... - It was fairly difficult to develop a method for...
    Было довольно сложно разработать метод для... - It was quite difficult to develop a method for...
    Было легко разработать метод для... - It was easy to develop a method for...
    Было относительно легко (= просто) разработать метод для... - It was relatively easy to develop a method for... (not easy on an absolute scale, but less challenging than other tasks)
    Было почти невозможно разработать метод для... - It was almost impossible to develop a method for... (so hard that we nearly failed)
    В альтернативном методе мы вычисляем... - In the alternative method we calculate...
    В данной главе мы представим метод для... - In this chapter, we shall formulate the procedure for...
    В данном приближенном методе существенно... - In this approximation procedure it is essential to...
    В качестве примера применения описанного выше метода мы показываем, что... - As an example of the method described above we show that...
    В недавние годы этот метод был улучшен посредством использования (чего-л). - In recent years the subject has been enriched by the use of...
    В основном мы следуем методу... - In essence we follow the procedure of...
    В последние годы несколько авторов отказались от этого метода. - Several authors have, in recent years, departed from this procedure.
    В своих основных чертах это был метод, использовавшийся Смитом [1]. - In essence, this was the method employed by Smith [1].
    В соответствии с методом, намеченным в Главе 1, мы... - In accordance with the method outlined in Chapter 1, we...
    В этой главе мы даем эффективный метод... - In this chapter we give an efficient method for...
    Вместо этого давайте разработаем (один) общий метод, посредством которого... - Instead, let us develop a general method whereby...
    Во многих случаях необходимо обращаться за помощью к приближенным методам. - In many cases it is necessary to resort to approximate methods.
    Возможно, безопасно применить метод... к... - It is probably safe to apply the method of... to...
    Возможно, наилучшим методом является... - Perhaps the best approach is to...
    Все вышеупомянутые методы не применимы для малых х. - The foregoing methods all fail for small x.
    Второй метод вывода уравнения (1) формулируется следующим образом. - A second method of obtaining (1) is as follows.
    Второй метод точно согласуется с... - The latter method agrees precisely with...
    Вышеуказанным методом обнаружено (= найдено), что... - By the above method it is found that...
    Геометрически метод состоит в следующем. - Geometrically, the procedure is as follows.
    Главное преимущество данного метода заключается в том, что... - The chief advantage of the method is that...
    Главным преимуществом данного метода является его общность. - The principal advantage of the method is its generality.
    Главным преимуществом данного метода по сравнению с традиционными является то, что... - The major advantage of this procedure over the traditional method is that...
    Главным преимуществом данного метода является его простота. - The principal virtue of the method is its simplicity.
    Далее, в данном методе заранее предполагается, что... - Further, the method presupposes...
    Данное свойство является основой одного метода нахождения... - This property provides one method of determining...
    Данный метод был предложен в статье [1]. - The method was suggested by Smith, et al. [1].
    Данный метод намного точнее, чем... - The present method is much more precise than...
    Данный метод не применим для/в... - The method does not apply to...
    Данный метод невозможно применить, когда/ если... - The method is not applicable when...
    Данный метод одинаково успешно можно применять к... - The method can equally well be applied to...
    Данный метод особенно подходит в случае, когда... - The method is particularly appropriate when...
    Данный метод позволяет... - The method enables one to...
    Данный метод позволяет исследователю... - The method allows an investigator to...
    Данный метод применим к широкому классу (в широком классе)... - The method is applicable to a large class of...
    Данный метод прост и довольно интересен, однако... - This method is simple and quite interesting, but...
    Данный отчет описывает новый метод... - This report describes a new method of...
    Данным методом можно решить ряд важных практических задач. - This method enables us to solve several problems of practical importance.
    Детали этого метода можно найти в [1]. - Details of the method can be found in Smith [1].
    Для... можно применить несколько методов. - Several methods are available for...
    Для получения... был использован ряд методов. - A number of methods have been used to obtain...
    Для преодоления этой трудности был разработан один метод. - One method has been advanced for overcoming this difficulty.
    Должны быть развиты методы для измерения... - Methods should be developed for measuring...
    Достоинство этого метода состоит в том, что... - The advantage of the method is that...
    Другим недостатком этого метода является то, что... - The other disadvantage of this procedure is that...; Another disadvantage of this procedure is that...
    Его метод доказательства весьма оригинален. - The method of proof is quite ingenious.
    Единственный доступный нам в настоящее время метод - это... - The only method available to us so far is...
    Единственным известным недостатком этого метода является то, что... - The only known disadvantage of this procedure is that...
    Еще одним методом является... - Still another approach is to...
    Здесь рассматривается (один) общий метод получения этих решений. - A general method of obtaining these solutions is considered here.
    Важность наших методов состоит в том, что они будут давать... - The significance of our methods is that they will yield...
    Значительно более удобный метод состоит в том, что... - A far more convenient approach is to...
    Имеются два обычно используемых метода для... - There are two commonly used methods for...
    Имеются три метода решения такой задачи. - There are three ways of attacking such a problem.
    Интересным альтернативным методом является следующий. - An interesting alternative procedure is as follows.
    Используя данный метод, следует помнить, что... - In using this method it is well to remember that...
    Используя любой подобный метод, необходимо (помнить и т. п.)... - With any method such as this it is necessary to...
    Используя этот метод, они нашли, что... - Using the method, they found that...; Using the method, they learned that...; Using the method, they determined that...; Using the method, they discovered that...
    Используя этот новый метод, мы можем... - By this new method it will be possible to...
    Итак, мы наметим несколько методов, которые могут использоваться для того, чтобы... - We therefore outline some procedures which can be used to...
    К сожалению, этот метод оказался неприменим. - Unfortunately, the method was not applicable; The method, unfortunately, was not applicable.
    К счастью, имеется один простой и подходящий для этого метод. - Fortunately, there is a simple technique available for doing this.
    Каков недостаток этого метода? - What is the disadvantage of this procedure?
    Каковы преимущества данного метода? - What are the advantages of this procedure?
    Конечно, это могло бы быть следствием неподходящих методов. - Of course, this could reflect the use of inappropriate methods.
    Конечно, этот метод не всегда применим. - Of course, this method will not always work.
    Коротко, мы будем интересоваться методами, которые... - In short, we will inquire into the ways in which...
    Кратко опишем метод для его оценки. - A method for estimating this will be given shortly.
    Метод... должен быть применен к/в... - The method of... should apply to...
    Метод... мог бы быть надежно применен для... - The method of... could safely be applied to,..
    Метод анализа, намеченный в предыдущем абзаце, показывает... - The method of analysis outlined in the last paragraph shows...
    Метод может использоваться для оценки... - The method can be used to estimate...
    Метод обладает очевидным преимуществом... - The method possesses the obvious advantage of...
    Метод основывается на принципе, что... - This method is based on the principle that...
    Метод перестает быть достаточно точным, если... - The method ceases to be reasonably accurate if...
    Метод состоит в следующем. - The procedure is as follows.
    Метод состоит из двух шагов. - The approach is in two steps.
    Метод требует от пользователя обеспечить... - The method requires the user to provide...
    Метод, который здесь описывается, требует... - The method to be described here involves...
    Метод, который мы описали, в общем случае не подходит для... - The procedure we have described is not, in general, suitable for...
    Метод, приведенный в этом параграфе, подобным образом может быть применен к... - The method of sections may be applied in a similar way to...
    Метод, с помощью которой это было получено, известен как... - The technique by which this is achieved is known as...
    Методы, которые мы рассмотрели, позволяют нам... - The methods we have considered enable us to...
    Можно использовать множество методов. Например,... - A variety of methods may be employed, e. g.,...
    Можно ожидать, что метод обеспечит нахождение по меньшей мере одного корня. - The method can be expected to provide at least one root.
    Мы будем придерживаться этого метода. - We shall follow this method.
    Мы ввели широкий класс методов решения... - We have introduced a wide range of procedures for solving...
    Мы можем обратить метод и вывести, что... - We can reverse the process and deduce that...
    Мы наметим в общих чертах метод, основанный на... - We will outline a procedure based on...
    Мы откладываем обсуждение подобных методов до параграфа 5. - We defer the discussion of such methods to Section 5.
    Мы принимаем полностью отличный от данного метод. - We adopt an entirely different method.
    Мы проиллюстрируем данный метод для случая... - We shall illustrate the procedure for the case of...
    Мы считаем, что метод... можно применять к/в... - We believe that the method of... is applicable to...
    Мы увидим, что эти методы могут использоваться лишь тогда, когда... - It will be observed that these methods are only applicable when...
    Мы упоминаем лишь два таких метода... - We mention only two such methods of...
    На данный метод часто ссылаются как на... - This process is often referred to as...
    На самом деле оба метода используются на практике. - Both methods are in fact used in practice.
    На сегодняшний день важность этого метода заключается в том, что... - For the present, the significance of this process lies in the fact that...
    Наиболее важным преимуществом данного метода является то, что... - The primary advantage of this procedure is that...
    Наиболее просто следовать этому методу в случае... - The procedure is most simply followed for the case of...
    Наиболее часто используемые методы перечислены ниже:... - The methods that are most often used follow:...
    Наиболее широко используемые методы основываются на... - The techniques most widely used are based on...
    Наиболее широко используемый метод это тот, что был введен Смитом [1]. - The method most commonly employed is that introduced by Smith [1].
    Наш метод будет весьма существенно отличаться от данного. - Our procedure will be quite different from this.
    Нашей основной целью является описание систематических методов для... - Our first concern is to describe systematic methods for...
    Не существует систематического метода определения... - There is no systematic way of determining...
    Недостатком данного метода является то, что он требует... - The disadvantage of this procedure is that it requires...
    Недостаток этого метода можно видеть... - The flaw in this approach can be seen by...
    Несколько методов анализа были введены с помощью... - Several methods of analysis are introduced by means of...
    Ни один из этих методов не требует... - Neither of these methods requires...
    Ниже описываются два подобных метода. - Two such methods are described below.
    Обнаружилось, что данный метод (здесь) не приложим. - It turned out that the method was not applicable.
    Обнаружилось, что данный метод успешно используется в широкой области... - The method is found to be successful on a wide range of...
    Обычно считают, что Смит [1] положил начало этому методу. - Smith [1] is usually credited with originating this method.
    Обычным методом является измерение... - A common procedure is to measure...
    Один такой несколько искусственный метод занимается... - One such trick is concerned with...
    Одна элегантная версия данного метода использует... - An elegant version of this method employs...
    Однако данный метод требует предварительного знания... - However, this method presupposes a knowledge of...
    Однако лучше всего ввести этот метод, рассматривая... - However, the method is best introduced by considering...
    Однако метод может не сработать даже при отсутствии... - However, the procedure may fail even in the absence of...
    Однако мы воспользуемся здесь более общим методом, разработанным Воровичем [1]. - But we shall follow here a more general method due to Vorovich [1].
    Однако мы легко можем разработать метод для... - We can, however, easily devise a means for...
    Однако решения все еще могут быть получены при помощи чисто численных методов. - Solutions can still be obtained, however, by resorting to purely numerical methods.
    Однако существует стандартный метод работы с... - However, there is a standard method of dealing with...
    Однако этот метод не работает, будучи примененным к... - This approach, however, breaks down when applied to...
    Однако этот метод совершенно не удовлетворяет нашим целям. - This procedure, however, falls far short of our goal.
    Одним из преимуществ этого метода является то, что... - One advantage of this procedure is that...
    Одним общим недостатком данного метода является наличие... - One common drawback of this method is the presence of...
    Оказывается, данный метод первоначально появился в работах Смита [1]. - The method appears to have originated in the works of Smith [1].
    Описанная выше процедура представляет один строгий метод... - The procedure described above represents a rigorous method of...
    Описанный выше метод может быть использован для построения... - The procedure described above can be used to construct...
    Описанный здесь метод всегда приводит... - The procedure described here always yields...
    Основной слабостью метода является... - The main weakness of the method is...
    Отличительным преимуществом данного метода является то, что... - A distinct advantage of the procedure is that...
    Отличный от вышеупомянутого метод был предложен Джонсом [1]. - A different method has been given by Jones [1].
    Перед этим не имелось общепризнанного метода... - Prior to this, there was no generally accepted method of...
    Подобные методы могут использоваться в более сложных ситуациях. - Similar methods may be employed in more complicated cases.
    Подобный метод был рассмотрен Смитом [1], который... - Such a procedure has been considered by Smith [1], who...
    Подобный метод может быть принят, когда... - A similar method may be adopted when...
    Подобный метод применяется к/в... - A similar method applies to...
    Пользуясь такими методами, мы можем избежать... - By such expediencies we can avoid...
    Потенциальное преимущество данного метода состоит в том, что... - A potential advantage of this procedure lies in the fact that...
    Поэтому мы применяем слегка модифицированный метод. - We therefore adopt a slightly different method.
    Предпочтительным, однако, является метод... - The preferred method, however, is to...
    Преимущество этого метода заключается в том, что... - The advantage of this method lies in the fact that...
    Преимущество этого метода, следовательно, состоит в том, что он обеспечивает простой... - The advantage < this procedure, therefore, is that it provides a simple...
    Применение данного метода ограничено... - The application of this method is confined to...
    Применение данного метода показывает... - An application of this process shows...
    Применение данного специального метода оправдано (чем-л). - The adoption of this particular method is justified by...
    Проиллюстрируем общий метод, рассматривая... - We illustrate the general method by considering...
    Рассматриваемые до сих пор методы касаются... - The methods considered so far have been concerned with...
    Результаты всех этих методов согласуются с... - The results of all these methods are consistent with...
    Решающим недостатком этого метода является то, что... - The crucial disadvantage of this procedure is that...
    С другой стороны, этот метод даст... - On the other hand, this method will give...
    Открытие Смита сделало возможным новый метод... - Smith's discovery made possible a new method of...
    Самым простым из таких методов является (метод)... - The simplest such method is...
    Следовательно, необходимо развить общий метод для... - It is, therefore, necessary to devise a general method for...
    Следует подчеркнуть, что этот метод должен использоваться только если... - It is to be emphasized that this method should be used only; if...
    Следует уделить внимание методам... - Attention should be given to methods of...
    Следующее рассуждение иллюстрирует метод... - The following treatment illustrates the method of...
    Следующим недостатком этого метода является то, что... - A further disadvantage of this procedure is that...
    Смит [lj обнаружил метод для... - Smith [1] discovered a method for...
    Смит [1] предложил метод вычисления... - Smith [l] has proposed a method of calculating...
    Смит [1] применил этот метод к... - Smith [1] has applied this method to.,.
    Стандартным методом является следующий. - The standard procedure is as follows.
    Таким образом, мы имеем метод, который позволяет... - Thus we have a method which yields...
    Тем не менее, развитые нами методы обеспечивают основу для... - However, the methods we have developed provide a basis for...
    Теперь мы (полностью) готовы использовать методы, разработанные во втором параграфе. - We are now ready to use the methods of Section 2.
    Теперь мы обсудим систематические методы, которые f можно использовать в/ при... - We now discuss systematic methods which can be applied to...
    Теперь мы применим метод Римана, чтобы... - We now apply Riemann's method in order to...
    Только что описанный метод известен как... - The procedure we have described is known as...
    Тот же метод можно применять в/к... - The same method may be applied to...
    Удобным методом достижения необходимой цели является... - A convenient way to accomplish this is to...
    Усовершенствованные экспериментальные методы сделали возможным... - Refined experimental methods have made it possible to...
    Фундаментальным преимуществом этого метода является то, что... - A fundamental advantage of this procedure is that...
    Хотя этот метод и несколько необычен, он справедлив (= работает) как и любой из известных методов. - Although this method is somewhat unorthodox, it is as valid as any of the more familiar methods.
    Центральной идеей, на которой основывался подход Смита [1], была... - The essential idea behind Smith's approach was that...
    Чтобы воспользоваться преимуществами данного метода, необходимо... - In order to take advantage of this procedure, one must...
    Чтобы проиллюстрировать применение метода, мы... - То illustrate the process we...
    Эдисон изобрел новый метод для... - Edison invented a new method for...
    Эдисон обдумывал новый метод для... - Edison devised a new method for...
    Эти методы вводятся в следующем параграфе. - These methods are introduced in the next section.
    Эти методы весьма громоздки. - These processes are tedious.
    Эти методы настолько чувствительны, что... - These methods are so sensitive that...
    Эти методы нельзя применять в случае, когда... - These methods are not applicable in the case of...
    Эти методы очень чувствительны к малым изменениям в... - These methods are very sensitive to small changes in...
    Эти методы получают своих сторонников, так как... - These methods attract proponents because...
    Этим методом (= На этом пути) мы можем получить (вывести и т. п.)... - In this way we can arrive at...
    Это будет объяснено примерами, когда мы будем изучать метод... - This point will be clarified by examples when we study the method of...
    Это известный метод, принятый во многих работах... - This is a familiar procedure, undertaken in many studies of...
    Это иллюстрирует важный метод... - This illustrates an important method of...
    Это можно увидеть двумя методами. - This can be seen in two ways.
    Это несущественный недостаток метода, поскольку... - This is not a serious defect of the method because...
    Это приводит к полезным методам обращения с... - This leads to useful ways of dealing with...
    Это простой метод, который можно проиллюстрировать, рассматривая... - This is a simple procedure which can be illustrated by considering...
    Этот метод аналогичен использованному в... - The procedure is similar to that used in...
    Этот метод был описан Смитом [1]. - The method has been described by Smith [1].
    Этот метод был последовательно доведен до полной эффективности Смитом [3]. - This method was subsequently brought to full fruition by Smith [3].
    Этот метод вполне очевиден. - This procedure is quite straightforward.
    Этот метод доказательства довольно общий и применим к... - The method of proof is quite general and applies to...
    Этот метод известен как... - The procedure is known as...
    Этот метод имеет следующие недостатки. - The procedure has the following disadvantages.
    Этот метод интересен по следующей причине. - This method is of interest for the following reason.
    Этот метод легко адаптируется к/ для... - This procedure is readily adaptable to...
    Этот метод легко понять, замечая, что... - The process is easily understood by noting that...
    Этот метод лучше всего иллюстрируется примером. - The procedure is best illustrated by an example.
    Этот метод наиболее успешен в случае, когда он применяется в... - The method is most successful when applied to...
    Этот метод очевидным образом может быть распространен на (случай)... - This process can clearly be extended to...
    Этот метод принимается, поскольку... - This approach is adopted because...
    Этот метод являлся стандартным в течение многих лет. Несмотря на более новые разработки он будет использоваться и далее. - This approach has been standard for many years, and will continue to be of great use regardless of newer developments.
    Этот технически простой метод действительно требует... - This technically simple method does require...

    Русско-английский словарь научного общения > метод

  • 8 dar

    1 to give.
    dar algo a alguien to give something to somebody, to give somebody something
    se lo di a mi hermano I gave it to my brother
    Ella me da dinero She gives me money.
    Su elogio da ánimos His praise gives encouragement.
    El negocio da muchas ganancias The business yields much profit.
    2 to give, to produce.
    la salsa le da un sabor muy bueno the sauce gives it a very pleasant taste, the sauce makes it taste very nice
    3 to have, to hold (fiesta, cena).
    dar una cena en honor de alguien to hold o give a dinner in someone's honor
    4 to turn or switch on (luz, agua, gas) (encender).
    5 to show (Cine, Teatro & TV).
    dan una película del oeste they're showing a western, there's a western on
    6 to show.
    dar muestras de sensatez to show good sense
    7 to teach.
    dar inglés/historia to teach English/history
    9 to strike (horas).
    dieron las tres en el reloj three o'clock struck
    10 to get, to catch.
    11 to deliver, to render, to allot, to confer.
    12 to feel.
    Me da alegría I feel joy.
    13 to be given, to be granted, to be offered, to be handed in.
    Se nos dio una buena casa We were given a good house.
    14 to give forth, to burst out.
    Ella dio un grito She gave forth a cry.
    15 to make one feel.
    Eso da asco That makes one feel revolt.
    16 to hit.
    Da duro el sol en este lugar The sun hits hard in this place
    17 to give up.
    * * *
    Present Indicative
    doy, das, da, damos, dais, dan.
    Past Indicative
    Present Subjunctive
    , des, , demos, deis, den.
    Imperfect Subjunctive
    Future Subjunctive
    da (tú), (él/Vd.), demos (nos.), dad (vos.), den (ellos/Vds.).
    * * *
    2) hit, strike
    3) hand over, deliver
    4) produce, yield
    - dar con
    - dar contra
    - dar por
    - darse a
    - darse de sí
    - dárselas de
    * * *
    Para las expresiones dar importancia, dar ejemplo, dar las gracias, dar clases, dar a conocer, dar a entender, darse prisa, ver la otra entrada.
    1) (=entregar, conceder) [+ objeto, mensaje, permiso] to give; [+ naipes] to deal (out); [+ noticias] to give, tell

    le dieron el primer premio — he was awarded {o} given first prize

    déme dos kilos — I'll have two kilos, two kilos, please

    ir dando [cuerda] — to pay out rope

    dar los buenos [días] a algn — to say good morning to sb, say hello to sb

    2) (=realizar) [+ paliza] to give; [+ paso] to take

    dar un grito — to let out a cry, give a cry

    dar un paseo — to go for a walk, take a walk

    dar un suspiro — to heave {o} give a sigh, sigh

    3) (=celebrar) [+ fiesta] to have, throw
    4) (=encender) [+ luz] to turn on

    ¿has dado el gas? — have you turned on the gas?

    5) (=presentar) [+ obra de teatro] to perform, put on; [+ película] to show, screen

    dan una película de Almodóvar — there's an Almodóvar film on, they're showing {o} screening an Almodóvar film

    ¿qué dan hoy en la tele? — what's on TV tonight?

    6) (=hacer sonar) [reloj] to strike

    ya han dado las ocho — it's past {o} gone eight o'clock

    7) (=producir) [+ fruto] to bear; [+ ganancias, intereses] to yield

    una inversión que da un 7% de interés — an investment that pays {o} yields 7% interest

    8) (=tener como resultado)
    9) (=hacer sentir) [+ placer] to give

    las babosas me dan asco — I find slugs disgusting {o} revolting

    este jersey me da demasiado calor — this jumper is too hot, I'm too hot in this jumper

    tu padre me da miedo — I'm scared {o} frightened of your father

    10) * (=fastidiar) to ruin

    ¡me estás dando las vacaciones! — you're ruining the holiday for me!

    11) dar por (=considerar) to consider

    doy el asunto por concluido — I consider the matter settled, I regard the matter as settled

    lo daba por seguro — he was sure {o} certain of it

    - estar/seguir dale que dale o dale que te pego o dale y dale
    - a mí no me la das
    - ¡ahí te las den todas!

    para dar y tomar —

    tenemos botellas para dar y tomar — we've got loads {o} stacks of bottles

    1) (=entregar) to give

    dame, yo te lo arreglo — give it here, I'll fix it for you

    2) (=entrar)

    si te da un mareo siéntate — if you feel giddy, sit down

    3) (=importar)

    ¡qué más da!, ¡da igual! — it doesn't matter!, never mind!

    ¿qué más te da? — what does it matter to you?

    ¿qué más da un sitio que otro? — surely one place is as good as another!, it doesn't make any difference which place we choose

    lo mismo da — it makes no difference {o} odds

    me da igual, lo mismo me da, tanto me da — it's all the same to me, I don't mind

    4) [seguido de preposición]
    dar a (=estar orientado) [cuarto, ventana] to look out onto, overlook; [fachada] to face

    mi habitación da al jardín — my room looks out onto {o} overlooks the garden

    darle a (=hacer funcionar) [+ botón] to press; (=golpear) to hit; [+ balón] to kick

    dale a la tecla roja — hit {o} press the red key

    darle a la bomba — to pump, work the pump

    ¡dale! — hit him!

    dar con (=encontrar) [+ persona] to find; [+ idea, solución] to hit on, come up with

    al final di con la solución — I finally hit on the solution, I finally came up with the solution

    dar [consigo] en — to end up in

    dar contra (=golpear) to hit dar de

    dar de [beber] a algn — to give sb something to drink

    dar de [comer] a algn — to feed sb

    dar de [sí] — [comida, bebida] to go a long way

    dar en [+ blanco, suelo] to hit; [+ solución] to hit on, come up with

    dar en [hacer] algo — to take to doing sth

    darle a algn por hacer algo dar para (=ser suficiente) to be enough for

    una película que da en qué pensar — a thought-provoking film, a film which gives you a lot to think about

    * * *
    verbo transitivo
    1) ( entregar) to give

    500 dólares ¿quién da más? — any advance on 500 dollars?; conocer verbo transitivo 3b, entender verbo transitivo 2b

    2) (regalar, donar) to give

    ¿me lo prestas? - te lo doy, no lo necesito — can I borrow it? - you can keep it, I don't need it

    tener para dar y venderto have plenty to spare

    3) <cartas/mano> to deal
    a) ( proporcionar) <fuerzas/valor/esperanza> to give
    b) (Mús) to give

    ¿me das el la? — can you give me an A?

    5) (conferir, aportar) <sabor/color/forma> to give
    a) ( aplicar) to give
    b) <sedante/masaje> to give
    a) ( conceder) <prórroga/permiso> to give

    nos dieron un premiowe won o got a prize

    b) (RPl) ( calcular)

    ¿qué edad le das? — how old do you think he is?

    a) (expresar, decir)

    ¿le diste las gracias? — did you thank him?, did you say thank you?

    dales saludos — give/send them my regards

    me dio su parecer or opinión — she gave me her opinion

    b) (señalar, indicar)

    me da ocupado or (Esp) comunicando — the line's busy o (BrE) engaged

    9) ( producir) <fruto/flor> to bear

    esos bonos dan un 7% — those bonds yield 7%

    a) ( rendir)

    ha dado todo lo que esperaba de él — he has lived up to my/his expectations

    b) (AmL) ( alcanzar hasta)

    ¿cuánto da ese coche? — how fast can that car go?

    da 150 kilómetros por horait can do o go 150 kilometers an hour

    11) (causar, provocar)

    estos niños dan tanto trabajo! — these kids are such hard work!; (+ me/te/le etc)

    ¿no te da calor esa camisa? — aren't you too warm in that shirt?

    este coche no me ha dado problemas — this car hasn't given me any trouble; ver tb asco, hambre, miedo, etc

    dar que + inf: el jardín da muchísimo que hacer there's always such a lot to do in the garden; lo que dijo me dio que pensar — what he said gave me plenty to think about; ver tb dar III 1)

    12) ( presentar) < concierto> to give

    ¿qué dan esta noche en la tele? — what's on TV tonight? (colloq)

    ¿dónde están dando esa película? — where's that film showing?

    a) < fiesta> to give; <baile/banquete> to hold
    b) < conferencia> to give; < discurso> (AmL) to make
    c) (CS) < examen> to take o (BrE) sit; ver tb clase 5)

    dar un grito/un suspiro — to give a shout/heave a sigh

    dar un paso atrás/adelante — to take a step back/forward

    dame un beso/abrazo — give me a kiss/hug; ver tb golpe, paseo, vuelta, etc

    15) ( considerar)

    dar algo/a alguien por algo: lo dieron por muerto they gave him up for dead; doy por terminada la sesión I declare the session closed; ese tema lo doy por sabido I'm assuming you've already covered that topic; puedes dar por perdido el dinero you can say goodbye to that money; dalo por hecho! consider it done!; si apruebo daré el tiempo por bien empleado — if I pass it will have been time well spent

    dar vi
    a) ( entregar)

    no puedes con todo, dame que te ayudo — you'll never manage all that on your own, here, let me help you

    ¿me das para un helado? — can I have some money for an ice cream?

    b) ( en naipes) to deal
    2) (ser suficiente, alcanzar)

    dar para algo/alguien: este pollo da para dos comidas this chicken will do for two meals; con una botella no da para todos one bottle's not enough to go round; (+ me/te/le etc) eso no te da ni para un chicle you can't even buy a piece of chewing gum with that; no me dio (el) tiempo I didn't have time; dar de sí to stretch; qué poco dan de sí mil pesetas! a thousand pesetas doesn't go very far!; no dar para más: su inteligencia no da para más that's as much as his brain can cope with; lo que gano no da para más what I earn doesn't go any further; la fiesta no daba para más — the party was beginning to wind down

    a) puerta to give onto, open onto; ventana to look onto, give onto
    b) fachada/frente ( estar orientado hacia) to face
    c) ( llegar hasta) río to flow into, go into; calle to lead to

    el análisis le dio positivo/negativo — her test was positive/negative

    ¿cuánto da la cuenta? — what does it come to?

    5) ( importar)

    da lo mismo, ya iremos otro día — it doesn't matter, we'll go another day

    ¿qué más da un color que otro? — what difference does it make what color it is?; (+ me/te/le etc)

    ¿el jueves o el viernes? - me da igual — Thursday or Friday? - I don't mind o it doesn't make any difference to me

    ¿y a ti qué más te da si él viene? — what's it to you if he comes? (colloq)

    a) (pegar, golpear)

    darle a alguien — to hit somebody; ( como castigo) to smack somebody

    le dio en la cabeza/con un palo — he hit him on the head/with a stick

    b) (fam) (a tarea, asignatura)

    darle a algo: me pasé todo el verano dándole al inglés I spent the whole summer working on my English; cómo le da al vino! he really knocks back o (AmE) down the wine (colloq); cómo le han dado al queso! ya casi no queda! — they've certainly been at the cheese, there's hardly any left! (colloq)

    c) ( acertar) to hit

    dar en el blanco/el centro — to hit the target/the bull's-eye

    7) (accionar, mover)

    darle a algoa botón/tecla to press something; a interruptor to flick something; a manivela to turn something; (+ compl)


    dale que dale or (Esp) dale que te pego! — (fam)

    dale que dale con lo mismo!stop going on about it!

    b) (RPl fam) ( instando a hacer algo) come on

    dale, prestámelo — come on o go on, lend it to me

    9) dar con ( encontrar) < persona> to find; < solución> to hit upon, find; < palabra> to come up with
    10) (acometer, sobrevenir) (+ me/te/le etc)

    me va a dar algo — (fam) I'm going to have a fit (colloq); ver tb dar verbo transitivo II 3, escalofrío, frío, gana, etc

    11) (hablando de manías, ocurrencias)

    darle a alguien por + inf — to take to -ing

    le ha dado por decir que... — he's started saying that...

    12) sol/viento/luz
    1) darse v pron
    2) ( producirse) to grow
    3) ( presentarse) oportunidad/ocasión to arise
    4) ( resultar) (+ me/te/le etc)

    ¿cómo se te da a ti la costura? — are you any good at sewing?

    a) (dedicarse, entregarse)

    darse a algo: se dio a la bebida she took to drink; se ha dado por entero a su familia/a la causa — she has devoted herself entirely to her family/to the cause

    b) (CS, Ven) ( ser sociable)

    me di una duchaI took o had a shower

    dárselas de algo: se las da de que sabe mucho he likes to make out he knows a lot; dárselas de listo to act smart; ¿y de qué se las da ése? — who does he think he is?

    b) (golpearse, pegarse)

    no te vayas a dar con la cabeza contra el techodon't hit o bang your head on the ceiling

    c) (recípr)

    se estaban dando (de) patadas/puñetazos — they were kicking/punching each other

    darse por algo: con eso me daría por satisfecha I'd be quite happy with that; darse por vencido — to give up; ver tb aludir a, enterado 1

    * * *
    = allow, give, issue, pitch, hand over, pass over, give away, give out, get + free.
    Ex. Folders allow a set of papers to be kept together when a set on a given topic is removed from the file.
    Ex. An abstract of a bibliography can be expected to note whether author affiliations are given = Es de esperar que el resumen de una bibliografía indique si se incluyen los lugares de trabajo de los autores.
    Ex. Once a user is registered, a password will be issued which provides access to all or most of the data bases offered by the host as and when the user wishes.
    Ex. Thus pitching instructions at the right level can be difficult.
    Ex. Eventually, teachers should be able to ' hand the chalk over to the students' and take a back seat.
    Ex. She also indicated in passing that in future authors would not automatically pass over the copyright of research results in papers to publishers.
    Ex. This must be done in a fully commercial way, not by giving away machines or paper, nor by giving away imported books.
    Ex. Similarly, equipment such as this can often give out quite a lot of heat which has to be adequately dissipated.
    Ex. Most people know 'earbuds' as the cheap-o earphones you get free with a cell phone.
    * acción de dar un nombre a Algo = naming.
    * antes de darse cuenta = before + Pronombre + know what + happen, before + Pronombre + know it.
    * con la sabiduría que da la experiencia = with the benefit of hindsight.
    * cosas que dan miedo = things that go bump in the night.
    * da la casualidad = as it happens.
    * dale alas a tu imaginación = let + your imagination fly!.
    * dando sacudidas = jerkily.
    * dar el esquinazo a = give + Nombre + a wide berth.
    * dar a = look onto, give onto, overlook.
    * dar a Algo el nombre de = earn + Nombre + the name of.
    * dar a Algo más importancia de la que tiene = oversell.
    * dar a Algo una nueva dimensión = take + Nombre + into a new dimension.
    * dar a Algo una nueva perspectiva = give + Nombre + a new twist.
    * dar a Alguien el beneficio de la duda = give + Nombre + the benefit of the doubt.
    * dar a Alguien una mano y te cogen el brazo = give + Pronombre + an inch and + Pronombre + take a mile, give + Pronombre + an inch and + Pronombre + take a mile.
    * dar a Alguien una oportunidad de triunfar = give + Nombre + a fighting chance.
    * dar a Alguien una palmada en la espalda = pat + Alguien + on the back for + Algo.
    * dar a Alguien una palmadita en la espalda = pat + Alguien + on the back for + Algo.
    * dar a Alguien una puñalada por la espalda = stab + Alguien + in the back.
    * dar a Alguien una puñalada trapera = stab + Alguien + in the back.
    * dar a Alguien un margen de confianza = give + Nombre + the benefit of the doubt.
    * dar abasto = cope.
    * dar abasto con = cope with.
    * dar acceso = provide + access.
    * dar acceso a = give + access to.
    * dar a conocer = bring to + the attention, communicate, publicise [publicize, -USA], report, articulate, make + known.
    * dar a conocer la presencia de = make + Posesivo + presence known.
    * dar a entender = give to + understand, hint, send + a clear signal that, lull + Nombre + into thinking, insinuate, intimate.
    * dar agua = lose + water, leak.
    * dar a la calle = give onto + the street.
    * dar a la caza de = chase down.
    * dar Algo a conocer = get + the word out.
    * dar alguna esperanza = give + some cause for hope.
    * dar al traste con los planes = upset + the applecart.
    * dar al traste con + Posesivo + planes = upset + Posesivo + plans, ruin + Posesivo + plans.
    * dar al traste con todo = upset + the applecart.
    * dar a luz = birth, deliver.
    * dar a luz a = give + birth to.
    * dar ánimos = give + a word of encouragement, hearten.
    * dar apoyo = give + support, support, provide + support.
    * dar asco = stink, disgust.
    * dar aullidos = caterwaul.
    * dar autoría = lend + authoritativeness.
    * dar autoridad a Algo = lend + authority to.
    * dar bandazos = lurch.
    * dar bastante importancia a = place + great store on.
    * dar brillo a = buff, buff up.
    * dar buen uso a Algo = put to + good use.
    * dar cabida a = accommodate, include, hold, take, make + room (for), leave + room for, leave + room for.
    * dar cabida al crecimiento = accommodate + growth.
    * dar caladas = puff.
    * dar calidad = deliver + value.
    * dar caprichos = pamper.
    * dar cera = wax.
    * dar chillidos = shriek.
    * dar cien mil vueltas = beat + Nombre + hands down, win + hands down.
    * dar clase = give + a lesson, teach + class, teach + lesson, hold + class.
    * dar coba = toady, fawn (on/upon/over).
    * dar comienzo a = give + a start to.
    * dar como ejemplo = cite + as an example.
    * dar como norma = rule.
    * dar como resultado = add up to, result (in), lead to.
    * dar con = hit on/upon, put + Posesivo + finger on, stumble on.
    * dar conferencia = lecture.
    * dar consejo sobre = give + advice on.
    * dar consentimiento = give + licence.
    * dar con una esponja húmeda = sponging.
    * dar con una idea = hit on/upon + idea.
    * dar con una solución = come up with + solution.
    * dar coraje = peeve.
    * dar corte = self-conscious, feel + shy.
    * dar credibilidad = give + credence, lend + credence, bestow + credibility, provide + credibility.
    * dar crédito = give + credence.
    * dar cualquier cosa por Algo = give + an eye-tooth for/to.
    * dar cuenta = render + an account of.
    * dar cuenta de = account for.
    * dar cuenta de Algo = be held to account.
    * dar cuerda a un reloj = wind + clock.
    * dar cuerpo = give + substance.
    * dar cuerpo a = flesh out.
    * dar cuerpo y forma a = lend + substance and form to.
    * dar datos de = give + details of.
    * dar de alta = discharge from + hospital.
    * dar de baja = take out of + circulation.
    * dar de cara a = front.
    * dar de comer = feed.
    * dar de lado = short-circuit [shortcircuit], give + Nombre + the cold shoulder.
    * dar de lleno = hit + home.
    * dar de mala gana = begrudge, grudge.
    * dar de mamar = breast-feeding [breastfeeding].
    * dar de mamar a = breast-feed [breastfeed].
    * dar demasiada información y muy rápidamente = trot out.
    * dar de qué hablar = raise + eyebrows, fuel + rumours, give + rise to rumours.
    * dar de quilla = keel over.
    * dar derecho a = entitle to.
    * dar descanso de = give + relief from.
    * dar de sí = stretch out.
    * dar detalles de = give + details of.
    * dar de Uno mismo = give of + Reflexivo.
    * dar dinero = pay + money, donate + Posesivo + money.
    * dar dirección = lend + direction.
    * dar directrices = give + guidance, provide + guidance.
    * dar duro = pack + a wallop.
    * dar ejemplo = set + an example, lead by + example.
    * dar ejemplo de = illustrate.
    * dar el brazo a torcer = give in to.
    * dar el brazo derecho = give + Posesivo + right arm.
    * dar el do de pecho = do + Posesivo + best, pull out + all the stops, do + Posesivo + utmost.
    * dar el efecto de = give + the effect of.
    * dar el esquinazo = dodge.
    * dar el esquinazo a = steer + clear of, steer away from.
    * dar el golpe de gracia = administer + the coup de grace, deliver + the coup de grace.
    * dar el nombre = label.
    * dar el oro y el moro = give + Posesivo + right arm.
    * dar el pecho = breast-feed [breastfeed].
    * dar el pésame = pass + Posesivo + condolences.
    * dar el pistoletazo de salida = fire + the starting gun.
    * dar el primer paso = make + a start, take + the first step.
    * dar el puntillazo a = put + an end to, bring + an end to, bring to + an end.
    * dar el salto = make + the leap.
    * dar el todo por el todo = give + Posesivo + all.
    * dar el último empujón = go + the last mile, go + the extra mile.
    * dar el último repaso = tie + the pieces together.
    * dar el visto bueno = approve, clear, give + green light, give + the go-ahead.
    * dar el visto bueno a una factura = clear + invoice.
    * dar el/un espectáculo = make + a spectacle of + Reflexivo.
    * dar empujones = shove.
    * dar en el blanco = hit + the bull's eye, strike + home, put + Posesivo + finger on, hit + the truth, hit + home.
    * dar en el clavo = hit + the nail on the head, be spot on, strike + home, put + Posesivo + finger on, hit + the truth.
    * dar en el larguero = hit + the crossbar, hit + the crossbar.
    * dar en el travesaño = hit + the crossbar.
    * dar energía = energise [energize, -USA].
    * dar énfasis = give + emphasis, place + stress, give + stress.
    * dar énfasis a = place + emphasis on.
    * dar en garantía = pawn.
    * dar en la diana = hit + home.
    * dar en mano = hand (over).
    * dar entrada = enter.
    * dar esperanza = nurture + hope, give + hope, bring + visions of.
    * dar esperanzas = raise + expectations, raise + hopes.
    * dar estímulo = provide + boost.
    * dar evasivas = stonewall, play for + time.
    * dar evidencia = furnish with + evidence.
    * dar fe = attest, certify.
    * dar fe de = testify (to/of), vouch (for), be testimony to.
    * dar fe de que = attest to + the fact that.
    * dar fin = bring to + a close, draw to + a close, wind down.
    * dar forma = become + cast, give + shape, shape, mould [mold, -USA], inform.
    * dar forma cuadrada = square.
    * dar fruto = bear + fruit, come to + fruition.
    * dar fuerte = pack + a wallop.
    * dar fuerza = empower, bring + strength.
    * dar gato por liebre = buy + a pig in a poke, pass off + a lemon.
    * dar golpes = pound.
    * dar gracias por lo que Uno tiene = count + Posesivo + blessings.
    * dar gritos = shriek, shout.
    * dar guerra = act up, play up.
    * dar gustirrinín = tickle + Posesivo + fancy.
    * dar gusto = oblige, bring + pleasure, flavour [flavor, -USA].
    * dar hipo = hiccup.
    * dar ideas = offer + clues.
    * da rienda suelta a tu imaginación = let + your imagination fly!.
    * dar ímpetu = lend + force, give + impetus.
    * dar importancia = attach + importance, give + prominence, stress, give + pre-eminence, give + relevance, place + importance, give + importance.
    * dar importancia a = give + weight to, place + emphasis on, attach + weight to, create + a high profile for, give + a high profile, place + weight on.
    * dar importancia a Algo = put + Algo + on the agenda, be on the agenda.
    * dar indicios de = show + signs of.
    * dar indicios y pistas = drop + hints and clues.
    * dar información = provide + information, give + information, release + information.
    * dar información adicional = give + further details.
    * dar información de = give + details of.
    * dar interés = spice up, add + spice.
    * dar la alarma = sound + alarm.
    * dar la apariencia de = place + a veneer of.
    * dar la bienvenida = welcome.
    * dar la casualidad que + Indicativo = happen to + Infinitivo, chance to + Infinitivo.
    * dar la cuenta atrás = count + Nombre + out.
    * dar la enhorabuena = give + congratulations.
    * dar la entrada para = make + a deposit on.
    * dar la espalda = turn + aside.
    * dar la idea = give + the impression that.
    * dar la imagen = give + the impression that.
    * dar la impresión = convey + impression, strike + Pronombre Personal, give + the impression that, confer + impression, come off as.
    * dar la impresión de = contrive, conjure up + a picture of, come across as.
    * dar la impresión de seriedad en el trabajo = appear + businesslike.
    * dar la la lata = nag (at).
    * dar la lata = play up.
    * dar la mano = extend + Posesivo + hand.
    * dar la mano derecha = give + Posesivo + right arm.
    * dar la murga = be a pest.
    * dar la noticia = give + the news.
    * dar la opinión sobre = give + opinion on.
    * dar la oportunidad = give + chance.
    * dar la oportunidad de = present with + opportunities for, allow + the opportunity to.
    * dar la oportunidad de expresarse libremente = give + voice to.
    * dar la oportunidad de opinar = give + voice to.
    * dar la puntilla a = put + an end to, bring + an end to, bring to + an end.
    * dar largas = stonewall, play for + time, fob + Alguien + off with + Algo.
    * dar las cosas masticadas = spoon-feeding [spoonfeeding], spoon-feed [spoon feed/spoonfeed].
    * dar la sensación = give + a sense.
    * dar la sensación de = give + the effect of.
    * dar la señal = give + the word, give + the signal.
    * dar la señal de alarma = sound + the clarion.
    * dar la señal de alerta = sound + the clarion.
    * dar la señal de estar listo = prompt.
    * dar lástima = feel + sorry for, pity.
    * dar la talla = be up to the mark, be up to scratch, measure up (to), be up to snuff, make + the cut.
    * dar latigazos = lash.
    * dar la vida = lay down + Posesivo + life, give + Posesivo + life.
    * dar la vuelta = turn + Nombre + (a)round, flip, swing around, swing back, turn (a)round.
    * dar la vuelta a = round, turn on + its head.
    * dar la vuelta en el aire = give + a toss.
    * darle a Alguien carta blanca = give + Nombre + a blank cheque.
    * darle a Alguien un cheque en blanco = give + Nombre + a blank cheque.
    * darle a la botella = booze.
    * darle a la lengua = shoot + the breeze, shoot + the bull.
    * darle a la manivela de arranque = turn + the crank.
    * darle alas a Alguien = let + Nombre + do things + Posesivo + (own) way.
    * darle al palique = gas.
    * darle a Uno escalofríos por Algo desagradable = make + Nombre + flinch.
    * darle caña = hurry up, get + a move on, put + pressure on.
    * darle caña a = have + a go at, get + stuck into.
    * dar lecciones = give + lessons.
    * darle cien mil vueltas a Alguien = knock + spots off + Nombre.
    * darle el puntillazo = nail it.
    * darle la razón a Alguien = side in + Posesivo + favour.
    * darle largas = play + Nombre + along.
    * darle largas a Algo = drag + Posesivo + feet, drag + Posesivo + heels.
    * darle la vuelta a la tortilla = turn + the tables (on).
    * darle sopas con hondas a Alguien = knock + spots off + Nombre.
    * darle una interpretación = give + interpretation.
    * darle una lección a Alguien = school.
    * darle una paliza a Alguien = take + Nombre + to the cleaners, give + Nombre + a beating, school.
    * darle un buen repaso a Alguien = take + Nombre + to the cleaners.
    * darle un repaso a = buff up on, brush up on.
    * darle un repaso a Alguien = school.
    * darle vueltas a = dwell on/upon.
    * darle vueltas a Algo = mull over, agonise over [agonize, -USA].
    * darle vueltas a la idea = toy with, toy with + idea of.
    * darle vueltas a la idea de = flirt with + the idea of.
    * darle vueltas a un asunto = chew + the cud.
    * darle vueltas a un problema = puzzle over + problem.
    * dar libertad = give + licence.
    * dar libertad a un esclavo = manumit.
    * dar libertad para + Infinitivo = afford + the freedom to + Infinitivo.
    * dar lo mejor de Uno mismo = give of + Posesivo + best.
    * dar los pasos necesarios = take + steps.
    * dar los primeros pasos en = venture into.
    * dar los últimos retoques a = put + the finishing touches on.
    * dar lugar = produce.
    * dar lugar a = cause, generate, give + rise to, mean, result (in), leave + room for, bring about, lead to, cause, open + the door to, give + cause to, give + occasion to.
    * dar lugar a la reflexión = provide + food for thought.
    * dar lugar a problemas = give + rise to problems.
    * dar lugar a queja = evoke + complaint.
    * dar lugar a rumores = fuel + rumours, give + rise to rumours.
    * dar luz verde = give + green light, give + the go-ahead.
    * dar mala impresión = look + bad.
    * dar marcha atrás = do + an about-face, back up, backpedal [back-pedal].
    * dar masaje = massage.
    * dar más de sí = go further.
    * dar más explicaciones = elaborate on.
    * dar materia para la reflexión = provide + food for thought.
    * dar mayor importancia a = give + pride of place to.
    * dar media vuelta = do + an about-face.
    * dar mejora (en) = give + improvement (in).
    * dar menos de lo debido = shortchange.
    * dar mucha importancia = put + a premium on.
    * dar mucho en qué pensar = give + Nombre + much to think about, give + Nombre + a lot to think about.
    * dar mucho valor a Algo = value + Nombre + highly.
    * dar muestras de = show + signs of.
    * dar + Nombre + una oportunidad = give + Nombre + a fair chance.
    * dar notoriedad a = create + a high profile for, give + a high profile.
    * dar nueva forma = reformat [re-format].
    * dar nueva vida = give + Nombre + new life, give + a second life.
    * dar opción = give + option.
    * dar origen = mother.
    * dar origen a = give + rise to, bring about, lead to, give + cause to, give + occasion to.
    * dar otro paso muy importante = reach + another milestone.
    * dar pábulo a = fuel, spark off.
    * dar pábulo a rumores = fuel + rumours, give + rise to rumours.
    * dar palos de ciego = grope (for/toward).
    * dar pánico = scare + the living daylights out of, frighten + the living daylights out of, dread, scare + the hell out of.
    * dar parte de = report.
    * dar paso (a) = give + way (to), yield to, make + way (for).
    * dar patadas en el estómago = stick in + Posesivo + craw.
    * dar pavor = be scared stiff, be frightened to death, be petrified of, be terrified, scare + the living daylights out of, frighten + the living daylights out of, scare + the hell out of.
    * dar pecho = breast-feeding [breastfeeding].
    * dar pereza = can't/couldn't be bothered.
    * dar permiso = give + permission, give + time off, grant + Alguien + leave.
    * dar permiso en el trabajo = give + time off work.
    * dar pie a = spark off, give + rise to, bring about, lead to, cause, open + the door to, give + cause to, give + occasion to.
    * dar pisotones = stomp.
    * dar pistas = throw + hints.
    * dar pistas falsas = throw out + false leads.
    * dar placer = give + pleasure, give + enjoyment.
    * dar poderes = give + powers.
    * dar por = tickle + Posesivo + fancy.
    * dar por concluido = put to + bed, close + the book on.
    * dar por culo = piss + Nombre + off.
    * dar por descontado = take for + granted, discount.
    * dar por hecho = take for + granted.
    * dar por perdido = be past praying for, write off.
    * dar por saldado = close + the book on.
    * dar por seguro que = rest + assured that.
    * dar por sentado = take for + granted.
    * dar por sentado Algo que realmente no lo está = beg + the question.
    * dar + Posesivo + vida = give + Posesivo + all.
    * dar preferencia = give + preference.
    * dar prestigio = lend + authoritativeness.
    * dar prioridad = award + priority, emphasise [emphasize, -USA], give + priority, give + precedence, assign + priority, give + preference.
    * dar prioridad a = give + pride of place to, place + emphasis on, prioritise [prioritize, -USA].
    * dar prioridad a algo = make + a priority.
    * dar problemas = play up.
    * dar propina = tipping.
    * dar pruebas = provide + evidence.
    * dar publicidad = publicise [publicize, -USA], give + publicity.
    * dar puntapiés = kick + Posesivo + feet.
    * dar punzadas = throb, twinge.
    * dar quebraderos de cabeza = give + headaches.
    * dar que hablar = fuel + rumours, give + rise to rumours, raise + eyebrows.
    * dar quehacer = make + trouble.
    * dar rabia = incense, gall, peeve.
    * dar razón de ser = bring + purpose.
    * dar recompensa = mete out + reward.
    * dar registro = accession.
    * dar relevancia = give + relevance.
    * dar relevancia a = create + a high profile for, give + a high profile.
    * dar relevancia a Algo = put + Algo + on the agenda.
    * dar resoplidos = chug.
    * dar respuesta = provide + answer, elicit + answer, develop + answer.
    * dar resultado = be successful, give + result, work, pay off, be a success, pay.
    * dar resultados = produce + results.
    * dar rienda suelta = unleash.
    * dar rienda suelta a = give + free rein to, allow + vent for, give + vent to, vent.
    * dar rienda suelta a + Nombre = let + Nombre + run riot.
    * dar riqueza a = add + richness to.
    * dar risitas = giggle.
    * dar sabor = spice up, add + spice.
    * dar salida a = vent.
    * dar saltitos = hop, skip.
    * dar sangre = donate + Posesivo + blood.
    * darse = appear, occur.
    * darse a = lend + Reflexivo + to.
    * darse aires = strut.
    * darse aires de grandeza = give + Reflexivo + such airs, aggrandise + Reflexivo.
    * darse a la fuga = flee, lam (it), go into + hiding, make + a quick getaway, take to + Posesivo + heels, run off.
    * darse a los demás = give of + Reflexivo.
    * darse con un canto en los dientes = count + Reflexivo + lucky, think + Reflexivo + lucky, consider + Reflexivo + lucky.
    * darse cuenta = become + aware, dawn on, detect, perceive, find, note, make + aware, come to + realise, wise up, reach + understanding, eye + catch, strike + home, suss (out), hit + home.
    * darse cuenta de = be aware of, be cognisant of, realise [realize, -USA], sense, wake up to, sink in, become + cognisant of, see through.
    * darse cuenta del peligro que = see + the danger that.
    * darse cuenta de un problema = alight on + problem.
    * darse de baja de una suscripción = unsubscribe.
    * darse el caso que + Indicativo = happen to + Infinitivo, chance to + Infinitivo.
    * darse el gusto de = indulge in.
    * darse el gusto de comprar = splurge on.
    * darse el lote = snog, neck.
    * darse el lujo de = splurge on.
    * darse golpes de pecho = beat + Posesivo + breast.
    * darse golpes en el pecho = beat + Posesivo + breast.
    * darse la mano = join + hands, shake + hand.
    * dárselas de = fancy + Reflexivo.
    * dársele Algo bien a Uno = be good at.
    * dársele a Uno bien las plantas = have + a green thumb, have + green fingers.
    * dársele a Uno mejor Algo = be better at.
    * dársele mejor a Uno = do + best.
    * darse media vuelta = turn on + Posesivo + heel.
    * darse (muchos) aires = give + Reflexivo + such airs, aggrandise + Reflexivo.
    * dar sentido = make + sense (out) of, make + sense of life.
    * dar sentido a = make + meaningful, give + meaning to.
    * dar sentido a las cosas = sense-making, meaning making.
    * dar sentido a la vida = give + meaning to life.
    * dar sentido a + Posesivo + vida = make + sense of + Posesivo + life.
    * dar señales de = show + signs of.
    * dar señales de vida = show + signs of life.
    * darse por afortunado = count + Reflexivo + lucky, think + Reflexivo + lucky, consider + Reflexivo + lucky.
    * darse por aludido = take + things personally, take + a hint, take + things personally, get + a hint.
    * darse por derrotado = sound + note of defeat.
    * darse por vencido = throw in + the towel, throw in/up + the sponge.
    * darse prisa = hurry, hurry up, get on + Posesivo + running shoes, shake + a leg, hot-foot it to, make + haste, rattle + Posesivo + dags, get + a wiggle on, put + Posesivo + skates on, get + Posesivo + skates on, get + a move on.
    * darse prisa con calma = make + haste slowly.
    * dar servicio = service.
    * darse una comilona = make + a pig of + Reflexivo, pig out (on).
    * darse una leche = come + a cropper.
    * darse un apretón de manos = clasp + hands.
    * darse una situación más esperanzadora = sound + a note of hope.
    * darse un atracón = make + a pig of + Reflexivo, pig out (on), stuff + Posesivo + face.
    * darse una transacción económica = cash + change hands.
    * darse una tripotada = make + a pig of + Reflexivo, pig out (on).
    * darse una vacante = occur + vacancy.
    * darse un baño de sol = sunbathe.
    * darse un chapuzón = take + a dip.
    * darse un descanso = give + Reflexivo + a break, rest on + Posesivo + oars.
    * darse un festín de = feast on.
    * darse un garbeo = mosey.
    * darse un porrazo = come + a cropper.
    * darse un respiro = lie on + Posesivo + oars, rest on + Posesivo + oars.
    * darse un tortazo = come + a cropper.
    * dar significado = imbue with + meaning.
    * dar sombra = shade.
    * dar su conformidad a = assent to.
    * dar sugerencias = give + suggestions.
    * dar terror = scare + the living daylights out of.
    * dar testimonio = bear + witness, give + testimony.
    * dar tiempo = give + time, donate + Posesivo + time.
    * dar tiempo a Alguien = give + Nombre + some time.
    * dar título = title.
    * dar todo de Uno mismo = give of + Posesivo + best.
    * dar todo el oro del mundo = give + Posesivo + right arm.
    * dar tono = tone.
    * dar trabajo = present + burden.
    * dar una advertencia = raise + caveat, issue + warning.
    * dar una apariencia de = provide + a semblance of, give + a semblance of.
    * dar una azotaina = spank.
    * dar una bofetada = cuff, slap.
    * dar una bofetada a Alguien = give + Nombre + a slap in the face.
    * dar una buena paliza = whitewash, thrash.
    * dar una cabezadita = nap, catching 10, napping.
    * dar una carcajada = give + a laugh, let out + a laugh.
    * dar una charla = give + address, give + a talk, give + a presentation, give + speech.
    * dar una conferencia = deliver + talk, make + a speech, give + speech, deliver + lecture, give + a lecture.
    * dar una contractura muscular = pull + a muscle.
    * dar una cornada = gore.
    * dar una excusa = give + excuse.
    * dar una explicación = present + explanation.
    * dar una falsa impresión = keep up + facade, put on + an act.
    * dar una fiesta = give + a party.
    * dar una galleta = slap.
    * dar una guantada = slap.
    * dar una idea = give + idea, give + glimpse, provide + an understanding.
    * dar una idea de = give + a feel for, give + indication, provide + a glimpse of, give + a flavour of, be indicative of, provide + insight into, give + a picture, give + an insight into, give + an inkling of.
    * dar una idea general = put in + the picture, give + a general picture, paint + a broad picture.
    * dar una imagen = convey + image, present + picture, paint + a picture, present + an image, present + a picture.
    * dar una imagen de = give + an impression of.
    * dar una impresión = make + an impression, leave + an impression, present + an image.
    * dar una impresión de = give + an impression of.
    * dar una impresión equivocada = send + the wrong signals.
    * dar una lección de humildad = humble.
    * dar una llamada de atención = sound + a wake-up call.
    * dar una norma = give + prescription.
    * dar una opinión = offer + opinion.
    * dar una oportunidad = give + opportunity, provide + opportunity, grant + opportunity, present + an opportunity, create + opportunity.
    * dar una oportunidad a Alguien = give + Nombre + a head start.
    * dar una orden = issue + command, issue + instruction.
    * dar una paliza = clobber, pummel, slaughter, knock + the living daylights out of, knock + the hell out out of, whip, whitewash, thrash, wallop, lick, baste, take + a pounding, take + a beating, belt, trounce, beat + Nombre + (all) hollow.
    * dar una paliza a Alguien = beat + Nombre + up, beat + Nombre + black and blue.
    * dar una patada = kick, boot.
    * dar una pista = give + a hint.
    * dar una posibilidad = afford + opportunity.
    * dar un apretón de manos = shake + hand.
    * dar una rabieta = throw + a tantrum.
    * dar una razón = give + reason.
    * dar una respuesta = furnish + answer, frame + response.
    * dar una sacudida = give + a shake, give + a jerk.
    * dar una segunda oportunidad = give + a second chance.
    * dar una segunda vida = give + a second life.
    * dar una solución = provide + solution, develop + solution.
    * dar una solución por buena que realmente no lo es = beg + the solution.
    * dar un aspecto + Adjetivo = give + a + Adjetivo + look.
    * dar un ataque de nervios = have + an attack of hysterics.
    * dar una torta = slap.
    * dar una torta a Alguien = give + Nombre + a slap in the face.
    * dar una tunda = trounce.
    * dar una ventaja = give + Nombre + an edge.
    * dar una ventaja a Alguien = give + Nombre + a head start.
    * dar una visión = present + view, provide + an understanding.
    * dar una visión general = give + a general picture.
    * dar una visión global = give + overview, present + an overview, present + an overall picture, give + an overall picture, overview.
    * dar una visión total = give + a complete picture.
    * dar un aviso = make + warning.
    * dar una voltereta = somersault, do + a somersault, summersault.
    * dar una voz = holler.
    * dar una vuelta de campana = capsize, somersault, do + a somersault, summersault.
    * dar una vuelta en coche = go out for + a drive.
    * dar un berrinche = throw + a tantrum.
    * dar un beso de despedida = kiss + Nombre + goodbye.
    * dar un bocado a = take + a bite out of.
    * dar un bofetón = cuff, slap.
    * dar un bofetón a Alguien = give + Nombre + a slap in the face.
    * dar un cachete = spank, cuff, slap.
    * dar un cachete a Alguien = slap + Nombre + on the wrist.
    * dar un calambre = cramp.
    * dar un chillido = holler.
    * dar un comienzo a = give + a start to.
    * dar un coscorrón = cuff.
    * dar un ejemplo = give + example.
    * dar un empujón = give + a boost.
    * dar un golpe = knock.
    * dar un golpe por detrás = rear-end.
    * dar un gran paso adelante = reach + milestone.
    * dar un grito = holler.
    * dar un guantazo = slap.
    * dar un hachazo = hack.
    * dar un hervor = parboil.
    * dar un impulso = kick-start [kickstart].
    * dar un lavado de cara = spruce up.
    * dar un manotazo = swat at, cuff, slap.
    * dar un manotazo a Alguien = give + Nombre + a slap in the face.
    * dar un nivel de prioridad alto = put + Nombre + high on + Posesivo + list of priorities.
    * dar un nuevo acabado = refinish.
    * dar un nuevo impulso = pep up.
    * dar un nuevo nombre = rename.
    * dar un ojo de la cara por Algo = give + an eye-tooth for/to.
    * dar unos azotes = spank.
    * dar un paseo = take + a stroll.
    * * *
    verbo transitivo
    1) ( entregar) to give

    500 dólares ¿quién da más? — any advance on 500 dollars?; conocer verbo transitivo 3b, entender verbo transitivo 2b

    2) (regalar, donar) to give

    ¿me lo prestas? - te lo doy, no lo necesito — can I borrow it? - you can keep it, I don't need it

    tener para dar y venderto have plenty to spare

    3) <cartas/mano> to deal
    a) ( proporcionar) <fuerzas/valor/esperanza> to give
    b) (Mús) to give

    ¿me das el la? — can you give me an A?

    5) (conferir, aportar) <sabor/color/forma> to give
    a) ( aplicar) to give
    b) <sedante/masaje> to give
    a) ( conceder) <prórroga/permiso> to give

    nos dieron un premiowe won o got a prize

    b) (RPl) ( calcular)

    ¿qué edad le das? — how old do you think he is?

    a) (expresar, decir)

    ¿le diste las gracias? — did you thank him?, did you say thank you?

    dales saludos — give/send them my regards

    me dio su parecer or opinión — she gave me her opinion

    b) (señalar, indicar)

    me da ocupado or (Esp) comunicando — the line's busy o (BrE) engaged

    9) ( producir) <fruto/flor> to bear

    esos bonos dan un 7% — those bonds yield 7%

    a) ( rendir)

    ha dado todo lo que esperaba de él — he has lived up to my/his expectations

    b) (AmL) ( alcanzar hasta)

    ¿cuánto da ese coche? — how fast can that car go?

    da 150 kilómetros por horait can do o go 150 kilometers an hour

    11) (causar, provocar)

    estos niños dan tanto trabajo! — these kids are such hard work!; (+ me/te/le etc)

    ¿no te da calor esa camisa? — aren't you too warm in that shirt?

    este coche no me ha dado problemas — this car hasn't given me any trouble; ver tb asco, hambre, miedo, etc

    dar que + inf: el jardín da muchísimo que hacer there's always such a lot to do in the garden; lo que dijo me dio que pensar — what he said gave me plenty to think about; ver tb dar III 1)

    12) ( presentar) < concierto> to give

    ¿qué dan esta noche en la tele? — what's on TV tonight? (colloq)

    ¿dónde están dando esa película? — where's that film showing?

    a) < fiesta> to give; <baile/banquete> to hold
    b) < conferencia> to give; < discurso> (AmL) to make
    c) (CS) < examen> to take o (BrE) sit; ver tb clase 5)

    dar un grito/un suspiro — to give a shout/heave a sigh

    dar un paso atrás/adelante — to take a step back/forward

    dame un beso/abrazo — give me a kiss/hug; ver tb golpe, paseo, vuelta, etc

    15) ( considerar)

    dar algo/a alguien por algo: lo dieron por muerto they gave him up for dead; doy por terminada la sesión I declare the session closed; ese tema lo doy por sabido I'm assuming you've already covered that topic; puedes dar por perdido el dinero you can say goodbye to that money; dalo por hecho! consider it done!; si apruebo daré el tiempo por bien empleado — if I pass it will have been time well spent

    dar vi
    a) ( entregar)

    no puedes con todo, dame que te ayudo — you'll never manage all that on your own, here, let me help you

    ¿me das para un helado? — can I have some money for an ice cream?

    b) ( en naipes) to deal
    2) (ser suficiente, alcanzar)

    dar para algo/alguien: este pollo da para dos comidas this chicken will do for two meals; con una botella no da para todos one bottle's not enough to go round; (+ me/te/le etc) eso no te da ni para un chicle you can't even buy a piece of chewing gum with that; no me dio (el) tiempo I didn't have time; dar de sí to stretch; qué poco dan de sí mil pesetas! a thousand pesetas doesn't go very far!; no dar para más: su inteligencia no da para más that's as much as his brain can cope with; lo que gano no da para más what I earn doesn't go any further; la fiesta no daba para más — the party was beginning to wind down

    a) puerta to give onto, open onto; ventana to look onto, give onto
    b) fachada/frente ( estar orientado hacia) to face
    c) ( llegar hasta) río to flow into, go into; calle to lead to

    el análisis le dio positivo/negativo — her test was positive/negative

    ¿cuánto da la cuenta? — what does it come to?

    5) ( importar)

    da lo mismo, ya iremos otro día — it doesn't matter, we'll go another day

    ¿qué más da un color que otro? — what difference does it make what color it is?; (+ me/te/le etc)

    ¿el jueves o el viernes? - me da igual — Thursday or Friday? - I don't mind o it doesn't make any difference to me

    ¿y a ti qué más te da si él viene? — what's it to you if he comes? (colloq)

    a) (pegar, golpear)

    darle a alguien — to hit somebody; ( como castigo) to smack somebody

    le dio en la cabeza/con un palo — he hit him on the head/with a stick

    b) (fam) (a tarea, asignatura)

    darle a algo: me pasé todo el verano dándole al inglés I spent the whole summer working on my English; cómo le da al vino! he really knocks back o (AmE) down the wine (colloq); cómo le han dado al queso! ya casi no queda! — they've certainly been at the cheese, there's hardly any left! (colloq)

    c) ( acertar) to hit

    dar en el blanco/el centro — to hit the target/the bull's-eye

    7) (accionar, mover)

    darle a algoa botón/tecla to press something; a interruptor to flick something; a manivela to turn something; (+ compl)


    dale que dale or (Esp) dale que te pego! — (fam)

    dale que dale con lo mismo!stop going on about it!

    b) (RPl fam) ( instando a hacer algo) come on

    dale, prestámelo — come on o go on, lend it to me

    9) dar con ( encontrar) < persona> to find; < solución> to hit upon, find; < palabra> to come up with
    10) (acometer, sobrevenir) (+ me/te/le etc)

    me va a dar algo — (fam) I'm going to have a fit (colloq); ver tb dar verbo transitivo II 3, escalofrío, frío, gana, etc

    11) (hablando de manías, ocurrencias)

    darle a alguien por + inf — to take to -ing

    le ha dado por decir que... — he's started saying that...

    12) sol/viento/luz
    1) darse v pron
    2) ( producirse) to grow
    3) ( presentarse) oportunidad/ocasión to arise
    4) ( resultar) (+ me/te/le etc)

    ¿cómo se te da a ti la costura? — are you any good at sewing?

    a) (dedicarse, entregarse)

    darse a algo: se dio a la bebida she took to drink; se ha dado por entero a su familia/a la causa — she has devoted herself entirely to her family/to the cause

    b) (CS, Ven) ( ser sociable)

    me di una duchaI took o had a shower

    dárselas de algo: se las da de que sabe mucho he likes to make out he knows a lot; dárselas de listo to act smart; ¿y de qué se las da ése? — who does he think he is?

    b) (golpearse, pegarse)

    no te vayas a dar con la cabeza contra el techodon't hit o bang your head on the ceiling

    c) (recípr)

    se estaban dando (de) patadas/puñetazos — they were kicking/punching each other

    darse por algo: con eso me daría por satisfecha I'd be quite happy with that; darse por vencido — to give up; ver tb aludir a, enterado 1

    * * *
    = allow, give, issue, pitch, hand over, pass over, give away, give out, get + free.

    Ex: Folders allow a set of papers to be kept together when a set on a given topic is removed from the file.

    Ex: An abstract of a bibliography can be expected to note whether author affiliations are given = Es de esperar que el resumen de una bibliografía indique si se incluyen los lugares de trabajo de los autores.
    Ex: Once a user is registered, a password will be issued which provides access to all or most of the data bases offered by the host as and when the user wishes.
    Ex: Thus pitching instructions at the right level can be difficult.
    Ex: Eventually, teachers should be able to ' hand the chalk over to the students' and take a back seat.
    Ex: She also indicated in passing that in future authors would not automatically pass over the copyright of research results in papers to publishers.
    Ex: This must be done in a fully commercial way, not by giving away machines or paper, nor by giving away imported books.
    Ex: Similarly, equipment such as this can often give out quite a lot of heat which has to be adequately dissipated.
    Ex: Most people know 'earbuds' as the cheap-o earphones you get free with a cell phone.
    * acción de dar un nombre a Algo = naming.
    * antes de darse cuenta = before + Pronombre + know what + happen, before + Pronombre + know it.
    * con la sabiduría que da la experiencia = with the benefit of hindsight.
    * cosas que dan miedo = things that go bump in the night.
    * da la casualidad = as it happens.
    * dale alas a tu imaginación = let + your imagination fly!.
    * dando sacudidas = jerkily.
    * dar el esquinazo a = give + Nombre + a wide berth.
    * dar a = look onto, give onto, overlook.
    * dar a Algo el nombre de = earn + Nombre + the name of.
    * dar a Algo más importancia de la que tiene = oversell.
    * dar a Algo una nueva dimensión = take + Nombre + into a new dimension.
    * dar a Algo una nueva perspectiva = give + Nombre + a new twist.
    * dar a Alguien el beneficio de la duda = give + Nombre + the benefit of the doubt.
    * dar a Alguien una mano y te cogen el brazo = give + Pronombre + an inch and + Pronombre + take a mile, give + Pronombre + an inch and + Pronombre + take a mile.
    * dar a Alguien una oportunidad de triunfar = give + Nombre + a fighting chance.
    * dar a Alguien una palmada en la espalda = pat + Alguien + on the back for + Algo.
    * dar a Alguien una palmadita en la espalda = pat + Alguien + on the back for + Algo.
    * dar a Alguien una puñalada por la espalda = stab + Alguien + in the back.
    * dar a Alguien una puñalada trapera = stab + Alguien + in the back.
    * dar a Alguien un margen de confianza = give + Nombre + the benefit of the doubt.
    * dar abasto = cope.
    * dar abasto con = cope with.
    * dar acceso = provide + access.
    * dar acceso a = give + access to.
    * dar a conocer = bring to + the attention, communicate, publicise [publicize, -USA], report, articulate, make + known.
    * dar a conocer la presencia de = make + Posesivo + presence known.
    * dar a entender = give to + understand, hint, send + a clear signal that, lull + Nombre + into thinking, insinuate, intimate.
    * dar agua = lose + water, leak.
    * dar a la calle = give onto + the street.
    * dar a la caza de = chase down.
    * dar Algo a conocer = get + the word out.
    * dar alguna esperanza = give + some cause for hope.
    * dar al traste con los planes = upset + the applecart.
    * dar al traste con + Posesivo + planes = upset + Posesivo + plans, ruin + Posesivo + plans.
    * dar al traste con todo = upset + the applecart.
    * dar a luz = birth, deliver.
    * dar a luz a = give + birth to.
    * dar ánimos = give + a word of encouragement, hearten.
    * dar apoyo = give + support, support, provide + support.
    * dar asco = stink, disgust.
    * dar aullidos = caterwaul.
    * dar autoría = lend + authoritativeness.
    * dar autoridad a Algo = lend + authority to.
    * dar bandazos = lurch.
    * dar bastante importancia a = place + great store on.
    * dar brillo a = buff, buff up.
    * dar buen uso a Algo = put to + good use.
    * dar cabida a = accommodate, include, hold, take, make + room (for), leave + room for, leave + room for.
    * dar cabida al crecimiento = accommodate + growth.
    * dar caladas = puff.
    * dar calidad = deliver + value.
    * dar caprichos = pamper.
    * dar cera = wax.
    * dar chillidos = shriek.
    * dar cien mil vueltas = beat + Nombre + hands down, win + hands down.
    * dar clase = give + a lesson, teach + class, teach + lesson, hold + class.
    * dar coba = toady, fawn (on/upon/over).
    * dar comienzo a = give + a start to.
    * dar como ejemplo = cite + as an example.
    * dar como norma = rule.
    * dar como resultado = add up to, result (in), lead to.
    * dar con = hit on/upon, put + Posesivo + finger on, stumble on.
    * dar conferencia = lecture.
    * dar consejo sobre = give + advice on.
    * dar consentimiento = give + licence.
    * dar con una esponja húmeda = sponging.
    * dar con una idea = hit on/upon + idea.
    * dar con una solución = come up with + solution.
    * dar coraje = peeve.
    * dar corte = self-conscious, feel + shy.
    * dar credibilidad = give + credence, lend + credence, bestow + credibility, provide + credibility.
    * dar crédito = give + credence.
    * dar cualquier cosa por Algo = give + an eye-tooth for/to.
    * dar cuenta = render + an account of.
    * dar cuenta de = account for.
    * dar cuenta de Algo = be held to account.
    * dar cuerda a un reloj = wind + clock.
    * dar cuerpo = give + substance.
    * dar cuerpo a = flesh out.
    * dar cuerpo y forma a = lend + substance and form to.
    * dar datos de = give + details of.
    * dar de alta = discharge from + hospital.
    * dar de baja = take out of + circulation.
    * dar de cara a = front.
    * dar de comer = feed.
    * dar de lado = short-circuit [shortcircuit], give + Nombre + the cold shoulder.
    * dar de lleno = hit + home.
    * dar de mala gana = begrudge, grudge.
    * dar de mamar = breast-feeding [breastfeeding].
    * dar de mamar a = breast-feed [breastfeed].
    * dar demasiada información y muy rápidamente = trot out.
    * dar de qué hablar = raise + eyebrows, fuel + rumours, give + rise to rumours.
    * dar de quilla = keel over.
    * dar derecho a = entitle to.
    * dar descanso de = give + relief from.
    * dar de sí = stretch out.
    * dar detalles de = give + details of.
    * dar de Uno mismo = give of + Reflexivo.
    * dar dinero = pay + money, donate + Posesivo + money.
    * dar dirección = lend + direction.
    * dar directrices = give + guidance, provide + guidance.
    * dar duro = pack + a wallop.
    * dar ejemplo = set + an example, lead by + example.
    * dar ejemplo de = illustrate.
    * dar el brazo a torcer = give in to.
    * dar el brazo derecho = give + Posesivo + right arm.
    * dar el do de pecho = do + Posesivo + best, pull out + all the stops, do + Posesivo + utmost.
    * dar el efecto de = give + the effect of.
    * dar el esquinazo = dodge.
    * dar el esquinazo a = steer + clear of, steer away from.
    * dar el golpe de gracia = administer + the coup de grace, deliver + the coup de grace.
    * dar el nombre = label.
    * dar el oro y el moro = give + Posesivo + right arm.
    * dar el pecho = breast-feed [breastfeed].
    * dar el pésame = pass + Posesivo + condolences.
    * dar el pistoletazo de salida = fire + the starting gun.
    * dar el primer paso = make + a start, take + the first step.
    * dar el puntillazo a = put + an end to, bring + an end to, bring to + an end.
    * dar el salto = make + the leap.
    * dar el todo por el todo = give + Posesivo + all.
    * dar el último empujón = go + the last mile, go + the extra mile.
    * dar el último repaso = tie + the pieces together.
    * dar el visto bueno = approve, clear, give + green light, give + the go-ahead.
    * dar el visto bueno a una factura = clear + invoice.
    * dar el/un espectáculo = make + a spectacle of + Reflexivo.
    * dar empujones = shove.
    * dar en el blanco = hit + the bull's eye, strike + home, put + Posesivo + finger on, hit + the truth, hit + home.
    * dar en el clavo = hit + the nail on the head, be spot on, strike + home, put + Posesivo + finger on, hit + the truth.
    * dar en el larguero = hit + the crossbar, hit + the crossbar.
    * dar en el travesaño = hit + the crossbar.
    * dar energía = energise [energize, -USA].
    * dar énfasis = give + emphasis, place + stress, give + stress.
    * dar énfasis a = place + emphasis on.
    * dar en garantía = pawn.
    * dar en la diana = hit + home.
    * dar en mano = hand (over).
    * dar entrada = enter.
    * dar esperanza = nurture + hope, give + hope, bring + visions of.
    * dar esperanzas = raise + expectations, raise + hopes.
    * dar estímulo = provide + boost.
    * dar evasivas = stonewall, play for + time.
    * dar evidencia = furnish with + evidence.
    * dar fe = attest, certify.
    * dar fe de = testify (to/of), vouch (for), be testimony to.
    * dar fe de que = attest to + the fact that.
    * dar fin = bring to + a close, draw to + a close, wind down.
    * dar forma = become + cast, give + shape, shape, mould [mold, -USA], inform.
    * dar forma cuadrada = square.
    * dar fruto = bear + fruit, come to + fruition.
    * dar fuerte = pack + a wallop.
    * dar fuerza = empower, bring + strength.
    * dar gato por liebre = buy + a pig in a poke, pass off + a lemon.
    * dar golpes = pound.
    * dar gracias por lo que Uno tiene = count + Posesivo + blessings.
    * dar gritos = shriek, shout.
    * dar guerra = act up, play up.
    * dar gustirrinín = tickle + Posesivo + fancy.
    * dar gusto = oblige, bring + pleasure, flavour [flavor, -USA].
    * dar hipo = hiccup.
    * dar ideas = offer + clues.
    * da rienda suelta a tu imaginación = let + your imagination fly!.
    * dar ímpetu = lend + force, give + impetus.
    * dar importancia = attach + importance, give + prominence, stress, give + pre-eminence, give + relevance, place + importance, give + importance.
    * dar importancia a = give + weight to, place + emphasis on, attach + weight to, create + a high profile for, give + a high profile, place + weight on.
    * dar importancia a Algo = put + Algo + on the agenda, be on the agenda.
    * dar indicios de = show + signs of.
    * dar indicios y pistas = drop + hints and clues.
    * dar información = provide + information, give + information, release + information.
    * dar información adicional = give + further details.
    * dar información de = give + details of.
    * dar interés = spice up, add + spice.
    * dar la alarma = sound + alarm.
    * dar la apariencia de = place + a veneer of.
    * dar la bienvenida = welcome.
    * dar la casualidad que + Indicativo = happen to + Infinitivo, chance to + Infinitivo.
    * dar la cuenta atrás = count + Nombre + out.
    * dar la enhorabuena = give + congratulations.
    * dar la entrada para = make + a deposit on.
    * dar la espalda = turn + aside.
    * dar la idea = give + the impression that.
    * dar la imagen = give + the impression that.
    * dar la impresión = convey + impression, strike + Pronombre Personal, give + the impression that, confer + impression, come off as.
    * dar la impresión de = contrive, conjure up + a picture of, come across as.
    * dar la impresión de seriedad en el trabajo = appear + businesslike.
    * dar la la lata = nag (at).
    * dar la lata = play up.
    * dar la mano = extend + Posesivo + hand.
    * dar la mano derecha = give + Posesivo + right arm.
    * dar la murga = be a pest.
    * dar la noticia = give + the news.
    * dar la opinión sobre = give + opinion on.
    * dar la oportunidad = give + chance.
    * dar la oportunidad de = present with + opportunities for, allow + the opportunity to.
    * dar la oportunidad de expresarse libremente = give + voice to.
    * dar la oportunidad de opinar = give + voice to.
    * dar la puntilla a = put + an end to, bring + an end to, bring to + an end.
    * dar largas = stonewall, play for + time, fob + Alguien + off with + Algo.
    * dar las cosas masticadas = spoon-feeding [spoonfeeding], spoon-feed [spoon feed/spoonfeed].
    * dar la sensación = give + a sense.
    * dar la sensación de = give + the effect of.
    * dar la señal = give + the word, give + the signal.
    * dar la señal de alarma = sound + the clarion.
    * dar la señal de alerta = sound + the clarion.
    * dar la señal de estar listo = prompt.
    * dar lástima = feel + sorry for, pity.
    * dar la talla = be up to the mark, be up to scratch, measure up (to), be up to snuff, make + the cut.
    * dar latigazos = lash.
    * dar la vida = lay down + Posesivo + life, give + Posesivo + life.
    * dar la vuelta = turn + Nombre + (a)round, flip, swing around, swing back, turn (a)round.
    * dar la vuelta a = round, turn on + its head.
    * dar la vuelta en el aire = give + a toss.
    * darle a Alguien carta blanca = give + Nombre + a blank cheque.
    * darle a Alguien un cheque en blanco = give + Nombre + a blank cheque.
    * darle a la botella = booze.
    * darle a la lengua = shoot + the breeze, shoot + the bull.
    * darle a la manivela de arranque = turn + the crank.
    * darle alas a Alguien = let + Nombre + do things + Posesivo + (own) way.
    * darle al palique = gas.
    * darle a Uno escalofríos por Algo desagradable = make + Nombre + flinch.
    * darle caña = hurry up, get + a move on, put + pressure on.
    * darle caña a = have + a go at, get + stuck into.
    * dar lecciones = give + lessons.
    * darle cien mil vueltas a Alguien = knock + spots off + Nombre.
    * darle el puntillazo = nail it.
    * darle la razón a Alguien = side in + Posesivo + favour.
    * darle largas = play + Nombre + along.
    * darle largas a Algo = drag + Posesivo + feet, drag + Posesivo + heels.
    * darle la vuelta a la tortilla = turn + the tables (on).
    * darle sopas con hondas a Alguien = knock + spots off + Nombre.
    * darle una interpretación = give + interpretation.
    * darle una lección a Alguien = school.
    * darle una paliza a Alguien = take + Nombre + to the cleaners, give + Nombre + a beating, school.
    * darle un buen repaso a Alguien = take + Nombre + to the cleaners.
    * darle un repaso a = buff up on, brush up on.
    * darle un repaso a Alguien = school.
    * darle vueltas a = dwell on/upon.
    * darle vueltas a Algo = mull over, agonise over [agonize, -USA].
    * darle vueltas a la idea = toy with, toy with + idea of.
    * darle vueltas a la idea de = flirt with + the idea of.
    * darle vueltas a un asunto = chew + the cud.
    * darle vueltas a un problema = puzzle over + problem.
    * dar libertad = give + licence.
    * dar libertad a un esclavo = manumit.
    * dar libertad para + Infinitivo = afford + the freedom to + Infinitivo.
    * dar lo mejor de Uno mismo = give of + Posesivo + best.
    * dar los pasos necesarios = take + steps.
    * dar los primeros pasos en = venture into.
    * dar los últimos retoques a = put + the finishing touches on.
    * dar lugar = produce.
    * dar lugar a = cause, generate, give + rise to, mean, result (in), leave + room for, bring about, lead to, cause, open + the door to, give + cause to, give + occasion to.
    * dar lugar a la reflexión = provide + food for thought.
    * dar lugar a problemas = give + rise to problems.
    * dar lugar a queja = evoke + complaint.
    * dar lugar a rumores = fuel + rumours, give + rise to rumours.
    * dar luz verde = give + green light, give + the go-ahead.
    * dar mala impresión = look + bad.
    * dar marcha atrás = do + an about-face, back up, backpedal [back-pedal].
    * dar masaje = massage.
    * dar más de sí = go further.
    * dar más explicaciones = elaborate on.
    * dar materia para la reflexión = provide + food for thought.
    * dar mayor importancia a = give + pride of place to.
    * dar media vuelta = do + an about-face.
    * dar mejora (en) = give + improvement (in).
    * dar menos de lo debido = shortchange.
    * dar mucha importancia = put + a premium on.
    * dar mucho en qué pensar = give + Nombre + much to think about, give + Nombre + a lot to think about.
    * dar mucho valor a Algo = value + Nombre + highly.
    * dar muestras de = show + signs of.
    * dar + Nombre + una oportunidad = give + Nombre + a fair chance.
    * dar notoriedad a = create + a high profile for, give + a high profile.
    * dar nueva forma = reformat [re-format].
    * dar nueva vida = give + Nombre + new life, give + a second life.
    * dar opción = give + option.
    * dar origen = mother.
    * dar origen a = give + rise to, bring about, lead to, give + cause to, give + occasion to.
    * dar otro paso muy importante = reach + another milestone.
    * dar pábulo a = fuel, spark off.
    * dar pábulo a rumores = fuel + rumours, give + rise to rumours.
    * dar palos de ciego = grope (for/toward).
    * dar pánico = scare + the living daylights out of, frighten + the living daylights out of, dread, scare + the hell out of.
    * dar parte de = report.
    * dar paso (a) = give + way (to), yield to, make + way (for).
    * dar patadas en el estómago = stick in + Posesivo + craw.
    * dar pavor = be scared stiff, be frightened to death, be petrified of, be terrified, scare + the living daylights out of, frighten + the living daylights out of, scare + the hell out of.
    * dar pecho = breast-feeding [breastfeeding].
    * dar pereza = can't/couldn't be bothered.
    * dar permiso = give + permission, give + time off, grant + Alguien + leave.
    * dar permiso en el trabajo = give + time off work.
    * dar pie a = spark off, give + rise to, bring about, lead to, cause, open + the door to, give + cause to, give + occasion to.
    * dar pisotones = stomp.
    * dar pistas = throw + hints.
    * dar pistas falsas = throw out + false leads.
    * dar placer = give + pleasure, give + enjoyment.
    * dar poderes = give + powers.
    * dar por = tickle + Posesivo + fancy.
    * dar por concluido = put to + bed, close + the book on.
    * dar por culo = piss + Nombre + off.
    * dar por descontado = take for + granted, discount.
    * dar por hecho = take for + granted.
    * dar por perdido = be past praying for, write off.
    * dar por saldado = close + the book on.
    * dar por seguro que = rest + assured that.
    * dar por sentado = take for + granted.
    * dar por sentado Algo que realmente no lo está = beg + the question.
    * dar + Posesivo + vida = give + Posesivo + all.
    * dar preferencia = give + preference.
    * dar prestigio = lend + authoritativeness.
    * dar prioridad = award + priority, emphasise [emphasize, -USA], give + priority, give + precedence, assign + priority, give + preference.
    * dar prioridad a = give + pride of place to, place + emphasis on, prioritise [prioritize, -USA].
    * dar prioridad a algo = make + a priority.
    * dar problemas = play up.
    * dar propina = tipping.
    * dar pruebas = provide + evidence.
    * dar publicidad = publicise [publicize, -USA], give + publicity.
    * dar puntapiés = kick + Posesivo + feet.
    * dar punzadas = throb, twinge.
    * dar quebraderos de cabeza = give + headaches.
    * dar que hablar = fuel + rumours, give + rise to rumours, raise + eyebrows.
    * dar quehacer = make + trouble.
    * dar rabia = incense, gall, peeve.
    * dar razón de ser = bring + purpose.
    * dar recompensa = mete out + reward.
    * dar registro = accession.
    * dar relevancia = give + relevance.
    * dar relevancia a = create + a high profile for, give + a high profile.
    * dar relevancia a Algo = put + Algo + on the agenda.
    * dar resoplidos = chug.
    * dar respuesta = provide + answer, elicit + answer, develop + answer.
    * dar resultado = be successful, give + result, work, pay off, be a success, pay.
    * dar resultados = produce + results.
    * dar rienda suelta = unleash.
    * dar rienda suelta a = give + free rein to, allow + vent for, give + vent to, vent.
    * dar rienda suelta a + Nombre = let + Nombre + run riot.
    * dar riqueza a = add + richness to.
    * dar risitas = giggle.
    * dar sabor = spice up, add + spice.
    * dar salida a = vent.
    * dar saltitos = hop, skip.
    * dar sangre = donate + Posesivo + blood.
    * darse = appear, occur.
    * darse a = lend + Reflexivo + to.
    * darse aires = strut.
    * darse aires de grandeza = give + Reflexivo + such airs, aggrandise + Reflexivo.
    * darse a la fuga = flee, lam (it), go into + hiding, make + a quick getaway, take to + Posesivo + heels, run off.
    * darse a los demás = give of + Reflexivo.
    * darse con un canto en los dientes = count + Reflexivo + lucky, think + Reflexivo + lucky, consider + Reflexivo + lucky.
    * darse cuenta = become + aware, dawn on, detect, perceive, find, note, make + aware, come to + realise, wise up, reach + understanding, eye + catch, strike + home, suss (out), hit + home.
    * darse cuenta de = be aware of, be cognisant of, realise [realize, -USA], sense, wake up to, sink in, become + cognisant of, see through.
    * darse cuenta del peligro que = see + the danger that.
    * darse cuenta de un problema = alight on + problem.
    * darse de baja de una suscripción = unsubscribe.
    * darse el caso que + Indicativo = happen to + Infinitivo, chance to + Infinitivo.
    * darse el gusto de = indulge in.
    * darse el gusto de comprar = splurge on.
    * darse el lote = snog, neck.
    * darse el lujo de = splurge on.
    * darse golpes de pecho = beat + Posesivo + breast.
    * darse golpes en el pecho = beat + Posesivo + breast.
    * darse la mano = join + hands, shake + hand.
    * dárselas de = fancy + Reflexivo.
    * dársele Algo bien a Uno = be good at.
    * dársele a Uno bien las plantas = have + a green thumb, have + green fingers.
    * dársele a Uno mejor Algo = be better at.
    * dársele mejor a Uno = do + best.
    * darse media vuelta = turn on + Posesivo + heel.
    * darse (muchos) aires = give + Reflexivo + such airs, aggrandise + Reflexivo.
    * dar sentido = make + sense (out) of, make + sense of life.
    * dar sentido a = make + meaningful, give + meaning to.
    * dar sentido a las cosas = sense-making, meaning making.
    * dar sentido a la vida = give + meaning to life.
    * dar sentido a + Posesivo + vida = make + sense of + Posesivo + life.
    * dar señales de = show + signs of.
    * dar señales de vida = show + signs of life.
    * darse por afortunado = count + Reflexivo + lucky, think + Reflexivo + lucky, consider + Reflexivo + lucky.
    * darse por aludido = take + things personally, take + a hint, take + things personally, get + a hint.
    * darse por derrotado = sound + note of defeat.
    * darse por vencido = throw in + the towel, throw in/up + the sponge.
    * darse prisa = hurry, hurry up, get on + Posesivo + running shoes, shake + a leg, hot-foot it to, make + haste, rattle + Posesivo + dags, get + a wiggle on, put + Posesivo + skates on, get + Posesivo + skates on, get + a move on.
    * darse prisa con calma = make + haste slowly.
    * dar servicio = service.
    * darse una comilona = make + a pig of + Reflexivo, pig out (on).
    * darse una leche = come + a cropper.
    * darse un apretón de manos = clasp + hands.
    * darse una situación más esperanzadora = sound + a note of hope.
    * darse un atracón = make + a pig of + Reflexivo, pig out (on), stuff + Posesivo + face.
    * darse una transacción económica = cash + change hands.
    * darse una tripotada = make + a pig of + Reflexivo, pig out (on).
    * darse una vacante = occur + vacancy.
    * darse un baño de sol = sunbathe.
    * darse un chapuzón = take + a dip.
    * darse un descanso = give + Reflexivo + a break, rest on + Posesivo + oars.
    * darse un festín de = feast on.
    * darse un garbeo = mosey.
    * darse un porrazo = come + a cropper.
    * darse un respiro = lie on + Posesivo + oars, rest on + Posesivo + oars.
    * darse un tortazo = come + a cropper.
    * dar significado = imbue with + meaning.
    * dar sombra = shade.
    * dar su conformidad a = assent to.
    * dar sugerencias = give + suggestions.
    * dar terror = scare + the living daylights out of.
    * dar testimonio = bear + witness, give + testimony.
    * dar tiempo = give + time, donate + Posesivo + time.
    * dar tiempo a Alguien = give + Nombre + some time.
    * dar título = title.
    * dar todo de Uno mismo = give of + Posesivo + best.
    * dar todo el oro del mundo = give + Posesivo + right arm.
    * dar tono = tone.
    * dar trabajo = present + burden.
    * dar una advertencia = raise + caveat, issue + warning.
    * dar una apariencia de = provide + a semblance of, give + a semblance of.
    * dar una azotaina = spank.
    * dar una bofetada = cuff, slap.
    * dar una bofetada a Alguien = give + Nombre + a slap in the face.
    * dar una buena paliza = whitewash, thrash.
    * dar una cabezadita = nap, catching 10, napping.
    * dar una carcajada = give + a laugh, let out + a laugh.
    * dar una charla = give + address, give + a talk, give + a presentation, give + speech.
    * dar una conferencia = deliver + talk, make + a speech, give + speech, deliver + lecture, give + a lecture.
    * dar una contractura muscular = pull + a muscle.
    * dar una cornada = gore.
    * dar una excusa = give + excuse.
    * dar una explicación = present + explanation.
    * dar una falsa impresión = keep up + facade, put on + an act.
    * dar una fiesta = give + a party.
    * dar una galleta = slap.
    * dar una guantada = slap.
    * dar una idea = give + idea, give + glimpse, provide + an understanding.
    * dar una idea de = give + a feel for, give + indication, provide + a glimpse of, give + a flavour of, be indicative of, provide + insight into, give + a picture, give + an insight into, give + an inkling of.
    * dar una idea general = put in + the picture, give + a general picture, paint + a broad picture.
    * dar una imagen = convey + image, present + picture, paint + a picture, present + an image, present + a picture.
    * dar una imagen de = give + an impression of.
    * dar una impresión = make + an impression, leave + an impression, present + an image.
    * dar una impresión de = give + an impression of.
    * dar una impresión equivocada = send + the wrong signals.
    * dar una lección de humildad = humble.
    * dar una llamada de atención = sound + a wake-up call.
    * dar una norma = give + prescription.
    * dar una opinión = offer + opinion.
    * dar una oportunidad = give + opportunity, provide + opportunity, grant + opportunity, present + an opportunity, create + opportunity.
    * dar una oportunidad a Alguien = give + Nombre + a head start.
    * dar una orden = issue + command, issue + instruction.
    * dar una paliza = clobber, pummel, slaughter, knock + the living daylights out of, knock + the hell out out of, whip, whitewash, thrash, wallop, lick, baste, take + a pounding, take + a beating, belt, trounce, beat + Nombre + (all) hollow.
    * dar una paliza a Alguien = beat + Nombre + up, beat + Nombre + black and blue.
    * dar una patada = kick, boot.
    * dar una pista = give + a hint.
    * dar una posibilidad = afford + opportunity.
    * dar un apretón de manos = shake + hand.
    * dar una rabieta = throw + a tantrum.
    * dar una razón = give + reason.
    * dar una respuesta = furnish + answer, frame + response.
    * dar una sacudida = give + a shake, give + a jerk.
    * dar una segunda oportunidad = give + a second chance.
    * dar una segunda vida = give + a second life.
    * dar una solución = provide + solution, develop + solution.
    * dar una solución por buena que realmente no lo es = beg + the solution.
    * dar un aspecto + Adjetivo = give + a + Adjetivo + look.
    * dar un ataque de nervios = have + an attack of hysterics.
    * dar una torta = slap.
    * dar una torta a Alguien = give + Nombre + a slap in the face.
    * dar una tunda = trounce.
    * dar una ventaja = give + Nombre + an edge.
    * dar una ventaja a Alguien = give + Nombre + a head start.
    * dar una visión = present + view, provide + an understanding.
    * dar una visión general = give + a general picture.
    * dar una visión global = give + overview, present + an overview, present + an overall picture, give + an overall picture, overview.
    * dar una visión total = give + a complete picture.
    * dar un aviso = make + warning.
    * dar una voltereta = somersault, do + a somersault, summersault.
    * dar una voz = holler.
    * dar una vuelta de campana = capsize, somersault, do + a somersault, summersault.
    * dar una vuelta en coche = go out for + a drive.
    * dar un berrinche = throw + a tantrum.
    * dar un beso de despedida = kiss + Nombre + goodbye.
    * dar un bocado a = take + a bite out of.
    * dar un bofetón = cuff, slap.
    * dar un bofetón a Alguien = give + Nombre + a slap in the face.
    * dar un cachete = spank, cuff, slap.
    * dar un cachete a Alguien = slap + Nombre + on the wrist.
    * dar un calambre = cramp.
    * dar un chillido = holler.
    * dar un comienzo a = give + a start to.
    * dar un coscorrón = cuff.
    * dar un ejemplo = give + example.
    * dar un empujón = give + a boost.
    * dar un golpe = knock.
    * dar un golpe por detrás = rear-end.
    * dar un gran paso adelante = reach + milestone.
    * dar un grito = holler.
    * dar un guantazo = slap.
    * dar un hachazo = hack.
    * dar un hervor = parboil.
    * dar un impulso = kick-start [kickstart].
    * dar un lavado de cara = spruce up.
    * dar un manotazo = swat at, cuff, slap.
    * dar un manotazo a Alguien = give + Nombre + a slap in the face.
    * dar un nivel de prioridad alto = put + Nombre + high on + Posesivo + list of priorities.
    * dar un nuevo acabado = refinish.
    * dar un nuevo impulso = pep up.
    * dar un nuevo nombre = rename.
    * dar un ojo de la cara por Algo = give + an eye-tooth for/to.
    * dar unos azotes = spank.
    * dar un paseo = take + a stroll, t

    * * *
    dar [ A25 ]
    ■ dar (verbo transitivo)
    A entregar
    B regalar, donar
    C en naipes
    1 proporcionar
    2 Música
    E conferir, aportar
    1 aplicar capa de barniz etc
    2 dar: inyección etc
    1 conceder prórroga etc
    2 atribuir
    3 pronosticando duración
    4 dar: edad, años
    1 expresar, decir
    2 señalar, indicar
    A producir
    B rendir, alcanzar hasta
    C causar, provocar
    D arruinar, fastidiar
    A presentar
    B ofrecer, celebrar
    C dar: conferencia
    A realizar la acción indicada
    B dar: limpiada etc
    Sentido V considerar
    ■ dar (verbo intransitivo)
    1 entregar
    2 en naipes
    B ser suficiente, alcanzar
    1 dar a: puerta etc
    2 llegar hasta
    3 estar orientado hacia
    D comunicar
    E arrojar un resultado
    F importar
    1 pegar, golpear
    2 darle a algo: tarea
    3 darle a algo: hacer uso de
    4 acertar
    1 darle a algo: accionar
    2 mover
    1 indicando insistencia
    2 instando a alguien a hacer algo
    D dar con
    A acometer, sobrevenir
    1 darle a alguien por algo
    2 darle a alguien con algo
    C dar en
    D dar: sol, viento, luz
    E acabar
    ■ darse (verbo pronominal)
    A producirse
    B ocurrir
    C resultar
    A dedicarse, entregarse
    B tratarse, ser sociable
    A realizar la acción indicada
    1 golpearse, pegarse
    2 darse (de) golpes
    3 darse (de) patadas etc
    Sentido IV considerarse
    A (entregar) to give
    dale las llaves a Jaime give the keys to Jaime, give Jaime the keys
    se las di a Jaime I gave them to Jaime
    dale esto a tu madre de mi parte give this to your mother from me
    deme un kilo de peras can I have a kilo of pears?
    500 dólares ¿quién da más? any advance on 500 dollars?
    dar algo A + INF:
    da toda la ropa a planchar/lavar she sends all her clothes to be ironed/washed, she has all her ironing/washing done for her
    comer1 vi A 2. (↑ comer (1)), conocer, entender1 vt A 2. (↑ entender (1)), mamar
    B (regalar, donar) to give
    ¿me lo prestas? — te lo doy, yo no lo necesito can I borrow it? — you can have it o keep it, I don't need it
    a mí nunca nadie me dio nada nobody's ever given me anything
    daría cualquier cosa por que así fuera I'd give anything o ( colloq) I'd give my right arm for that to be the case
    donde las dan las toman two can play at that game
    estarlas dando ( Chi fam): entremos sin pagar, aquí las están dando let's just walk in without paying, they're asking for it ( colloq)
    con ese profesor las están dando they get away with murder with that teacher ( colloq)
    para dar y tomar or vender: coge los que quieras, tengo para dar y tomar or vender take as many as you want, I have plenty to spare o ( colloq) I've stacks of them
    C (en naipes) to deal
    ¡me has dado unas cartas horribles! you've dealt o given me a terrible hand
    1 (proporcionar) ‹fuerzas/valor/esperanza› to give
    sus elogios me han dado ánimos his praise has given me encouragement o has encouraged me
    eso me dio la idea para el libro that's where I got the idea for the book, that's what gave me the idea for the book
    me dio un buen consejo she gave me some useful advice
    mi familia no pudo darme una carrera my family weren't in a position to send me to o put me through university o to give me a university education
    es capaz de robar si le dan la ocasión given the chance he's quite capable of stealing
    pide que te den un presupuesto/más información ask them to give you o supply you with an estimate/more information
    2 ( Música) to give
    ¿me das el la? can you give me an A?
    E (conferir, aportar) ‹sabor/color/forma› to give
    las luces le daban un ambiente festivo a la plaza the lights gave the square a very festive atmosphere, the lights lent a very festive atmosphere to the square
    les dio forma redondeada a las puntas he rounded off the ends
    necesita algo que le dé sentido a su vida he needs something that will give his life some meaning
    1 (aplicar) ‹capa de barniz/mano de pintura› to give
    dale otra capa de barniz/otra mano de pintura give it another coat of varnish/paint
    hay que darle cera al piso we have to wax the floor
    dale una puntada para sujetarlo put a stitch in to hold it
    2 ‹inyección/lavativa/sedante› to give, administer ( frml); ‹masaje› to give
    1 (conceder) ‹prórroga/permiso› to give
    te doy hasta el jueves I'll give you until Thursday
    ¿quién te ha dado permiso para entrar allí? who gave you permission to go in there?, who said you could go in there?
    si usted nos da permiso with your permission, if you will allow us
    el dentista me ha dado hora para el miércoles I have an appointment with the dentist on Wednesday
    dan facilidades de pago they offer easy repayment facilities o terms
    nos dieron el tercer premio we won o got third prize, we were awarded third prize
    al terminar el cursillo te dan un diploma when you finish the course you get a diploma
    (atribuir): no le des demasiada importancia don't attach too much importance to it
    yo le doy otra interpretación a ese pasaje I see o interpret that passage in a different way
    tuvieron que darme la razón they had to admit I was right
    no le dan ni dos meses de vida they've given him less than two months to live
    no le doy ni un mes a esa relación I don't think they'll last more than a month together
    ( RPl) ‹edad/años› ¿cuántos años or qué edad le das? how old do you think o reckon she is?
    yo no le daba más de 28 I didn't think he was more than 28
    (expresar, decir): ¿le diste las gracias? did you thank him?, did you say thank you?
    no me dio ni los buenos días she didn't even say hello
    dales recuerdos de mi parte give/send them my regards
    tenemos que ir a darles el pésame we must go and offer our condolences
    me gustaría que me dieras tu parecer or opinión I'd like you to give me your opinion
    le doy mi enhorabuena I'd like to congratulate you
    ¿me da la hora, por favor? have you got the time, please?
    me tocó a mí darle la noticia I was the one who had to break the news to him
    te han dado una orden you've been given an order, that was an order
    han dado orden de desalojar el edificio they've ordered that the building be vacated
    (señalar, indicar): me da ocupado or ( Esp) comunicando the line's busy o ( BrE) engaged
    el reloj dio las cinco the clock struck five
    (producir): estos campos dan mucho grano these fields have a high grain yield
    esta estufa da mucho calor this heater gives out a lot of heat
    esta clase de negocio da mucho dinero there's a lot of money in this business
    esos bonos dan un 7% those bonds give a yield of 7%
    los árboles han empezado a dar fruto the trees have begun to bear fruit
    no le pudo dar un hijo she was unable to bear o give him a child
    (rendir, alcanzar hasta): ¿cuánto da ese coche? how fast can that car go?
    da 150 kilómetros por hora it can do o go 150 kilometers an hour
    ha dado todo lo que el público esperaba de él he has lived up to the public's expectations of him
    el coche venía a todo lo que daba the car was traveling at full speed
    ponen la radio a todo lo que da they turn the radio on full blast
    (causar, provocar): la comida muy salada da sed salty food makes you thirsty
    ¡estos críos dan tanto trabajo! these kids are such hard work!
    (+ me/te/le etc): ¿no te da calor esa camisa? aren't you too warm in that shirt?
    el vino le había dado sueño the wine had made him sleepy
    me da mucha pena verla tan triste I can't bear o it hurts me to see her so sad
    ¡qué susto me has dado! you gave me such a fright!
    me da no sé qué que se tenga que quedar sola I feel a bit funny about leaving her on her own
    este coche no me ha dado problemas this car hasn't given me any trouble
    ver tb asco, hambre, miedo, etc dar QUE + INF:
    el jardín da muchísimo que hacer there's always such a lot to do in the garden
    los niños dan que hacer children are a lot of work
    lo que dijo me dio que pensar what he said gave me plenty of food for thought o plenty to think about
    D ( Esp fam) (arruinar, fastidiar) to spoil, ruin
    Isabelita nos dio la noche we had an awful night thanks to little Isabel
    (presentar): ¿qué dan esta noche en la tele? what's on TV tonight? ( colloq)
    en el cine Avenida dan una película buenísima there's a really good movie on at the Avenida, they're showing a really good movie at the Avenida
    ayer fuimos al teatro, daban una obra de Calderón we went to the theater yesterday, it was a play by Calderón
    va a dar un concierto el mes que viene he's giving a concert next month
    deja de gritar así, estás dando un espectáculo stop shouting like that, you're making a spectacle of yourself
    B (ofrecer, celebrar) ‹fiesta› to give; ‹baile/banquete› to hold
    C ‹conferencia› to give
    dar examen (CS); to take o ( BrE) sit an exam
    ver tb clase1 f E. (↑ clase (1))
    (realizar la acción indicada): dieron lectura al comunicado they read out the communiqué
    estuvo dando cabezadas durante toda la película he kept nodding off all through the film
    dio un grito/un suspiro she shouted/sighed, she gave a shout/heaved a sigh
    dio un paso atrás/adelante he took a step back/forward
    (+ me/te/le etc): dame un beso/abrazo give me a kiss/hug
    me dio un tirón del pelo he pulled my hair
    dársela a algn ( Esp fam); to take sb in, put one over on sb
    dárselas a algn ( Chi fam); to beat sb up
    ‹limpiada/barrida/planchazo› con que le des una enjuagada alcanza just a quick rinse will do
    hay que darle una barrida al suelo de la cocina the kitchen floor needs a sweep o needs sweeping
    quiero darle otra leída a este capítulo ( AmL); I want to run o read through this chapter again
    Sentido V (considerar) dar algo/a algn POR algo:
    lo dieron por muerto they gave him up for dead
    doy por terminada la sesión I declare the session closed
    ese tema lo doy por sabido I'm assuming you've already covered that topic
    si le has prestado dinero ya lo puedes dar por perdido if you've lent him money you can kiss it goodbye
    ¿eso es lo que quieres? ¡dalo por hecho! is that what you want? consider it done! o ( AmE colloq) you got it!
    si apruebo daré el tiempo por bien empleado if I pass it will have been time well spent
    ■ dar
    (entregar): dame, yo te lo coso let me have it o give it here, I'll sew it for you
    no puedes con todo, dame que te ayudo you'll never manage all that on your own, here, let me help you
    ¿me das para un helado? can I have some money for an ice cream?
    2 (en naipes) to deal
    te toca dar a ti it's your deal, it's your turn to deal
    B (ser suficiente, alcanzar) dar PARA algo/algn:
    este pollo da para dos comidas this chicken is enough o will do for two meals
    con una botella no da para todos one bottle's not enough to go round
    da para hablar horas y horas you could talk about it for hours
    (+ me/te/le etc): eso no te da ni para un chicle you can't even buy a piece of chewing gum with that
    no le da la cabeza para la física he hasn't much of a head for physics
    no me dio (el) tiempo I didn't have time
    dar de sí to stretch
    me quedan un poco ajustados, pero ya darán de sí they're a bit tight on me, but they'll stretch o give
    ¡cuánto ha dado de sí esa botella de jerez! that bottle of sherry's gone a long way!
    ¡qué poco dan de sí seis euros! six euros don't go very far!
    el pobre ya no da más de sí the poor guy's fit to drop
    no dar para más: su inteligencia no da para más that's as much as his brain can cope with
    yo me voy, esto ya no da para más I'm leaving, this is a waste of time
    ya no da para más or (CS) ya no da más de tanto trabajar he's worked himself into the ground
    estoy que no doy más I'm all in ( colloq), I'm shattered o dead beat ( colloq), I'm pooped ( AmE colloq)
    1 «puerta/habitación» (comunicar con) to give on to
    la puerta trasera da a un jardín/a la calle Palmar the back door opens o gives onto a garden/onto Palmar Street
    todas las habitaciones dan a un patio all the rooms look onto o give onto a courtyard
    2 (llegar hasta) «río» to go o flow into; «camino/sendero» to lead to
    la calle va a dar directamente a la playa the street goes right down o leads straight to the beach
    3 «fachada/frente» (estar orientado hacia) to face
    la fachada principal da al sur the main facade faces south
    la terraza da al mar the balcony overlooks o faces the sea
    ( RPl) (comunicar) darle a algn CON algn: ¿me das con Teresa, por favor? can I speak to Teresa, please?
    en seguida le doy con el señor Seco I'll just put you through to Mr Seco
    (arrojar un resultado): ¿cuánto da la cuenta? what does it come to?
    a mí me dio 247 ¿y a ti? I made it (to be) 247, how about you?
    el análisis le dio positivo/negativo her test was positive/negative
    (importar): ¿cuál prefieres? — da igual which do you prefer? — I don't mind
    da lo mismo, ya iremos otro día it doesn't matter, we'll go another day
    (+ me/te/le etc): ¿el jueves o el viernes? — a mí me da igual Thursday or Friday? — I don't mind o it doesn't matter o it doesn't make any difference to me o it's all the same to me
    la sopa se ha enfriado un poco — ¡qué más da! the soup's gone a bit cold — never mind o it doesn't matter
    ¿qué más da un color que otro? surely one color is as good as another!, what difference does it make what color it is?
    (+ me/te/le etc): ¡qué más le da a él que otros tengan que hacer su trabajo! what does he care if others have to do his work?
    ¿y a ti qué más te da si él viene? what difference does it make to you if he comes?, what's it to you if he comes? ( colloq)
    no quiere venirtanto da she doesn't want to come — it makes no difference o so what?
    (+ me/te/le etc): ¿a qué hora quieren cenar? — tanto nos da what time do you want to have dinner? — it's all the same to us o whenever
    1 (pegar, golpear) (+ me/te/le etc):
    le dio en la cabeza it hit him on the head
    dale al balón con fuerza kick the ball hard
    ¡te voy a dar yo a ti como no me obedezcas! you're going to get it from me if you don't do what I say ( colloq)
    le dio con la regla en los nudillos she rapped his knuckles with the ruler
    cuando te agarren te van a dar de palos when they get you they're going to give you a good beating
    2 ( fam) (a una tarea, asignatura) darle A algo:
    me pasé todo el verano dándole al inglés I spent the whole summer working on o studying my English ( colloq)
    vas a tener que darle más fuerte si quieres aprobar you're going to have to push yourself harder o put more effort into it if you want to pass
    quiero darle un poco más a esta traducción antes de irme I want to do a bit more work on this translation before I go
    3 ( fam) (hacer uso de) darle A algo:
    ¡cómo le da al vino! he really knocks back o ( AmE) down the wine ( colloq)
    ¡cómo le han dado al queso! ¡ya casi no queda! they've certainly been at the cheese, there's hardly any left! ( colloq)
    ¡cómo les has dado a estos zapatos! you've really been hard on these shoes!, you've worn these shoes out quickly!
    4 (acertar) to hit
    dar en el blanco/el centro to hit the target/the bull's-eye
    1 (accionar) darle A algo:
    le dio al interruptor she flicked the switch
    le di a la manivela I turned the handle
    dale al pedal press the pedal
    tienes que darle a este botón/esta tecla you have to press this button/key
    2 (mover) (+ compl):
    dale al volante hacia la derecha turn the wheel to the right
    1 ( fam)
    (indicando insistencia): ¡y dale! ya te he dicho que no voy there you go again! I've told you I'm not going ( colloq)
    estuvo todo el día dale que dale con el clarinete he spent the whole day blowing away on his clarinet
    ¡y dale con lo de la edad! ¿qué importa eso? stop going on about her age! what does it matter?
    ¡dale que te pego! ( fam): he estado toda la mañana dale que te pego con esto I've been slaving away at this all morning
    yo quiero olvidarlo y él ¡dale que te pego con lo mismo! I want to forget about it and he keeps on and on about it o he keeps banging on about it
    ( RPl fam) (instando a algn a hacer algo): dale, metete, el agua está lindísima come on, get in, the water's lovely
    dale, prestámelo come on o go on, lend it to me
    por mucho que buscaron no dieron con él although they searched high and low they couldn't find him
    creo que ya he dado con la solución I think I've hit upon o found the solution
    cuando uno no da con la palabra adecuada when you can't come up with o find the right word
    A (acometer, sobrevenir) (+ me/te/le etc):
    le dio un mareo she felt dizzy
    le dio un infarto he had a heart attack
    como no se calle, me va a dar algo ( fam); if you don't shut up, I'm going to have a fit ( colloq)
    ¡me da una indignación cuando hace esas cosas …! I feel so angry when he does those things!
    me da que ya no vienen ( fam); I have a (funny o sneaky) feeling they're not coming ( colloq)
    B (hablando de ocurrencias, manías)
    1 darle a algn POR algo:
    le ha dado por decir que ya no lo quiero he's started saying that I don't love him any more
    le ha dado por beber he's taken to drink, he's started drinking
    le ha dado por el yoga she's got into yoga
    ¡menos mal que me dio por preguntar por cuánto saldría! it's just as well it occurred to me to ask o I thought to ask how much it would be!
    darle a algn por ahí ( fam): ¿ahora hace pesas? — sí, le ha dado por ahí is he doing weights now? — yes, that's his latest craze o that's what he's into now
    ¿por qué lo hiciste? — no sé, me dio por ahí why did you do it? — I don't know, I just felt like it
    cualquier día le da por ahí y la deja one of these days he'll just up and leave her
    2 darle a algn CON algo:
    le ha dado con que me conoce he's got it into his head he knows me
    (tender a): ha dado en salir acompañada por galanes jóvenes she has taken to being escorted in public by handsome young men
    ha dado en esta locura she has got this crazy idea into her head
    lo que se ha dado en llamar `drogodependencia' what has come to be known as `drug-dependence'
    «sol/viento/luz»: aquí da el sol toda la mañana you get the sun all morning here
    siéntate aquí, donde da el sol sit down here in the sun
    en esa playa da mucho el viento it's very windy on that beach
    la luz le daba de lleno en los ojos the light was shining right in his eyes
    (acabar): ir/venir a dar: la pelota había ido a dar al jardín de al lado the ball had ended up in the next door garden
    ¿cómo habrá venido a dar esto aquí? how on earth did this get here?
    A (producirse) to grow
    en esta zona se da bien el trigo wheat grows well in this area
    (ocurrir) «caso/situación»: bien podría darse una situación así this kind of situation could well arise o occur
    para esto se tienen que dar las siguientes circunstancias this requires the following conditions
    ¿qué se da? ( fam); what's going on o happening? ( colloq)
    C (resultar) (+ me/te/le etc):
    se le dan muy bien los idiomas she's very good at languages
    ¿cómo se te da a ti la costura? how are you at sewing?, how's your sewing?
    A (dedicarse, entregarse) darse A algo:
    se dio a la bebida she took to drink, she hit the bottle ( colloq)
    se da a la buena vida he spends his time having fun o living it up
    se ha dado por entero a su familia/a la causa she has devoted herself entirely to her family/to the cause
    ( RPl) (tratarse, ser sociable) darse CON algn: no se da con la familia del marido she doesn't have much to do with her husband's family
    A ( refl)
    (realizar la acción indicada): voy a darme una ducha I'm going to take o have a shower
    vamos a darnos un banquete we're going to have a feast
    dárselas de algo: se las da de que sabe mucho he likes to make out he knows a lot
    va dándoselas de rico y no tiene un duro he makes out he's rich but he hasn't got a penny
    ¿pero ése de qué se las da? si es un obrero como tú y yo who does he think he is? he's just another worker like you and me
    no te las des de listo don't act so smart
    (golpearse, pegarse): se dio con el martillo en el dedo he hit his finger with the hammer
    no te vayas a dar con la cabeza contra el techo don't hit o bang your head on the ceiling
    se dieron contra un árbol they crashed o went into a tree
    se va a dar un golpe en la cabeza/espalda he's going to hit o bump his head/hit his back
    se dio con la nariz or de narices contra la puerta he ran/walked straight into the door, he went smack into the door ( colloq)
    2 ( refl):
    darse (de) golpes to hit oneself
    ¡podría darme (de) patadas! I could kick myself!
    3 ( recípr):
    se estaban dando (de) patadas/tortazos en plena calle they were kicking/punching each other right there on the street
    Sentido IV (considerarse) darse POR algo:
    con eso me daría por satisfecha I'd be quite happy with that
    no se dará por vencida hasta que lo consiga she won't give up until she gets it
    puedes darte por contento de haber salido con vida you can count yourself lucky you weren't killed
    no quiere darse por enterado he doesn't want to know
    aludir vi 1. (↑ aludir)
    * * *


    dar ( conjugate dar) verbo transitivo

    déme un kilo de peras can I have a kilo of pears?;
    See Also→ conocer verbo transitivo 3 b, entender verbo transitivo
    b)cartas/mano to give

    a) (donar, regalar) ‹sangre/limosna to give;

    b) ( proporcionar) ‹fuerzas/valor/esperanza to give;

    información/idea to give
    a) (conferir, aportar) ‹sabor/color/forma to give

    b) ( aplicar) ‹mano de pintura/barniz to give

    c)sedante/masaje to give

    4 ( conceder) ‹prórroga/permiso to give;

    nos dieron un premio we won o got a prize
    a) (expresar, decir) ‹parecer/opinón to give;

    ¿le diste las gracias? did you thank him?, did you say thank you?;

    dales saludos give/send them my regards;
    tuve que darle la noticia I was the one who had to break the news to him
    b) (señalar, indicar): me da ocupado or (Esp) comunicando the line's busy o (BrE) engaged;

    a) ( producir) ‹fruto/flor to bear;

    dividendos to pay;

    b) (AmL) ( alcanzar hasta):

    da 150 kilómetros por hora it can do o go 150 kilometres an hour;

    venía a todo lo que daba it was travelling at full speed;
    ponen la radio a todo lo que da they turn the radio on full blast
    2 (causar, provocar) ‹placer/susto to give;
    problemas to cause;

    el calor le dio sueño/sed the heat made him sleepy/thirsty
    1 ( presentar) ‹ concierto to give;
    ¿qué dan esta noche en la tele? what's on TV tonight? (colloq);

    ¿dónde están dando esa película? where's that film showing?
    a)fiesta/conferencia to give;

    baile/banquete to hold;
    discurso› (AmL) to make
    b) (CS) ‹ examen› to take o (BrE) sit;

    ver tb clase 4
    ( realizar la accion que se indica) ‹ grito to give;

    dame un beso give me a kiss;
    ver tb golpe, paseo, vuelta, etc
    ( considerar) dar algo/a algn por algo:

    ese tema lo doy por sabido I'm assuming you've already covered that topic;
    ¡dalo por hecho! consider it done!
    verbo intransitivo

    [ventana/balcón] to look onto, give onto;
    [fachada/frente] to face
    2 (ser suficiente, alcanzar) dar para algo/algn to be enough for sth/sb;

    dar de sí ‹zapatos/jersey to stretch
    3 ( arrojar un resultado):

    ¿cuánto da la cuenta? what does it come to?;
    a mí me dio 247 I made it (to be) 247
    4 ( importar):

    ¡qué más da! what does it matter!;
    ¿qué más da? what difference does it make?;
    me da igual I don't mind
    5 ( en naipes) to deal
    a) (pegar, golpear): darle a algn to hit sb;

    ( como castigo) to smack sb;

    el balón dio en el poste the ball hit the post

    2 (accionar, mover) darle a algo ‹a botón/tecla to press sth;
    a interruptor to flick sth;
    a manivela/volante to turn sth

    soluciónto hit upon, find;
    palabra to come up with
    4 (hablando de manías, ocurrencias) darle a algn por hacer algo ‹por pintar/cocinar to take to doing sth;
    le ha dado por decir que … he's started saying that …

    5 [sol/luz]:

    la luz le daba de lleno en los ojos the light was shining right in his eyes
    darse verbo pronominal
    1 ( producirse) [fruta/trigo] to grow
    2 ( presentarse) [oportunidad/ocasión] to arise
    3 ( resultar) (+ me/te/le etc):

    a) ( refl) ( realizar lo que se indica) ‹ducha/banquete to have;

    dárselas de algo: se las da de valiente/de que sabe mucho he likes to make out he's brave/he knows a lot;

    dárselas de listo to act smart
    b) (golpearse, pegarse):

    se dieron contra un árbol they crashed into a tree;
    se dio dar un golpe en la rodilla he hit his knee
    ( considerarse) darse por algo:

    ver tb aludir a, enterado 1
    I verbo transitivo
    1 to give: dame la mano, hold my hand
    2 (conceder) to give: mi padre me dio permiso, my father gave me permission
    le doy toda la razón, I think he is quite right
    3 (transmitir una noticia) to tell
    (un recado, recuerdos) to pass on, give
    dar las gracias, to thank
    4 (retransmitir u ofrecer un espectáculo) to show, put on
    5 (organizar una fiesta) to throw, give
    6 (producir lana, miel, etc) to produce, yield
    (fruto, flores) to bear
    (beneficio, interés) to give, yield
    7 (causar un dolor, malestar) dar dolor de cabeza, to give a headache
    (un sentimiento) dar pena, to make sad
    le da mucha vergüenza, he's very embarrassed
    8 (proporcionar) to provide: su empresa da trabajo a cincuenta personas, his factory gives work to fifty people
    9 (una conferencia, charla) to give
    (impartir clases) to teach
    (recibir una clase) to have
    US to take
    10 (presentir) me da (en la nariz/en el corazón) que eso va a salir bien, I have a feeling that everything is going to turn out well
    11 (estropear) to ruin: me dio la noche con sus ronquidos, he spoilt my sleep with his snoring
    12 (abrir el paso de la luz) to switch on
    (del gas, agua) to turn on
    13 (propinar una bofetada, un puntapié, etc) to hit, give
    14 (aplicar una mano de pintura, cera) to apply, put on
    (un masaje, medicamento) to give
    15 (considerar) dar por, to assume, consider: lo dieron por muerto, he was given up for dead
    ese dinero lo puedes dar por perdido, you can consider that money lost
    dar por supuesto/sabido, to take for granted, to assume
    16 (la hora, un reloj) to strike: aún no habían dado las ocho, it was not yet past eight o'clock
    17 (realizar la acción que implica el objeto) dar un abrazo/susto, to give a hug/fright
    dar un paseo, to go for a walk
    dar una voz, to give a shout
    II verbo intransitivo
    1 (sobrevenir) le dio un ataque de nervios, she had an attack of hysterics
    2 dar de comer/cenar, to provide with lunch/dinner 3 dar a, (mirar, estar orientado a) to look out onto, to overlook
    (una puerta) to open onto, lead to: esa puerta da al jardín, this door leads out onto the garden 4 dar con, (una persona, objeto) to come across: no fuimos capaces de dar con la contraseña, we couldn't come up with the password
    dimos con él, we found him 5 dar de sí, (una camiseta, bañador) to stretch, give 6 dar en, to hit: el sol me daba en los ojos, the sun was (shining) in my eyes 7 dar para, to be enough o sufficient for: ese dinero no me da para nada, this money isn't enough for me
    ♦ Locuciones: dar a alguien por: le dio por ponerse a cantar, she decided to start singing
    le dio por nadar, he got it into his head to go swimming
    dar a entender a alguien que..., to make sb understand that...
    dar la mano a alguien, to shake hands with sb
    dar para: el presupuesto no da para más, the budget will not stretch any further
    dar que hablar, to set people talking
    dar que pensar: el suceso dio que pensar, the incident gave people food for thought
    dar a conocer, (noticia) to release
    ' dar' also found in these entries:
    - abrigar
    - acelerón
    - acertar
    - acogerse
    - acomodar
    - acreditar
    - admitir
    - aflojar
    - agradecer
    - alarma
    - albergue
    - alcance
    - alerta
    - alimentar
    - alojamiento
    - alta
    - amagar
    - apetecer
    - apurar
    - armar
    - asesorar
    - atinar
    - baño
    - batalla
    - blanca
    - blanco
    - bola
    - bote
    - brazo
    - brinco
    - buena
    - bueno
    - cabezada
    - cabida
    - cada
    - calabaza
    - calentar
    - callar
    - callada
    - callo
    - campanada
    - cancha
    - cante
    - cara
    - carpetazo
    - carrete
    - casar
    - chivatazo
    - citar
    - about-turn
    - act up
    - advance
    - amplify
    - announce
    - around
    - attach
    - attest
    - back
    - backpedal
    - barge into
    - bear
    - beat
    - beat up
    - beg
    - begrudge
    - birth
    - block
    - bluster
    - bolster
    - bop
    - boss about
    - boss around
    - bother
    - bounce
    - bound
    - breast-feed
    - brief
    - buff
    - bull's-eye
    - butt
    - call
    - chase down
    - checkmate
    - cheer
    - chime
    - circle
    - clout
    - coach
    - come across
    - credence
    - day
    - deal
    - death
    - deliver
    - deposit
    - direct
    - discharge
    - disgust
    * * *
    1. [entregar, otorgar] to give;
    dar algo a alguien to give sth to sb, to give sb sth;
    da parte de sus ingresos a los necesitados she gives o donates part of her income to the poor;
    dame el azúcar, por favor could you pass o give me the sugar, please?;
    ¡dámelo! give it to me!, give me it!;
    se lo di a mi hermano I gave it to my brother;
    daría cualquier cosa por saber lo que piensa I'd give anything to know what he's thinking
    2. [pagar] to give;
    [ofrecer en pago] to offer;
    ¿cuánto te dieron por la casa? how much did they give you for the house?;
    el concesionario me da 2.000 euros por la moto vieja the dealer's offering 2,000 euros for my old motorbike;
    300 dólares, ¿quién da más? [en subasta] is there any advance on 300 dollars?
    3. [proporcionar] to give, to provide with;
    la salsa le da un sabor muy bueno the sauce gives it a very pleasant taste, the sauce makes it taste very nice;
    este color le da un aspecto diferente a la habitación this colour makes the room look different;
    le di instrucciones de cómo llegar a casa I gave her directions for getting to my house;
    no nos dio ninguna explicación sobre su ausencia he didn't give us o provide us with any explanation for his absence;
    le dimos ánimos para que siguiera con su trabajo we encouraged her to continue with her work;
    su familia hizo un gran esfuerzo por darle estudios universitarios his family went to a great deal of effort to enable him to go to university
    4. [conceder] to give;
    le han dado el Premio Nobel she has been awarded o given the Nobel Prize;
    le dieron una beca he was awarded o given a grant;
    yo no le daría demasiada importancia I wouldn't attach too much importance to it;
    al final me dieron la razón in the end they accepted that I was right;
    le dieron una semana más para presentar el informe they gave o allowed him one more week to hand in the report;
    me dieron permiso para ir al médico I got o was allowed time off work to go to the doctor;
    ¿da su permiso para entrar? may I come in?;
    nos dieron facilidades de pago they offered us easy payment terms;
    los médicos no le dan más de seis meses de vida the doctors don't give him more than six months (to live);
    ¿qué interpretación das a este descubrimiento? how would you interpret this discovery?
    5. [decir]
    dar los buenos días to say hello;
    le di las gracias por su ayuda I thanked her for her help;
    fuimos a darles el pésame we went to offer them our condolences;
    dale recuerdos de mi parte give him my regards, say hello to him from me;
    dale la enhorabuena give her my congratulations;
    me dio su opinión al respecto he gave me his opinion on the matter;
    ¿quién le dará la noticia? who's going to tell o give her the news?
    6. [producir] to give, to produce;
    [frutos, flores] to bear; [beneficios, intereses] to yield;
    estas vacas dan mucha leche these cows produce a lot of milk;
    esta cuenta da un 5 por ciento de interés this account offers a 5 percent interest rate, this account bears interest at 5 percent;
    esta lámpara da mucha luz this light is very bright;
    le dio tres hijos she bore him three children
    7. [provocar] to give;
    me da vergüenza/pena it makes me ashamed/sad;
    me da risa it makes me laugh;
    me da miedo it frightens me;
    ¡me da una rabia que me traten así! it infuriates me that they should treat me in this way!;
    me dio un susto tremendo she gave me a real fright;
    el viaje me dio mucho sueño the journey made me really sleepy;
    da gusto leer un libro tan bien escrito it's a pleasure to read such a well-written book;
    los cacahuetes dan mucha sed peanuts make you very thirsty;
    este paseo me ha dado hambre this walk has made me hungry o given me an appetite;
    estas botas dan mucho calor these boots are very warm
    8. [luz, agua, gas] [encender] to turn o switch on;
    [suministrar por primera vez] to connect; [suministrar tras un corte] to turn back on
    9. [fiesta, cena] to have, to hold;
    dar una cena en honor de alguien to hold o give a dinner in sb's honour;
    darán una recepción después de la boda there will be a reception after the wedding
    10. [en naipes] [repartir] to deal
    11. [sujeto: reloj] to strike;
    el reloj dio las doce the clock struck twelve
    12. Cine, Teatro & TV to show;
    [concierto, interpretación] to give;
    ¿qué dan esta noche en la tele? – dan una película del oeste what's on the TV tonight? – they're showing a western o there's a western on;
    dieron la ceremonia en directo they broadcast the ceremony live
    13. [propinar]
    le di una bofetada I slapped him, I gave him a slap;
    dio una patada a la pelota he kicked the ball;
    darle un golpe/una puñalada a alguien to hit/stab sb
    14. [untar con, aplicar]
    dar una capa de pintura al salón to give the living-room a coat of paint;
    dar barniz a una silla to varnish a chair
    15. [señales, indicios] to show;
    dar pruebas de sensatez to show good sense;
    dar señales de vida to show signs of life
    16. [enseñar] to teach;
    [conferencia] to give;
    dar inglés/historia to teach English/history;
    dio una clase muy interesante she gave a very interesting class;
    mañana no daremos clase there won't be a class tomorrow
    17. Esp [recibir] [clase] to have;
    doy clases de piano con una profesora francesa I have piano classes with a French piano teacher;
    doy dos clases de francés a la semana I have two French classes a week
    18. [expresa acción]
    dar un grito to give a cry;
    dar un suspiro to sigh, to give a sigh;
    dar un vistazo a to have a look at;
    dio lectura a los resultados de la elección she read out the election results;
    cuando se enteró de la noticia, dio saltos de alegría when he heard the news, he jumped for joy;
    voy a dar un paseo I'm going (to go) for a walk
    19. Esp Fam [fastidiar] to ruin;
    es tan pesado que me dio la tarde he's so boring that he ruined the afternoon for me;
    el bebé nos da las noches con sus lloros the baby never lets us get a decent night's sleep
    20. [considerar]
    dar algo por to consider sth as;
    eso lo doy por hecho I take that for granted;
    doy por sentado que vendrás a la fiesta I take it for granted that o I assume you'll be coming to the party;
    doy por explicado este periodo histórico that's all I want to say about this period of history;
    doy esta discusión por terminada I consider this discussion to be over;
    dar a alguien por muerto to give sb up for dead
    21. Fam [presentir]
    me da que no van a venir I have a feeling they're not going to come
    22. RP [inyección] to give
    23. Comp
    donde las dan las toman you get what you deserve;
    no dar una to get everything wrong
    1. [en naipes] [repartir] to deal;
    me toca dar a mí it's my deal
    2. [entregar]
    dame, que ya lo llevo yo give it to me, I'll carry it
    3. [horas] to strike;
    dieron las tres three o'clock struck
    4. [golpear]
    le dieron en la cabeza they hit him on the head;
    la piedra dio contra el cristal the stone hit the window;
    como no te portes bien, te voy a dar if you don't behave, I'll smack you
    5. [accionar]
    dar a [llave de paso] to turn;
    [botón, timbre] to press;
    dale al control remoto hit the remote control;
    dale al pedal press down on the pedal;
    dale a la tecla de retorno hit o press return;
    dale a la manivela turn the handle
    6. [estar orientado]
    dar a [sujeto: ventana, balcón] to look out onto, to overlook;
    [sujeto: pasillo, puerta] to lead to; [sujeto: casa, fachada] to face;
    todas las habitaciones dan al mar all the rooms look out onto o face the sea
    7. [sujeto: luz, viento]
    el sol daba de lleno en la habitación the sunlight was streaming into the room;
    la luz me daba directamente en la cara the light was shining directly in my face;
    aquí da mucho viento it's very windy here
    8. [encontrar]
    dar con algo/alguien to find sth/sb;
    he dado con la solución I've hit upon the solution
    9. [proporcionar]
    dar de beber a alguien to give sb something to drink;
    da de mamar a su hijo she breast-feeds her son
    10. [ser suficiente]
    dar para to be enough for;
    no dar ni para pipas: ¡eso no te da ni para pipas! that's not even enough to buy a bag of peanuts!
    11. [motivar]
    esta noticia va a dar mucho que hablar this news will set people talking;
    aquello me dio que pensar that made me think
    12. [importar]
    ¡y a ti qué más te da! what's it to you?;
    me da igual o [m5] lo mismo it's all the same to me, I don't mind o care;
    no vamos a poder ir al cine – ¡qué más da! we won't be able to go to the cinema – never mind!;
    y si no lo conseguimos, ¿qué más da? if we don't manage it, so what?;
    ¡qué más da quién lo haga con tal de que lo haga bien! what does it matter o what difference does it make who does it as long as they do it properly?;
    lo siento, no voy a poder ayudar – da igual, no te preocupes I'm sorry but I won't be able to help – it doesn't matter, don't worry;
    ¿vamos o nos quedamos? – da lo mismo should we go or should we stay? – it doesn't make any difference
    13. [acertar]
    dio en el blanco she hit the target;
    diste en el blanco, hay que intentar reducir las pérdidas you hit the nail on the head, we have to try and reduce our losses
    14. [tomar costumbre]
    le ha dado por el yoga he's decided to go in for yoga;
    ahora le ha dado por no comer fruta now she's decided not to eat fruit;
    le dio por ponerse a cantar en medio de la clase he took it into his head to start singing in the middle of the class;
    ¿está aprendiendo ruso? – sí, le ha dado por ahí is she learning Russian? – yes, that's her latest thing;
    dar en hacer algo to take to doing sth;
    el viejo dio en leer libros de caballería the old man took to reading books on chivalry
    15. [expresa repetición]
    le dieron de palos they beat him repeatedly with sticks
    16. [afectar]
    le dio un infarto he had a heart attack
    dar de sí [ropa, calzado] to give, to stretch;
    no dar más de sí o [m5] para más [persona, animal] not to be up to much any more;
    este sueldo da mucho de sí this salary goes a long way;
    estos zapatos no dan para más these shoes have had it;
    es un poco tonto, no da para más he's a bit stupid, he's not up to anything else
    18. [expresa enfado]
    te digo que pares y tú, ¡dale (que dale)! I've told you to stop, but you just carry on and on!;
    ¡y dale con la música! there he goes again, playing loud music!;
    te hemos dicho que no menciones el tema, y tú, dale que te pego we've told you not to mention the subject, but you just carry on regardless o but here you are, bringing it up again;
    ¡y dale! te lo he dicho bien claro, no voy a ir how many times do I have to tell you? o I've said it once and I'll say it again, I'm not going
    19. RP [comunicar]
    ¿me darías con tu madre? could I speak to your mother?, could you put your mother on?;
    le doy con el Sr. Hualde I'll put you through to Mr Hualde
    20. Comp
    para dar y tomar: había cerveza para dar y tomar there was loads of beer;
    darle a: ¡cómo le da a la cerveza! he certainly likes his beer!;
    darle algo a alguien: si no se calla me va a dar algo if he doesn't shut up soon, I'll go mad;
    si sigues trabajando así te va a dar algo you can't go on working like that;
    Esp muy Fam
    ¡que le den!: ¿que no quiere cooperar? ¡que le den! he doesn't want to co-operate? well, stuff him!
    * * *
    <part dado>
    I v/t
    1 give; fiesta give, have;
    dar un salto/una patada jump/kick, give a jump/kick;
    dar miedo a frighten;
    el jamón me dio sed the ham made me thirsty;
    dar de comer/beber a alguien give s.o. something to eat/drink
    2 fruta bear; luz give off; beneficio yield
    3 película show, screen
    el reloj dio las tres the clock struck three
    ¡dale (que dale)! fam don’t keep on! fam ;
    y siguió dale que te pego fam and he kept on and on
    II v/i
    1 give; de cartas en juego deal;
    dame give it to me, give me it
    dar a de ventana look onto
    dar con algo/alguien come across sth/s.o., find sth/s.o.;
    no di con el nombre I couldn’t think of the name
    dar de sí de material stretch, give;
    dar para be enough for;
    no da para más it’s past its best
    le dio por insultar a su madre fam she started insulting her mother
    ¡qué más da! what does it matter!;
    da igual it doesn’t matter
    en algo hit sth;
    el sol le daba en la cara he had the sun in his eyes, the sun was in his eyes
    dar por muerto a alguien give s.o. up for dead
    dar que hablar give people something to talk about;
    da que pensar it makes you think, it gives you something to think about
    * * *
    dar {22} vt
    1) : to give
    2) entregar: to deliver, to hand over
    3) : to hit, to strike
    4) : to yield, to produce
    5) : to perform
    6) : to give off, to emit
    dar por : to regard as, to consider
    dar vi
    1) alcanzar: to suffice, to be enough
    no me da para dos pasajes: I don't have enough for two fares
    dar a or
    dar sobre : to overlook, to look out on
    dar con : to run into
    dar con : to hit upon (an idea)
    dar de sí : to give, to stretch
    * * *
    dar vb
    1. (en general) to give [pt. gave; pp. given]
    ¿cuánto me das por lavarte el coche? how much will you give me for washing your car?
    ¿me da un kilo de naranjas, por favor? could I have a kilo of oranges, please?
    5. (ofrecer fiesta) to have
    6. (impartir clases) to teach [pt. & pp. taught]
    7. (tener ataque, enfermedad) to have
    8. (producir fruto, flores) to bear [pt. bore; pp. borne]
    9. (sonar las horas) to strike [pt. & pp. struck]
    10. (encender, conectar) to turn on
    ¿has dado el gas? have you turned the gas on?
    11. (chocar, golpear) to hit [pt. & pp. hit]
    12. (decir) to say [pt. & pp. said]
    me dio las buenas noches he said goodnight to me / he wished me goodnight
    dar a to overlook / to look onto
    dar a entender to imply [pt. & pp. implied]
    dar a luz to give birth [pt. gave; pp. given]
    dar de comer to feed [pt. & pp. fed]
    dar igual not to matter / not to mind

    Spanish-English dictionary > dar

  • 9 enfermos en fase terminal, los

    (n.) = terminally ill, the
    Ex. Your donation today will enable us to continue to advocate for the right of the terminally ill to die with dignity.

    Spanish-English dictionary > enfermos en fase terminal, los

  • 10 enfermos terminales, los

    (n.) = terminally ill, the
    Ex. Your donation today will enable us to continue to advocate for the right of the terminally ill to die with dignity.

    Spanish-English dictionary > enfermos terminales, los

  • 11 продлено

    Продлено - extended (or Ext., or EXT) Продолжать - to proceed with, to continue, to go on, to carry on (процесс); extend (графически); to lengthen (удлинять)
     Each line was extended to x = 0 to give the pressure that would have existed at that location had fully developed flow existed throughout.
     The foregoing considerations enable us to proceed with the study of solutions of equation (...).
     Inability to carry on synthesis results from a modification of a single gene.

    Русско-английский научно-технический словарь переводчика > продлено

  • 12 enfermos en fase terminal

    los enfermos en fase terminal
    (n.) = terminally ill, the

    Ex: Your donation today will enable us to continue to advocate for the right of the terminally ill to die with dignity.

    Spanish-English dictionary > enfermos en fase terminal

  • 13 enfermos terminales

    los enfermos terminales
    (n.) = terminally ill, the

    Ex: Your donation today will enable us to continue to advocate for the right of the terminally ill to die with dignity.

    Spanish-English dictionary > enfermos terminales

  • 14 ownership

    •• * Из многочисленных слов семантического поля, к которому относится это слово, ownership является, пожалуй, самым широким и сложным по значению. Глагол to own обозначает собственность как возможность контролировать, распоряжаться чем-то. Отсюда, например, употребление этого слова в идущей в США дискуссии о частичной приватизации пенсионной системы (у нас это уже сделали без всякой дискуссии). Пример – из комментария пресс-секретаря Белого дома о разосланных по электронной почте тезисах по проблеме будущего американской пенсионной системы:

    •• White House spokesman Scott McClellan said the e-mail was sent Monday to opinion leaders to lay outthe challenges we face and the importance of seizing this opportunity to strengthen Social Security for our children and grandchildren and provide them with some ownership over their retirement savings.-...дать нашим детям и внукам возможность контролировать часть своих пенсионных накоплений.
    •• Можно, наверное, сказать быть собственниками части своих пенсионных накоплений, но тогда может возникнуть вопрос – а разве человек не является фактическим собственником той части пенсионных накоплений, которая находится в государственном пенсионном фонде?
    •• Далее в «январских тезисах» – ownership society:
    •• “At the end of the day, we want to promote both an ownership society and advance the idea of limited government,” the e-mail said.
    •• Здесь значения собственность, ответственность и контроль настолько слитны, что выбрать вариант перевода для словаря не так просто. В данном контексте я предпочел бы не общество собственников, а общество личной ответственности или даже общество самостоятельных людей.
    •• Большие трудности вызывает словосочетание country ownership, широко употребляемое в международных организациях, например, в таком контексте: efforts to encourage country ownership of programs and projects. Когда один из участников переводческого форума задал вопрос о переводе этого словосочетания, последовала немедленная реакция: «Похоже, международные бюрократы опять породили какую-то абстрактную химеру. Раньше все говорили про empowerment, тоже кстати трудно переводимый». Однако это выражение встречается не только у «международных бюрократов». Конечно, все что угодно выглядит плохо при неправильном или неумеренном употреблении. Но сейчас слово ownership в модном или близком к нему значении используется и очень хорошими публицистами. Вот пример из статьи одного из лучших, обозревателя газеты International Herald Tribune Уильяма Пфаффа:
    •• If in the Security Council, the Bush administration refuses even a symbolic transfer of sovereignty to the Iraqis ( as demanded by Old Europe), and refuses to cede any political authority over the occupation to the UN, Washington will continue to enjoy exclusive ownership of this problem – with all of its risks and its current $87 billion-plus cost to the American taxpayer.
    •• Здесь, как и во многих других случаях употребления этого слова, наиболее подходящий вариант перевода – ответственность:
    •• <...> Вашингтон будет и впредь нести исключительную ответственность за эту проблему со всеми ее рискованными последствиями и ценой свыше 87 миллиардов долларов, которую заплатит американский налогоплательщик.
    •• Сам же термин появился лет пять-семь назад в связи с деятельностью ПРООН. Речь идет о том, что страны, в которых осуществляются программы или проекты ООН, не должны выступать лишь в роли получателя помощи, а должны иметь реальную возможность влиять на ход работы. Кроме вариантов ответственность стран/ национальная ответственность, переводчиками ООН предлагались также заинтересованное/деятельное участие стран, искренняя заинтересованность стран, причастность и т. д.
    •• Примеры употребления этого слова наводят на мысль о том, что мода на него связана с некоторой лакуной в английском языке: отсутствием дифференциации в слове independence – это и независимость (прежде всего политическая), и самостоятельность. Такая недифференцированность заставляет пишущих искать другие слова. Во многих случаях контекстуальные варианты со словами самостоятельно, самостоятельность могут подойти в переводе. Пример из статьи в Los Angeles Times:
    •• Once established, the assembly would assign a commission to prepare Iraq’s new constitution. With nationwide town hall meetings providing a forum for grass-roots participation in debating and modifying the constitution, the process would enable the Iraqi people to have ownership of the outcome.
    •• Здесь, пожалуй, возможны варианты со словами причастность, контроль, но ближе всего к намерению автора – позволит иракскому народу самостоятельно определять результат этого процесса. Несколько вольнее – чувствовать себя хозяином своей судьбы (здесь теряется outcome, а это существенно).
    •• (Кстати, town hall meetings – как видим, это словосочетание употребляется не только как чисто американская реалия. Вполне адекватным в данном случае мне кажется вариант собрание общественности.)
    •• Еще один пример того, что слово ownership встречается не только в специфическом «международно-чиновничьем» употреблении и не только в сочетании country ownership и может закономерно, как выразился бы Я.И. Рецкер, переводиться при помощи русских слов самостоятельность или контроль, – высказывание министра иностранных дел Иордании, процитированное в журнале Newsweek:
    •• Reform is needed in the Arab world, we agree on that. But for it to work, we need ownership of the process, not a one-for-all blueprint from Washington. – Мы должны иметь контроль над этим процессом или Нам нужна самостоятельность в рамках этого процесса, а не стандартное решение, навязываемое Вашингтоном.
    •• Кроме country ownership есть еще и total ownership. Вот замечательный фрагмент из книги Боба Вудворда Plan of Attack:
    •• Monday, Jan. 13, Powell and Bush met in the Oval Office. The president was sitting in his regular chair in front of the fireplace, and the secretary was in the chair reserved for the visiting leader or most senior U.S. official. For once, neither Cheney nor Rice was hovering.
    •• <...> The president said he had made up his mind on war. The United States should go to war.
    ••You’re sure?” Powell asked.
    •• Yes, said Bush.
    •• You understand the consequences,” Powell said in a half question. <...> “You know that you’re going to be owning this place?” Powell said, reminding Bush of what he had told him at a dinner the previous August in which Powell had made the case against military action in Iraq. An invasion would mean assuming the hopes, aspirations and all the troubles of Iraq. Powell wasn’t sure whether Bush had fully understood the meaning and consequences of total ownership.
    •• But I think I have to do this, the president said.
    •• Right, Powell said.
    •• You’re going to be owning this place – русское слово владеть здесь совсем не подходит. Видимо, фразу Пауэлла можно было бы, учитывая последующее, перевести так: Вы понимаете, что будете отвечать за все? Total ownership – полная ответственность.
    •• Вообще мало что так способствует обогащению языка, как полемика по острым политическим проблемам. В США главной из них в последние годы, безусловно, является иракская война. Среди языковых новаций, связанных с ней, – the Pottery Barn rule.
    •• Цитирую по National Public Radio ту же книгу Вудворда Plan of Attack:
    •• According to a new book by Washington Post journalist Bob Woodward, Powell was supportive of the war in public in an effort to win international support. But he was also concerned about the complications of a war. Woodward wrote that behind the scenes, Powell used language from one of Tom Friedman’s columns in referring to the Pottery Barn ruleof foreign policy. That is: “you break it, you own it.
    •• ( Pottery Barn – магазин типа «для дома, для семьи», среди прочего торгует керамикой, посудой, стеклом. Таким образом, Pottery Barn rule – что-то вроде правила посудной лавки). Смысл «правила» вроде бы прост: разбил – плати. Однако не все так просто – и в жизни, и в переводе.
    •• Автор статьи в Washington Post Уильям Распбери, упомянув это «правило» (the so-called Pottery Barn rule invoked by Secretary of State Colin Powell in his prewar advice to President Bush), дальше пишет: And what, finally, of the you break it, you own it imperative ( which Pottery Barn says is not its policy)?
    •• Проверка в Интернете подтверждает, что магазин ни при чем:
    •• Responding to Colin Powell’s use of the phrase “The Pottery Barn Rule” to refer to the rule “You break it, you own it,” Williams-Sonoma, parent of Pottery Barn, has issued a press release stating that its policy is in fact to write-down breakage. Более того: The State Department <...> issued a statement yesterday indicating that it did not intend to cast aspersions on the Pottery Barn mark.
    •• Да и перевод плати при ближайшем рассмотрении оказывается не лучшим вариантом, ведь Пауэлл имел в виду не только чисто финансовые последствия, но и то, что, пойдя на военные действия, администрация берет на себя ответственность за целую страну. Итак, перевод Разбил – плати верен лишь отчасти. Хотя слово платить имеет и переносный смысл (отвечать за последствия), в переводе этой фразы лучше так и сказать: Разбил/сломал – отвечай ( за последствия).

    English-Russian nonsystematic dictionary > ownership

  • 15 Marey, Etienne-Jules

    b. 5 March 1830 Beaune, France
    d. 15 May 1904 Paris, France
    French physiologist and pioneer of chronophotography.
    At the age of 19 Marey went to Paris to study medicine, becoming particularly interested in the problems of the circulation of the blood. In an early communication to the Académie des Sciences he described a much improved device for recording the pulse, the sphygmograph, in which the beats were recorded on a smoked plate. Most of his subsequent work was concerned with methods of recording movement: to study the movement of the horse, he used pneumatic sensors on each hoof to record traces on a smoked drum; this device became known as the Marey recording tambour. His attempts to study the wing movements of a bird in flight in the same way met with limited success since the recording system interfered with free movement. Reading in 1878 of Muybridge's work in America using sequence photography to study animal movement, Marey considered the use of photography himself. In 1882 he developed an idea first used by the astronomer Janssen: a camera in which a series of exposures could be made on a circular photographic plate. Marey's "photographic gun" was rifle shaped and could expose twelve pictures in approximately one second on a circular plate. With this device he was able to study wing movements of birds in free flight. The camera was limited in that it could record only a small number of images, and in the summer of 1882 he developed a new camera, when the French government gave him a grant to set up a physiological research station on land provided by the Parisian authorities near the Porte d'Auteuil. The new design used a fixed plate, on which a series of images were recorded through a rotating shutter. Looking rather like the results provided by a modern stroboscope flash device, the images were partially superimposed if the subject was slow moving, or separated if it was fast. His human subjects were dressed all in white and moved against a black background. An alternative was to dress the subject in black, with highly reflective strips and points along limbs and at joints, to produce a graphic record of the relationships of the parts of the body during action. A one-second-sweep timing clock was included in the scene to enable the precise interval between exposures to be assessed. The fixed-plate cameras were used with considerable success, but the number of individual records on each plate was still limited. With the appearance of Eastman's Kodak roll-film camera in France in September 1888, Marey designed a new camera to use the long rolls of paper film. He described the new apparatus to the Académie des Sciences on 8 October 1888, and three weeks later showed a band of images taken with it at the rate of 20 per second. This camera and its subsequent improvements were the first true cinematographic cameras. The arrival of Eastman's celluloid film late in 1889 made Marey's camera even more practical, and for over a decade the Physiological Research Station made hundreds of sequence studies of animals and humans in motion, at rates of up to 100 pictures per second. Marey pioneered the scientific study of movement using film cameras, introducing techniques of time-lapse, frame-by-frame and slow-motion analysis, macro-and micro-cinematography, superimposed timing clocks, studies of airflow using smoke streams, and other methods still in use in the 1990s. Appointed Professor of Natural History at the Collège de France in 1870, he headed the Institut Marey founded in 1898 to continue these studies. After Marey's death in 1904, the research continued under the direction of his associate Lucien Bull, who developed many new techniques, notably ultra-high-speed cinematography.
    Principal Honours and Distinctions
    Foreign member of the Royal Society 1898. President, Académie des Sciences 1895.
    1860–1904, Comptes rendus de l'Académie des Sciences de Paris.
    1873, La Machine animale, Paris 1874, Animal Mechanism, London.
    1893, Die Chronophotographie, Berlin. 1894, Le Mouvement, Paris.
    1895, Movement, London.
    1899, La Chronophotographie, Paris.
    Further Reading
    ——1992, Muybridge and the Chronophotographers, London. Jacques Deslandes, 1966, Histoire comparée du cinéma, Vol. I, Paris.
    BC / MG

    Biographical history of technology > Marey, Etienne-Jules

  • 16 Service Quality Metrics

    "Technology a user can enable that allows data relating to application use/performance/errors to be collected and sent to Microsoft, thus allowing Microsoft to continue to improve the product based on actual user data."

    English-Arabic terms dictionary > Service Quality Metrics

  • 17 SQM

    "Technology a user can enable that allows data relating to application use/performance/errors to be collected and sent to Microsoft, thus allowing Microsoft to continue to improve the product based on actual user data."

    English-Arabic terms dictionary > SQM

  • 18 восстановление (в информационных технологиях)

    1. 2. remediation
    2. 1. recovery


    восстановление (в информационных технологиях)
    1. (ITIL Service Design) (ITIL Service Operation)
    Возврат конфигурационной единицы или ИТ- услуги в рабочее состояние. Восстановление ИТ- услуги часто включает восстановление данных к известному стабильному состоянию. После собственно восстановления может возникнуть потребность в дополнительных мероприятиях, необходимых для того, чтобы ИТ-услуга стала доступной для пользователей (восстановление).

    2. (ITIL Service Transition)
    Действия, выполняемые для восстановления после неуспешного изменения или релиза. Исправление может включать в себя возврат к предыдущему состоянию, применения планов по непрерывности услуг или другие действия, направленные на возобновление бизнес-процесса.
    [Словарь терминов ITIL версия 1.0, 29 июля 2011 г.]


    1. recovery
    (ITIL Service Design) (ITIL Service Operation)
    Returning a configuration item or an IT service to a working state. Recovery of an IT service often includes recovering data to a known consistent state. After recovery, further steps may be needed before the IT service can be made available to the users (restoration).

    2. remediation
    (ITIL Service Transition)
    Actions taken to recover after a failed change or release. Remediation may include back-out, invocation of service continuity plans, or other actions designed to enable the business process to continue.
    [Словарь терминов ITIL версия 1.0, 29 июля 2011 г.]



    • 1. recovery
    • 2. remediation

    Русско-английский словарь нормативно-технической терминологии > восстановление (в информационных технологиях)

  • 19 технологии для автоматизации

    1. automation technologies


    технологии для автоматизации

    Параллельные тексты EN-RU

    Automation technologies: a strong focal point for our R&D

    Технологии для автоматизации - одна из главных тем наших научно исследовательских разработок

    Automation is an area of ABB’s business with an extremely high level of technological innovation.

    Автоматика относится к одной из областей деятельности компании АББ, для которой характерен исключительно высокий уровень технических инноваций.

    In fact, it may be seen as a showcase for exhibiting the frontiers of development in several of today’s emerging technologies, like short-range wireless communication and microelectromechanical systems (MEMS).

    В определенном смысле ее можно уподобить витрине, в которой выставлены передовые разработки из области только еще зарождающихся технологий, примерами которых являются ближняя беспроводная связь и микроэлектромеханические системы (micro electromechanical systems MEMS).

    Mechatronics – the synthesis of mechanics and electronics – is another very exciting and rapidly developing area, and the foundation on which ABB has built its highly successful, fast-growing robotics business.

    Еще одной исключительно интересной быстро развивающейся областью и в то же время фундаментом, на котором АББ в последнее время строит свой исключительно успешный и быстро расширяющийся бизнес в области робототехники, является мехатроника - синтез механики с электроникой.

    Robotic precision has now reached the levels we have come to expect of the watch-making industry, while robots’ mechanical capabilities continue to improve significantly.

    Точность работы робототехнических устройств достигла сегодня уровней, которые мы привыкли ожидать только на предприятиях часовой промышленности. Большими темпами продолжают расти и механические возможности роботов.

    Behind the scenes, highly sophisticated electronics and software control every move these robots make.

    А за кулисами всеми перемещениями робота управляют сложные электронные устройства и компьютерные программы.

    Throughout industry today we see a major shift of ‘intelligence’ to lower levels in the automation system hierarchy, leading to a demand for more communication within the system.

    Во всех отраслях промышленности сегодня наблюдается интенсивный перенос "интеллекта" на нижние уровни иерархии автоматизированных систем, что требует дальнейшего развития внутрисистемных средств обмена.

    ‘Smart’ transmitters, with powerful microprocessors, memory chips and special software, carry out vital operations close to the processes they are monitoring.

    "Интеллектуальные" датчики, снабженные высокопроизводительными микропроцессорами, мощными чипами памяти и специальным программно-математическим обеспечением, выполняют особо ответственные операции в непосредственной близости от контролируемых процессов.

    And they capture and store data crucial for remote diagnostics and maintenance.

    Они же обеспечивают возможность измерения и регистрации информации, крайне необходимой для дистанционной диагностики и дистанционного обслуживания техники.

    The communication highway linking such systems is provided by fieldbuses.

    В качестве коммуникационных магистралей, связывающих такого рода системы, служат промышленные шины fieldbus.

    In an ideal world there would be no more than a few, preferably just one, fieldbus standard.

    В идеале на промышленные шины должно было бы существовать небольшое количество, а лучше всего вообще только один стандарт.

    However, there are still too many of them, so ABB has developed ‘fieldbus plugs’ that, with the help of translation, enable devices to communicate across different standards.

    К сожалению, на деле количество их типов продолжает оставаться слишком разнообразным. Ввиду этой особенности рынка промышленных шин компанией АББ разработаны "штепсельные разъемы", которые с помощью средств преобразования обеспечивают общение различных устройств вопреки границам, возникшим из-за различий в стандартах.

    This makes life easier as well as less costly for our customers. Every automation system is dependent on an electrical network for distributing – and interrupting, when necessary – the power needed to carry out its various functions.

    Это, безусловно, не только облегчает, но и удешевляет жизнь нашим заказчикам. Ни одна система автоматики не может работать без сети, обеспечивающей подачу, а при необходимости и отключение напряжения, необходимого для выполнения автоматикой своих задач.

    Here, too, we see a clear trend toward more intelligence and communication, for example in traditional electromechanical devices such as contactors and switches.

    И здесь наблюдаются отчетливо выраженные тенденции к повышению уровня интеллектуальности и расширению возможностей связи, например, в таких традиционных электромеханических устройствах, как контакторы и выключатели.

    We are pleased to see that our R&D efforts in these areas over the past few years are bearing fruit.

    Мы с удовлетворением отмечаем, что научно-исследовательские разработки, выполненные нами за последние годы в названных областях, начинают приносить свои плоды.

    Recently, we have seen a strong increase in the use of wireless technology in industry.

    В последнее время на промышленных предприятиях наблюдается резкое расширение применения техники беспроводной связи.

    This is a key R&D area at ABB, and several prototype applications have already been developed.

    В компании АББ эта область также относится к числу одной из ключевых тем научно-исследовательских разработок, результатом которых стало создание ряда опытных образцов изделий практического направления.

    At the international Bluetooth Conference in Amsterdam in June 2002, we presented a truly ‘wire-less’ proximity sensor – with even a wireless power supply.

    На международной конференции по системам Bluetooth, состоявшейся в Амстердаме в июне 2002 г., наши специалисты выступили с докладом о поистине "беспроводном" датчике ближней локации, снабженном опять-таки "беспроводным" источником питания.

    This was its second major showing after the launch at the Hanover Fair.

    На столь крупном мероприятии это устройство демонстрировалось во второй раз после своего первого показа на Ганноверской торгово-промышленной ярмарке.

    Advances in microelectronic device technology are also having a profound impact on the power electronics systems around which modern drive systems are built.

    Достижения в области микроэлектроники оказывают также глубокое влияние на системы силовой электроники, лежащие в основе современных приводных устройств.

    The ABB drive family ACS 800 is visible proof of this.

    Наглядным тому доказательством может служить линейка блоков регулирования частоты вращения электродвигателей ACS-800, производство которой начато компанией АББ.

    Combining advanced trench gate IGBT technology with efficient cooling and innovative design, this drive – for motors rated from 1.1 to 500 kW – has a footprint for some power ranges which is six times smaller than competing systems.

    Предназначены они для двигателей мощностью от 1,1 до 500 кВт. В блоках применена новейшая разновидность приборов - биполярные транзисторы с изолированным желобковым затвором (trench gate IGBT) в сочетании с новыми конструктивными решениями, благодаря чему в отдельных диапазонах мощностей габариты блоков удалось снизить по сравнению с конкурирующими изделиями в шесть раз.

    To get the maximum benefit out of this innovative drive solution we have also developed a new permanent magnet motor.

    Стремясь с максимальной пользой использовать новые блоки регулирования, мы параллельно с ними разработали новый двигатель с постоянными магнитами.

    It uses neodymium iron boron, a magnetic material which is more powerful at room temperature than any other known today.

    В нем применен новый магнитный материал на основе неодима, железа и бора, характеристики которого при комнатной температуре на сегодняшний день не имеют себе равных.

    The combination of new drive and new motor reduces losses by as much as 30%, lowering energy costs and improving sustainability – both urgently necessary – at the same time.

    Совместное использование нового блока регулирования частоты вращения с новым двигателем снижает потери мощности до 30 %, что позволяет решить сразу две исключительно актуальные задачи:
    сократить затраты на электроэнергию и повысить уровень безотказности.

    These innovations are utilized most fully, and yield the maximum benefit, when integrated by means of our Industrial IT architecture.

    Потенциал перечисленных выше новых разработок используется в наиболее полной степени, а сами они приносят максимальную выгоду, если их интеграция осуществлена на основе нашей архитектуры IndustrialIT.

    Industrial IT is a unique platform for exploiting the full potential of information technology in industrial applications.

    IndustrialIT представляет собой уникальную платформу, позволяющую в максимальной степени использовать возможности информационных технологий применительно к задачам промышленности.

    Consequently, our new products and technologies are Industrial IT Enabled, meaning that they can be integrated in the Industrial IT architecture in a ‘plug and produce’ manner.

    Именно поэтому все наши новые изделия и технологии выпускаются в варианте, совместимом с архитектурой IndustrialIT, что означает их способность к интеграции с этой архитектурой по принципу "подключи и производи".

    We are excited to present in this issue of ABB Review some of our R&D work and a selection of achievements in such a vital area of our business as Automation.

    Мы рады представить в настоящем номере "АББ ревю" некоторые из наших научно-исследовательских разработок и достижений в такой жизненно важной для нашего бизнеса области, как автоматика.

    R&D investment in our corporate technology programs is the foundation on which our product and system innovation is built.

    Вклад наших разработок в общекорпоративные технологические программы группы АББ служит основой для реализации новых технических решений в создаваемых нами устройствах и системах.

    Examples abound in the areas of control engineering, MEMS, wireless communication, materials – and, last but not least, software technologies. Enjoy reading about them.
    [ABB Review]

    Это подтверждается многочисленными примерами из области техники управления, микроэлектромеханических систем, ближней радиосвязи, материаловедения и не в последнюю очередь программотехники. Хотелось бы пожелать читателю получить удовольствие от чтения этих материалов.
    [Перевод Интент]



    Русско-английский словарь нормативно-технической терминологии > технологии для автоматизации

  • 20 1. recovery

    1. восстановление (в информационных технологиях)


    восстановление (в информационных технологиях)
    1. (ITIL Service Design) (ITIL Service Operation)
    Возврат конфигурационной единицы или ИТ- услуги в рабочее состояние. Восстановление ИТ- услуги часто включает восстановление данных к известному стабильному состоянию. После собственно восстановления может возникнуть потребность в дополнительных мероприятиях, необходимых для того, чтобы ИТ-услуга стала доступной для пользователей (восстановление).

    2. (ITIL Service Transition)
    Действия, выполняемые для восстановления после неуспешного изменения или релиза. Исправление может включать в себя возврат к предыдущему состоянию, применения планов по непрерывности услуг или другие действия, направленные на возобновление бизнес-процесса.
    [Словарь терминов ITIL версия 1.0, 29 июля 2011 г.]


    1. recovery
    (ITIL Service Design) (ITIL Service Operation)
    Returning a configuration item or an IT service to a working state. Recovery of an IT service often includes recovering data to a known consistent state. After recovery, further steps may be needed before the IT service can be made available to the users (restoration).

    2. remediation
    (ITIL Service Transition)
    Actions taken to recover after a failed change or release. Remediation may include back-out, invocation of service continuity plans, or other actions designed to enable the business process to continue.
    [Словарь терминов ITIL версия 1.0, 29 июля 2011 г.]



    • 1. recovery
    • 2. remediation

    Англо-русский словарь нормативно-технической терминологии > 1. recovery

См. также в других словарях:

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  • Support arms — Support Sup*port , v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Supported}; p. pr. & vb. n. {Supporting}.] [F. supporter, L. supportare to carry on, to convey, in LL., to support, sustain; sub under + portare to carry. See {Port} demeanor.] 1. To bear by being under; to …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Supported — Support Sup*port , v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Supported}; p. pr. & vb. n. {Supporting}.] [F. supporter, L. supportare to carry on, to convey, in LL., to support, sustain; sub under + portare to carry. See {Port} demeanor.] 1. To bear by being under; to …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Supporting — Support Sup*port , v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Supported}; p. pr. & vb. n. {Supporting}.] [F. supporter, L. supportare to carry on, to convey, in LL., to support, sustain; sub under + portare to carry. See {Port} demeanor.] 1. To bear by being under; to …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

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  • Germany — /jerr meuh nee/, n. a republic in central Europe: after World War II divided into four zones, British, French, U.S., and Soviet, and in 1949 into East Germany and West Germany; East and West Germany were reunited in 1990. 84,068,216; 137,852 sq.… …   Universalium

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  • china — /chuy neuh/, n. 1. a translucent ceramic material, biscuit fired at a high temperature, its glaze fired at a low temperature. 2. any porcelain ware. 3. plates, cups, saucers, etc., collectively. 4. figurines made of porcelain or ceramic material …   Universalium

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